[Wicked K Games] Advanced Character Portfolio evolving, what would you like to see?

Product Discussion

Many months ago we released the Advanced Character Portfolio as a set of sheets based on the suggestions of the users of this awesome forum. With the release of two major new books by Paizo, we are updating and giving the ACP a facelift as well.

This is being worked on now. We have learned a lot about designing and form fields since it's release, and will be adding the rest of the form fields first.

We would like to know what you'd like to have added?

Link to the product (the preview should be fixed shortly).

Link to the original release thread.

The preview is fixed! :D

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

It looks neat, but I can't see it well enough to tell what's on it!

I would like to see more fillable sheets. For example,the used for the eidolon or for spells.

Tivilio - Unfortunately I cannot enable the full screen preview, sorry. :\ The flash preview prevents the pdf from being easily copied. What I can do is tell you all about the current content and what I plan on changing (if you're interested).

LordNull - First order of business is to finish filling the form boxes available. just to be clear, would you like more sheets to be fillable on the PC, more sheets that apply to different classes (like the subclass options), both, or none of the above? Thanks!

The Exchange

I hadn't known about this one previous to now... but when you're done updating, I'm sure to get one after reading the reviews at the site!

More fillable sheets on the PC.That way if anythings changes they can just fill it out and print. Thanks

Any reason Combat Maneuver Bonus says "Combat Maneuver Base" on most of the sheets?

Armond D' Aramitz wrote:
Any reason Combat Maneuver Bonus says "Combat Maneuver Base" on most of the sheets?

Typo... something small I missed. Thanks for the catch.

Wicked K Games wrote:
Armond D' Aramitz wrote:
Any reason Combat Maneuver Bonus says "Combat Maneuver Base" on most of the sheets?
Typo... something small I missed. Thanks for the catch.

BTW They look great. However the base save entry on the auto calc don't seem to work properly.

Armond D' Aramitz wrote:
Wicked K Games wrote:
Armond D' Aramitz wrote:
Any reason Combat Maneuver Bonus says "Combat Maneuver Base" on most of the sheets?
Typo... something small I missed. Thanks for the catch.
BTW They look great. However the base save entry on the auto calc don't seem to work properly.

Thanks, I'm still learning with the auto-calc. One major frustration is that tabbing over is required to update the spots. I'll admit I've stepped away from java scripting, but I hope to learn more soon.

I just learned how to do layers. :D Hopefully this will have some interesting uses!

The Exchange

I've just downloaded this and it looks absolutely fabulous. Probably the most customizable and all-inclusive char sheet I've ever seen for any game system ever. And I really love how active you've been in listening to feedback and adjusting accordingly.

However...it's all a little overwhelming to be quite honest. I almost feel like I could use a small text file or word doc or something explaining how all the parts work...when do I use the "front solitary" and when do I use the "front summary" and what parts work with which and so on.

I don't generally consider myself unintelligent, but I feel like I could use some guidance. I doubt I'm the only one.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I liked the original, but i no longer remember all the details. Though I am pretty sure I reviewed it and gave feedback in the old thread.

As for new stuff. How about doing the dishes and the laundry, i would really love it. If it would do that.

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