Megan's Curse of the Crimson Throne Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Thanks for that, Risdin.

Go fight your dog :)

Male Impoverished Student 2/Amateur Chef 3

Looking over the number of people in game, I think that I'll hold off on joining. Fun a game as it looks, I'm not a big of huge groups.
Good luck fighting Lamm folks =]

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

OK. Might be persuaded to run something else, given as I am having a wonderful time... see if you can round up a party of the size you like and ask!

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12
Megan Robertson wrote:
OK. Might be persuaded to run something else, given as I am having a wonderful time... see if you can round up a party of the size you like and ask!

I'd love to get a party to play council of thieves if you're up for that.

I'm also having fun in your game so far. Would love to be involved in another if there is space.

Arc, how many players do you think would be the right amount?

I think 4 players is the perfect fit. 3 if the players know what they are doing.

It would be really cool if you started a Serpent Skull game, since I already run a Council of Thieves game so I know the plot. If you're dead set on Council of Thieves then i will bow out :D

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Well, that's a possibility.

I have all the APs up to Kingmaker #4, only I'm playing a Kingmaker game so they are staying unread on my hard drive. I just went and added the Serpent Skull Player Guide to my downloads, I'll take a look at that and the campaign overview and see if it all appeals.

Thing is, I think I prefer DMing to playing...

Male Human Traveler / 8

Just peeking in over here:

I'd love an opportunity at Council of Thieves if such a game opened up. Or another Curse of the Crimson Crown. Or Legacy of Fire. :)

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

I'm already playing SS game but if CofT count me in and I can recruit more.

What about Legacy of Fire then?

I'd be very keen on Legacy of Fire as well.

My girlfriend would join Legacy of Fire or Second Darkness in the blink of an eye :)

Serpent Skull would be very playable too (as I already have a really cool background story for a character that I'd like to play).

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

Rise of the Runelords - Played through on Tabletop
Curse of the Crimson Throne - PbP currently
Second Darkness - Playing on Tabletop now
Legacy of Fire - PbP currently
Council of Thieves - Nothing
Kingmaker - PbP Currently
Serpents Skull - PbP currently.

As you can see I've been very fortunate to experience all of the AP's except Council of Thieves. While I would like to play it as well, I certainly can't complain if you guys decide to play something else. Maybe I'll try to get one started on the recruiting thread if we go another way.

I would happily throw in for another game with a smaller group. I've played/dm'd most of RotRL, some of the first chapter of CotCT, but other than that haven't had any experience with the Paizo APs.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

All right. Looks like Council of Thieves or Legacy of Fire.

Please chip in with which you'd like to play. First to four participants goes, well, first.

Me, LoreKeeper, and his girlfriend are all in for Legacy of Fire. We are all GMT + 2

Seconded xiN's call for Legacy of Fire

Dark Archive

Pick me pick me for Legacy of Fire ^_^
Btw I am Lorekeeper's girlfriend

Male Human Traveler / 8

Legacy of Fire!

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

OK, that's four for Legacy of Fire: xiN, LoreKeeper, Endraca and Wander Weir.

Look out for Megan's Legacy of Fire thread which I am about to scuttle off and start, and you may sort out your characters.

As for the rest, are there at least four who'd like to play Council of Thieves?

Male Human Traveler / 8
Megan Robertson wrote:
As for the rest, are there at least four who'd like to play Council of Thieves?

Scranford started a Council of Thieves Player's thread in the Gamer Connection forum:

Council of Thieves Group

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

If you're willing to run the game i will find you 5 good players with backgrounds presented as a party

I'm not sure if we lost Pierre, but he is taking a while to respond. Risdin also can't do anything until he channels or heals me somehow.

Is it possible for you to play Pierre until (if?) he returns?

Liberty's Edge

Just lurking and wanted to let you know I'm enjoying the action and characters so far!

And ... O.O ... didn't see that Zellara head thing coming! Ze plot, she thickenz!

P.S.: If you ever need an extra character, I have a ready-to-go concept that involves an ex- Korvosan Guard medic who is now a cleric of Pharasma.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Thank you, Talbanus.

If Pierre drops out, I'll look at your character as a possible replacement.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Talbanus - looks like we may need a healer, are you still interested? If so, I'll write you in.

Liberty's Edge

Megan Robertson wrote:
Talbanus - looks like we may need a healer, are you still interested? If so, I'll write you in.

Megan, I am still interested!

Here are my two character concepts:

Dionydus "Doc" Hallaway, ex-medic for the Korvosan Guard and newly minted cleric of Pharasma.

Kedjel "Kedj" Krung, ex-trapper from the areas between the Jegare and Falcon Rivers. Kedj saw 'the light of Old Deadeye' and is now a wandering cleric of the stag-headed god.

As you can probably guess, Doc is a city boy, while Kedj is a rustic.

Let me know:

1.) Which of these two you think will fit better in this adventure path (I dont know anything about it other than what I've read in the Player's Guide and your game).
2.) If you want me to take one of my traits from the Player's Guide (may make no sense now that Lamm has been dealt with). I'll wait to finish Doc's and/or Kedj's backgrounds until I know if you want me to work one of these traits in as the hook to get my character involved.



My vote goes to Doc! :D

+1 for Doc.

Male Human Wizard (Illusionist) 2 / Cleric2

If it affects your choice keep in mind that Hytogg next level will begin with his levels of Cleric of Nethys, alternating with Wizard levels. (Heading towards Mystic theurge). Might affect some of you choices as I will have some clerical abilities and spells as well.

Ah yes, I forgot about that. That means that with Risdin (the paladin)'s ability to do healing and channels at later levels we've got a pretty solid grasp on our health-needs. With Una and Vic we've got 5 players with no painful lack of class abilities. (Or 4, I'm not entirely sure if Vic is playing or not.)

Then it's really just about Megan if she feels more comfortable with a bigger party, or whether she'd rather invite William to her next game. I'm open-minded about either options - Megan's shown that she's super adaptable; I'd be just as happy with the current group as with a bigger party.

Haha! I completely forgot about my(Risdins) healing since I dont have it till next level.

Liberty's Edge

Shakhan wrote:

Ah yes, I forgot about that. That means that with Risdin (the paladin)'s ability to do healing and channels at later levels we've got a pretty solid grasp on our health-needs. With Una and Vic we've got 5 players with no painful lack of class abilities. (Or 4, I'm not entirely sure if Vic is playing or not.)

Then it's really just about Megan if she feels more comfortable with a bigger party, or whether she'd rather invite William to her next game. I'm open-minded about either options - Megan's shown that she's super adaptable; I'd be just as happy with the current group as with a bigger party.

Ahhh, forsoothe! In that case, I might best augment the group's capabilities with


Your hearts shall be filled with courage and your faces with broad smiles as Korvosa's foremost singing and dancing sensation helps you to win the day, win your beloved's heart, or maybe just win a free meal!!!

What else does this fine dark-haired lad bring to the party? I'm glad you've asked, my friend! Not only is he a vocalist beyond compare, he also is quite knowledgeable of the peoples and places of this fine city, be they on the pinnacle of The Heights, in the lowest dive of Old Korvosa, or anywhere in between! What's that? There's more? You bet your lucky Varisian coin there is, good folk! This gentleman is not only nimble in mind, but in tongue as well! Need to deal with a scion of one of the the Great Houses? Then Cresston is your man! You need to do some quick explaining to some of the the Hellknights of Severs DiVri? The man with the voice of an angel can speak to them in the devils' own tongue! You need to track down some goods that 'made there way' into the local Varisian gypsy community? No problem while Master Croft is upon the job!

So, don't wait, snap up the services of Cresston the Magnificent before this book-smart, street-savvy, nimble-footed sensation accepts one of the other numerous offers available to such a paragon of talent!!!

((See, Shakhan, you should have just let me play Doc ... ;^p))

Human Crossbow Weapon Master 4 / Sniper Rogue 2 / Hunter 2


"Heh, paragon of talent indeed."

Male Human Wizard (Illusionist) 2 / Cleric2

Actually another cleric would be great. Hytogg is not great at undead, and any CHA based skills, and he'll always be at least 3 levels light of what a cleric should be at the appropriate level. Just saying we should probably work together to make sure we have all the cleric stuff covered. As a Cleric of the god of Magic, the normal cleric stuff is going to be far from Hytogg's mind.

Hytogg wrote:
Actually another cleric would be great. Hytogg is not great at undead, and any CHA based skills, and he'll always be at least 3 levels light of what a cleric should be at the appropriate level. Just saying we should probably work together to make sure we have all the cleric stuff covered. As a Cleric of the god of Magic, the normal cleric stuff is going to be far from Hytogg's mind.

Yes, but I am great against undead and have good charisma. Our healing combined is more than enough.

Still Megan's choice though.

((See, Shakhan, you should have just let me play Doc ... ;^p))

hahahaha - I like Cresston too! And a bard would *also* bring a bit of healing to the party, as well as a dapper face to brighten the day.

Still Megan's pick :)

Male Human Wizard (Illusionist) 2 / Cleric2

No problem. Just didn't want him to abandon cleric if that's what he wanted to play thinking we'd have too many.

Liberty's Edge


Here's the link to the nearly-finished Cresston, Minstrel-Extraordinaire!

I need to add in his cantrips and maybe a couple more pieces of gear and I think he's good to go. Let me know if there's anything you want changed. I can also shoot you his background story via e-mail or a spoiler here, if you'd like.


Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

I think Cresston sounds rather fun... it happens I like bards, and am actually working on a book about them for Raging Swan Press at the moment!

Have you been following the game? We could meet you en route to that noble lad's Cliffside house...

Liberty's Edge

Megan Robertson wrote:

I think Cresston sounds rather fun... it happens I like bards, and am actually working on a book about them for Raging Swan Press at the moment!

Have you been following the game? We could meet you en route to that noble lad's Cliffside house...

Yep, been following the game daily! Cresston has knowledge-nobility (+6), so maybe he knows (or at least knows of) the fellow that the group just rescued.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

In which case, Cresston, stand by to meet the group as they head towards Cliffside... you do know the fellow in question.

male Human (Chelaxian ancestors) Bard 2
Megan Robertson wrote:
In which case, Cresston, stand by to meet the group as they head towards Cliffside... you do know the fellow in question.

Huzzah! I will prepare an appropriate introduction!

Excellent :D

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Please note that I have a job interview tomorrow (Monday) so will not be online until I get back.

Liberty's Edge

Megan Robertson wrote:
Please note that I have a job interview tomorrow (Monday) so will not be online until I get back.

Hope it went well!

Ya, I hope so too :)

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Thanks, folks. Interview went OK, now waiting to hear...

And in the meantime, Master Croft, it is time to make your appearance in game.

male Human (Chelaxian ancestors) Bard 2
Megan Robertson wrote:

Thanks, folks. Interview went OK, now waiting to hear...

And in the meantime, Master Croft, it is time to make your appearance in game.

*Squeals like a school girl seeing her first boy-band* So happy to have joined you all! It's been 7 years since I've done a PbP and I've missed the writing a ton! So glad to be giving the 'other side' of my brain some exercise (I r a ing-uh-near in real life ... so ... yeah ... not a lot of right brain creativity happening for me at my work place ...) ;-p

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Thank you for coming to play!

Welcome aboard! :) Now let's go find us some random encounter!

...or better yet, a place to rest. Getting properly healed and recovering rage rounds would be sweet right now. Shakhan has gone through a lot today.

male Human (Chelaxian ancestors) Bard 2
Shakhan wrote:

Welcome aboard! :) Now let's go find us some random encounter!

...or better yet, a place to rest. Getting properly healed and recovering rage rounds would be sweet right now. Shakhan has gone through a lot today.

Ack! I must have read poorly! Was Shakhan still suffering from lethal damage?

Also, sorry for not posting for a couple of days. Work was busy treating me like a baby treats a diaper. :(

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