Mauvais - Crimson Throne DM |

Barrdyn, I looked over Pierre, and the only issue I can see is that his CMB should be -1 and his CMD should be 11. (perhaps his -1 STR penalty was overlooked?)
Everything else about his sheet looks terrific.
Well, guys, I know there are still a couple of (very) small loose ends to wrap up, but I'm jonesin' to start. Look for the first IC post in a little while! :)

Pierre Bergadot |

Barrdyn, I looked over Pierre, and the only issue I can see is that his CMB should be -1 and his CMD should be 11. (perhaps his -1 STR penalty was overlooked?)
Everything else about his sheet looks terrific.
Well, guys, I know there are still a couple of (very) small loose ends to wrap up, but I'm jonesin' to start. Look for the first IC post in a little while! :)
Bah, I think I calculated his CMB/CMD before dropping the Strength, that's what went wrong. I will update it tonight.

Shakhan |

Something that might be worthwhile: Pathfinder PbP GooglePage Template
Navior is GMing a serpent skull pbp that I've just joined, and he uses the template to keep track of character details (though the actual pbp-ing still happens on the Paizo forums). It looks good and is really easy to use and edit. Might make it easier to keep track of combat-maps, area maps, loot, NPCs, etc :)

Papa-DRB |

Give Mauvais till next Tuesday, August 30th to show up. That would be the two week mark. If he does not post by then, I will volunteer to run this PbP if you will have me.
Couple of things.
I am an experienced table top DM, however I have never done a PbP, although I ran several PBeM through Yahoo groups, so for a while things might be a bit rocky as I get the handle on this.
Also, it would take a week for me to sort out who is what and where you are and to modify (ie. simplify somewhat) the Chapters for CotCT so it is setup for a PbP (PBeM), and my wife and I are "away" for the summer till school starts the Tuesday after Labor Day (6 September) and she gets right annoyed with me if I spend too much time online during vacation.
-- david

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Good day, all.
I have offered to DM this game for y'all, and PapaDRB is happy with that.
Who would like to continue?
I'll set 1 September as the (re)start date (time to reread the AP!).
Are you comfortable with a minimum of daily posting? Does anyone have work or life patterns which would make this difficult?
Please let me know if you need to be away for more than a couple of days, the rest of us will do our best to keep you safe...
I intend to pick up from where the game ground to a halt if that's all right with you.

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xiN, I'd be happy to have you. Please read the Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide which is available as a free PDF download here, and create yourself a character of 1st level.

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A name change will take about a week to effect (says the webmaster) but it is only a cosmetic change, links will not be affected.
The reason I wanted to go with a name change is that the introduction/set-up has already been done IC, so it makes more sense to carry on... and wandering off elsewhere always runs the risk of losing folk who don't realise you've moved!
Mudin Ironhand, come on in we'll find a corner for your halfling. But he'd better behave...

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And we're off!
But it is now 7pm in England and dearly beloved wants to ply me with alcohol.
Newcomers - would you like to assume that you have been there all along, pop up an introductory post of what you look like and what you care to reveal to the others, and just join in as we begin to assault the fishery?
I acknowledge it's a bit of a bodge and apologise now to everyone for it - not my DM style at all - but given the OOC circumstances it's probably better to get things rolling and you involved. However, if you are not happy with that, I'll write you in properly but it may take a while.
More in the/my morning!

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What, more?
Pop over to the IC thread and see what's going on.
Yes, you got a similar introduction from Zellara as the main party did, but it took the both of you rather longer to arrive at the old fishery (perhaps you had other matters to attend to before you went looking for the place) and when you get there the front door has been kicked in and there's a woman trying to kick a side door open (you may arrive just in time to see her prat-fall).
Pitch on in, and let the others know what you look like on first interaction - you can introduce yourselves to them IC.

Risdin Arramack |

Just a suggestion to current players:
I use an RSS reader (FeedReader 3.14) to read both this and the game thread. I set it to update within 3 minutes of a post happening. It makes waiting less tedious since I dont have to go to the threads and refresh the whole time, and it also means I can reply faster.
The game thread's RSS url is:
http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/community/gaming/playByPost/mauvaisCur seOfTheCrimsonThroneIC&xml=atom