History: Vic was born and raised in the slums of Korvosa, his mother a scullery servant in one of the South Shore’s posh estates. His father was a former longshoreman given over to drink and inveterate gambling, burning through what little money the family made. As a result Vic’s youth was a difficult one full of want and neglect. Early into his teens, he fell in with a group of local toughs, doing odd jobs for Gaedren Lamm. The work seemed easy enough, even exciting, and for the first time in his life he had coin in his pocket and could afford to dress in clothes that didn’t have visible holes. So despite his parents concern, Vic was happy with the arrangement, and it was only of late that he’d begun to question the fairness of the cuts and whether there was any real future in sticking with the old man long term. Such thinking led to where it usually does when Lamm is concerned -- with Vic lying bleeding and left for dead on a Korvosa dock after a botched job that looked for all the world like a setup.
Personality: Having spent so many years on the Korvosa streets and the fringes of its underworld, Vic has a somewhat skewed sense of morality. He has no qualms with lying, thieving, and cheating, provided a person is smart, fast, and clever enough to get away with it. After all, a sucker deserves to have his purse lightened, and if it’s not you taking advantage, then it’d just be someone else.
For all that, he still sees himself as a good person, smart, savvy, and loyal to his friends and benefactors. Others, particularly those not use to Korvosa’s seedier side, are apt to view him as rather cocky, overly cynical, and given to overestimating his actual abilities.
Motivation: Vic never liked Lamm much but respected the old man for introducing him to the trade. Whatever debt he owed him, however, died the night he was betrayed and left for dead and he now looks forward to the day he can repay that favor.
Appearance: Short, slight, with wavy dark hair, green eyes, and a face still boyish despite his wish to look hard and cunning.