Is This Magic Item Priced Reasonably?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Dark Archive

What the title says.

This is a custom item that I intend to send the PCs after in an upcoming campaign (this weekend).

I may not even count the item against their wealth-by-level because it's so situational, but if you were me - would you price this item differently?

Aura moderate enchantment; CL 7th
Slot –; Price 10,000 gp; Weight
Any creature seated on this mossy stone throne is immune to an assassin’s death attack (and to similar attacks of the same name) for as long as he is seated. Additionally, the creature gains a +2 luck bonus on all saving throws, and a +8 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate skill checks made to influence fey creatures.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, good hope

Question: is this an item that a PC would be able to strap to his bottom so he can gain the benefits while still adventuring, otherwise, it's a very limited use item for a PC party (as you have said), and likely something they would sell. With that in mind, rather than worrying about balancing out the price of this one item, just make it worth whatever the PCs need it to be worth in order to sell it and gain the requisite amount of treasure out of the quest as they should get. If you don't count it against wealth-by-level, then you're going to end up giving the PCs more treasure than they "should" have.

What the lizard said. The cost of this item would be entirely dependent on how portable it is.

Hope this helps

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

A huge portion of the cost has to be associated with its portability. As it currently weighs nothing its probably way to cheap.

As a baseline though you have a +2 bonus (other than resistance) type bonus to save as an item that does not occupy a magic item slot. That's 2^2*2000*2 or 16,000gp just for the bonus to saves.

The bonus vs. assassin's death attack and the bonus to skill checks (though they should be typed) are pretty specific ability so they could be heavily discounted.

I'd tally the skill bonus as an 8 rank bonus (assuming competence, double the cost again if its untyped or something else) squared multiplied by 100gp, multiplied by 2 to cover 2 skills, and multiplied by 2 again for being slotless. Or 2*2*(8^2*100) or 25,600 gp. Then I'd apply discounts for only being usable against a single creature type. Probably somewhere around -75%. I'd waive the increased cost of being an extra magic attribute because you had to pay for the slotless bonus already so you aren't saving any space by having two bonuses on one item. Coming out to 6,400 gp.

The immunity against assassin death attacks only applies when seated. And its pretty darn specific. This is really a shot in the dark, but I'd use the cost of this ability to round it off to a nice clean number. Bringing the total to 24,000 gp.

If the object weighs a ton (200+ lbs) or requires you to be seated for any of the abilities to work then you could apply a hefty discount (another -50%) or so bring it down to 12,000 gp.

That's my assessment anyhow.

The weight and portability are vital and you can't price it without them.

Most thrones begin with an artistic or cultural value. Its not so impressive if the king sits on a camp chair. If its a seat carved into the rock of a powerful or prestigious site it can't really be moved at all.

I like Maezer's assessment and he's only 2k more than you. Whats really missing is the size and weight.


I think that, even it is semiportable (like a very heavy chair/armchair) it still hard to use in most situations so I would price it at around 12 000 gp (as per Maezer calculations) - PCs had to make effort to carry it and only gain benefit while sitting it it (which makes any combat difficult at best) and cut to mere 6000 if cannot be moved with extreme effort (e.g. PCs take a few days to transport it to their stronghold/base of operation and set it permanently there).

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