Hot Half-Orc Chick

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Silver Crusade

In mine, although none of the races are constrained by absolute stereotypes, if orcs have a "hat" it's hotblooded passion and determination. They're the youngest of the major races, so it's almost as if they feel they have something to prove.

They comprise most of the "savage" primitive tribes still active, thriving in spite of the advantages many other cultures would seem to have over them.

But they also, by way of those who have turned to more sedentary civilization and higher learning and totally ran across the field with it, are the ones on the cutting edge of technology. They're on the verge of working out a form of steam technology and automated transport, in fact.

Give an elven engineer a problem and he'll get around to it eventually. Maybe dwell on it.

Give an orcish engineer a problem and he'll tear the place apart rigging together a solution even if it kills him.

Orcs don't shoot for perfect aesthetics. Orcs aren't bound by tradition. Orcs get @#$% done.

Generally speaking in terms of stereotypes, of course.

These orcs being a bit closer to WoW orcs in looks and demeanor(in my defense, even before WoW), half-orcs are much more common, and their origins are hardly tragic as a standard. Starting town in my homebrew had half-orcs for around a third of the population, in fact.

I also support the fact that Half Orcs can be hot. :D

Dark Archive

hida_jiremi wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

I will say this, as much as some might cringe at WoW influencing pop-fantasy culture, their (current) take on orcs is my all time favorite for the race. Hell, it's the closest I've seen to how they exist in my homebrew.

I'm actually a big fan of the orcs from Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire. They're green and piggish because they're porcine the same way humans are primates; that is, they have a similar relationship with boars and wild pigs as humans do with apes and monkeys. They're savannah-dwelling herbivores with a strong tribal culture, slightly poor vision, good scent, and serious bad attitudes

Jeremy Puckett

I like the Sovereign Stone orcs, who a somehow descended from orcas.

Silver Crusade

David Fryer wrote:
I like the Sovereign Stone orcs, who a somehow descended from orcas.

Wait what whoa

How did that work out? Like the Darfellans from Stormwrack?

Is Sovereign Stone that line Weis and Hickman put out, with the Elmore covers?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
David Fryer wrote:
I like the Sovereign Stone orcs, who a somehow descended from orcas.


Though, more seriously, it's not that huge a stretch to think about. Most cetaceans were originally land mammals before they went back into the oceans. If you look at a whale's skeleton, it has hip bones and vestigial legs, so it's not too strange to imagine a cetacean species that stayed on land and eventually spawned a semi-humanoid descendant. No stranger than any other humanoids, anyway. =3

Jeremy Puckett

Dark Archive

Mikaze wrote:

Is Sovereign Stone that line Weis and Hickman put out, with the Elmore covers?

Yep, that's it. It is a book series as well. In that setting, most races have ties to the various elements. Orcs are tied to the element of water and are expert sailors among other things.

Dang it I was thinking about having orcish pirates in my campaign setting but someone has done it before.

Silver Crusade

doctor_wu wrote:
Dang it I was thinking about having orcish pirates in my campaign setting but someone has done it before.

Eh, everything's been done already! You just have to put your own spin on it!

Dark Archive

Go for it Doctor Wu Orcish pirates are going to be the rage everywhere. May as well be a ahead of the trend.

I really like that idea of Orcs being tied to the element of water and being expert sailors. Very interesting I will need to pick up the book and steal some of that stuff for my own world.

Theft after all they say is the most sincern form of flattery.

My drow are redesigned and inspired by voodoo, the Roma, and the Italian mafia, but are from a tropical climate. They are surface dwellers. I think I subconsciously took the locale from Eberron. A player pointed that out when I was explaining their place in the homebrew setting.

Halflings are still super-friendly and good spirited, but they are extremely industrious and devoted to their individual trades. In fact, so much so to the point that they don't find governments necessary. They go wherever their goods sell and set up shop, so they don't have their own lands (they just post up on the outskirts of other races cities where they sell things).

Orcs are still "savage" in the traditional sense, with their tribal customs and warrior culture, but they are realizing that the other races are leaving them behind and are scrambling into a renaissance. There was an uprising of necromancers that sought to take over a particular kingdom, and when the humans and dwarves hooked up to decide what to do about it, the orcs popped in and demanded "the honor" of serving as a frontline. They handled the whole thing themselves and now they maintain those posts and get imported equipment direct from the dwarves.

Every game I've played (with the exception of a short Eberron stint) we have visited the elves first, and they never change. None of the races change. The game starts to lose luster after you see the same ol' folks every time you play. But then there's the chance of losing players because of displaced expectations. "Those aren't ELVES!" [shrug]

Folks, may I refer you to this little reference?. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Charles Scholz wrote:

Hot Half-Orc Chick

Who is she? Is she a new Iconic?

Whoa. I think you need to look above her neck before you go calling her "hot." Plus, she's all musclely like one of those female body builders. I also saw Hida_jiremi say dwarven women are hot. That's just deviant.

Haters gonna hate.

Sir Groklok Cobblerpuncher III wrote:
Haters gonna hate.


I'm not threatened by strong women, so I'm happy to add green to the mix.

That new iconic babe is hot, I'd tap it.

Silver Crusade

Shifty wrote:
Sir Groklok Cobblerpuncher III wrote:
Haters gonna hate.


I'm not threatened by strong women, so I'm happy to add green to the mix.

That new iconic babe is hot, I'd tap it.

It seems a certain iconic agrees on that point.

Mikaze wrote:
It seems a certain iconic agrees on that point.

A man after my own heart.

Bravo that chap, bravo.

Liberty's Edge

Mikaze wrote:
Shifty wrote:

I'm not threatened by strong women, so I'm happy to add green to the mix.

That new iconic babe is hot, I'd tap it.

It seems a certain iconic agrees on that point.

*slow applause* Bravo, fandom. Bravo.

Jeremy Puckett

Dark Archive

our iconic inquisitor is basically a half-orc female non-vampire version of alucard from hellsing with a bow instead of a pair of guns...

Liberty's Edge

ulgulanoth wrote:
our iconic inquisitor is basically a half-orc female non-vampire version of alucard from hellsing with a bow instead of a pair of guns...

Wouldn't it be a lot easier just to compare her to von Helsing himself?

Silver Crusade

NSFW, but here's an interesting, insanely and improbably rambling thread about orc language and culture that has some stuff well worth mining.

Don't let the first ten or so posts fool you. Magic happens pretty deep into the thread.

I'm totally swiping their "history tusk" idea and sky funerals for my non-evil Golarion orcs.

Lyrax wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
our iconic inquisitor is basically a half-orc female non-vampire version of alucard from hellsing with a bow instead of a pair of guns...
Wouldn't it be a lot easier just to compare her to von Helsing himself?

I defaulted to Monty Python's Spanish Inquisition crossed with Vampire Hunter D personally.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Mikaze wrote:
Don't let the first ten or so posts fool you. Magic happens pretty deep into the thread.

That summation could rightly be expanded to /tg/ in general.

Roagh wrote:

Yep, that is my love, Imrijka the iconic Half-Orc Inquisitor.

No background info on her yet, but she does kick ass.

lovesick sigh...

oh that's her name. I knew she was the half-orc inquisitor from the APG but didn't quite know her name.

Silver Crusade

Hydro wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Don't let the first ten or so posts fool you. Magic happens pretty deep into the thread.
That summation could rightly be expanded to /tg/ in general.

True. True...

I'm going to take a wild guess that the hotness factor comes into play because low cut iron bustier covering her boobs.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Pathos wrote:
I'm going to take a wild guess that the hotness factor comes into play because low cut iron bustier covering her boobs.

Note to Paizo: casting leather to iron on a sexy corset does not a breastplate make.

The point of armor is to COVER those parts. So that you don't, you know, get stabbed in them.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Hydro wrote:
Pathos wrote:
I'm going to take a wild guess that the hotness factor comes into play because low cut iron bustier covering her boobs.

Note to Paizo: casting leather to iron on a sexy corset does not a breastplate make.

The point of armor is to COVER those parts. So that you don't, you know, get stabbed in them.

This is however a Fantasy genre game.

Merchant: "Of course men's leather armor. Women's leather armor pretty much amounts to any attractive outfit that has one or more leather items in it. I once sold a winsom young lass a leather headband that was more effective then plate."

I love OotS!!!

Of course I remember the total uproar THIS cover made when it came out.

"OMG!!! How dare they use beefcake on my cover! Blasphemy!!!"

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Pathos wrote:

Of course I remember the total uproar THIS cover made when it came out.

"OMG!!! How dare they use beefcake on my cover! Blasphemy!!!"

There was? For real? That's hilarious!

Shadow Lodge

Hydro wrote:
The point of armor is to COVER those parts. So that you don't, you know, get stabbed in them.

You are obviously unaware of the mathmatical theory behind the chainmail bikini theory of armor. Please also note that although the term "chainmail bikini" is used throughout this post, this can apply to many different types of armor. The minimal breastplate [literally, in that it (barely) covers just the breasts], the thin leather strip worn as a top...all of these can be considered "armor".

The chainmail bikini theory of armor states that for armor that emphasizes sex appeal over actual protection, distraction/envy is as much of a factor in the increased protection as the normal deflection of regular armor. The typical horny barbarian, when confronted with a good looking woman wearing a chainmail bikini, is distracted by his own lusty thoughts to the point where his attacks are less effective than usual. For those who prefer the opposite sex from the person wearing the chainmail bikini, feelings of envy and jealousy elicit much the same result.

Mechanics: Chainmail bikinis (and similar "armors") provide the same AC as the regular armor upon which they are based, minus 2 for the reduced coverage. However, they also gain a few benefits: the maximum dexterity bonus increases by 1, the armor check penalty is reduced by 1, and the arcane spell failure chance is decreased by 10%. In addition, the wearer can add a distraction bonus to their AC equal to their Charisma bonus. In the case of a Charisma penalty, this becomes a revulsion penalty (making them easier to hit).

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Kthulhu wrote:
Hydro wrote:
The point of armor is to COVER those parts. So that you don't, you know, get stabbed in them.

You are obviously unaware of the mathmatical theory behind the chainmail bikini theory of armor. Please also note that although the term "chainmail bikini" is used throughout this post, this can apply to many different types of armor. The minimal breastplate [literally, in that it (barely) covers just the breasts], the thin leather strip worn as a top...all of these can be considered "armor".

The chainmail bikini theory of armor states that for armor that emphasizes sex appeal over actual protection, distraction/envy is as much of a factor in the increased protection as the normal deflection of regular armor. The typical horny barbarian, when confronted with a good looking woman wearing a chainmail bikini, is distracted by his own lusty thoughts to the point where his attacks are less effective than usual. For those who prefer the opposite sex from the person wearing the chainmail bikini, feelings of envy and jealousy elicit much the same result.

Mechanics: Chainmail bikinis (and similar "armors") provide the same AC as the regular armor upon which they are based, minus 2 for the reduced coverage. However, they also gain a few benefits: the maximum dexterity bonus increases by 1, the armor check penalty is reduced by 1, and the arcane spell failure chance is decreased by 10%. In addition, the wearer can add a distraction bonus to their AC equal to their Charisma bonus. In the case of a Charisma penalty, this becomes a revulsion penalty (making them easier to hit).

What is the sourse for this theory? Please remember to site references! ;P

I have seen different mechanics, so we need to be clear on what source material we are using here.

Shadow Lodge

Lord Fyre wrote:
What is the sourse for this theory? Please remember to site references.

That would be my own demented brain.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Kthulhu wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
What is the sourse for this theory? Please remember to site references.
That would be my own demented brain.

Fortunately, you are an Elder God, so that is sufficient reference.

But, you might have wanted to consider ...


#34- Law of Probable Attire- Clothing in anime follows certain predictable guidelines: Female characters wear as little clothing as possible, regardless of whether it is socially or meteorologically appropriate. Any female with an excessive amount of clothing will invariably have her clothes ripped to shreds or torn off somehow. If there is no opportunity to tear off aforementioned female’s clothes, then she will inexplicably take a shower for no apparent reason (also known as the Gratuitous Shower Scene).

Whenever there is a headwind, Male characters invariably wear long cloaks that don’t hamper movement and billow out dramatically behind them.

First Corollary (Cryo-Adaptability)- All anime characters are resistant to extremely cold temperatures, and do not need to wear heavy or warm clothing in snow.

Second Corollary (Indecent Invulnerability)- Bikinis render the wearer invulnerable to any form of damage.

Kthulhu wrote:
Hydro wrote:
The point of armor is to COVER those parts. So that you don't, you know, get stabbed in them.

You are obviously unaware of the mathmatical theory behind the chainmail bikini theory of armor. Please also note that although the term "chainmail bikini" is used throughout this post, this can apply to many different types of armor. The minimal breastplate [literally, in that it (barely) covers just the breasts], the thin leather strip worn as a top...all of these can be considered "armor".

The chainmail bikini theory of armor states that for armor that emphasizes sex appeal over actual protection, distraction/envy is as much of a factor in the increased protection as the normal deflection of regular armor. The typical horny barbarian, when confronted with a good looking woman wearing a chainmail bikini, is distracted by his own lusty thoughts to the point where his attacks are less effective than usual. For those who prefer the opposite sex from the person wearing the chainmail bikini, feelings of envy and jealousy elicit much the same result.

Mechanics: Chainmail bikinis (and similar "armors") provide the same AC as the regular armor upon which they are based, minus 2 for the reduced coverage. However, they also gain a few benefits: the maximum dexterity bonus increases by 1, the armor check penalty is reduced by 1, and the arcane spell failure chance is decreased by 10%. In addition, the wearer can add a distraction bonus to their AC equal to their Charisma bonus. In the case of a Charisma penalty, this becomes a revulsion penalty (making them easier to hit).

starts latest Cthulhu cult

Liberty's Edge

Pathos wrote:
I'm going to take a wild guess that the hotness factor comes into play because low cut iron bustier covering her boobs.

And because she's green, and ripped. All positive things in my book. =D

Jeremy Puckett

Silver Crusade

And people still wonder why She-Hulk has a following. ;)

After a few months away from the boards, I come back to find that particular link. Yow. I now have a new wallpaper for my personal computer.

Paizo, please keep giving us adventurers that defy the 'must be pretty' trend the feckless executives keep pushing on the public. We don't want hour-glass bimbos of V-shamed jocks, please continue to grant us heroes that are more than fap-material.

*bows deeply*

HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:

please continue to grant us heroes that are more than fap-material.

Speak for yourself, I happen to like women with strong builds and even stronger personalities.

On the subject of 'hot orcs' Yes, I think Orcs can be hot, to be perfectly honest, I think that a great many races can be hot if done right. I've even found pictures of Bearded Dwarven Women that are absolutely smoking.

Then again, I'm very very strange.

vp21ct wrote:
HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:

please continue to grant us heroes that are more than fap-material.

Speak for yourself, I happen to like women with strong builds and even stronger personalities.

On the subject of 'hot orcs' Yes, I think Orcs can be hot, to be perfectly honest, I think that a great many races can be hot if done right. I've even found pictures of Bearded Dwarven Women that are absolutely smoking.

Then again, I'm very very strange.

Um, I think he's agreeing with you. He's asking for more women with strong builds ;p

perhaps I should have bolded 'Fap-material'.

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