Malaclypse |

You can keep your backhanded insults where the sun doesn't shine
What insult?
Someone getting upset just because of people using a certain word on the internet makes the probability that this person will actually contribute to the thread rather small. If just using this word gets people with flaring tempers to ignore the thread, this is a step towards a clearheaded, factual discussion of the topic at hand. I cannot see how this is supposed to be a bad thing.

Moro |

A Man In Black wrote:Out of steam for now. Next up is the artificer.All of your rantings and ravings seem like inane tripe and dribble. Not to mention the way you dismiss people who might disagree with you in some way. Oh and By the way... yes you DID READ the intro!
"NO U!"
Feel better now?

magnuskn |

magnuskn wrote:Malaclypse wrote:magnuskn wrote:Malaclypse wrote:How would avoiding the word 'broken' help?Because it is so damn overused that I instantly dismiss any thread which includes the word in its title.Great, this means its working, keeps the thread on topic and the trolls away.
Thanks for your feedback.
You can keep your backhanded insults where the sun doesn't shine. But okay, you are already in that select group of people who cannot help themselves but post in that "I demand that my will be obeyed!" style which starts more flamewars on this board than anything else. Have fun.
Can we get an ignore function, PLEASE?
Now wait...of the two of you, which one just posted something along the lines of "I dislike it, it annoys me, therefore thou shalt not use teh wordz or else"??
I would argue that it is just such an attitude as your own that starts the flamewars.
The biggest lesson to be learned on the Paizo boards over the last few months is that apparently what is okay for the fanboys is not okay for the critics.
Oh, hai, ai'm a fanboi! ^^ "Fanboy" is another of those trite words which get thrown around so much that they've lost any meaning.
And criticism of the system is not the bloody problem. There are aspects of Pathfinder which still don't work well for me, like the restant SoD spells or Blink or the better alternate favourite class abilities making it mechanically worse to pick certain races for your character.
But it is all in the way one does express those problems one has with the system. If you go into a thread with a gigantic chip on your shoulder and all your posts read like "The system SUCKS! And the developers SUCK, TOO! Because they didn't fix the system as I, memememeME! wanted it to be!" then you are asking for flames. The people who are now whining about persecution don't get that it's not about the flaws they are pointing out, but about their own attitude while doing so.

Moro |

Oh, hai, ai'm a fanboi! ^^ "Fanboy" is another of those trite words which get thrown around so much that they've lost any meaning.
And criticism of the system is not the bloody problem. There are aspects of Pathfinder which still don't work well for me, like the restant SoD spells or Blink or the better alternate favourite class abilities making it mechanically worse to pick certain races for your character.
But it is all in the way one does express those problems one has with the system. If you go into a thread with a gigantic chip on your shoulder and all your posts read like "The system SUCKS! And the developers SUCK, TOO! Because they didn't fix the system as I, memememeME! wanted it to be!" then you are asking for flames. The people who are now whining about persecution don't get that it's not about the flaws they are pointing out, but about their own attitude while doing so.
I have seen perhaps one or two threads that read to me as if they were written in such a tone as you describe (this thread certainly NOT being one of them). Just because you perceive something as crossing some sort of unwritten line of politeness doesn't mean that it is so, or that it was intended as such.
Also, if you regularly read threads and find that they elicit an emotional reaction, and then justify your flaming because "they were asking for it" then yes, you most likely are a fanboy.

magnuskn |

I have seen perhaps one or two threads that read to me as if they were written in such a tone as you describe (this thread certainly NOT being one of them). Just because you perceive something as crossing some sort of unwritten line of politeness doesn't mean that it is so, or that it was intended as such.
Also, if you regularly read threads and find that they elicit an emotional reaction, and then justify your flaming because "they were asking for it" then yes, you most likely are a fanboy.
I actually flame very seldomly and normally only if provoked by a personal insult or someone being really, really rude.
And I think I got a pretty good handle on what constitutes polite conversation and what constitutes getting in someones face. It's not as I am some 16 year old kid.

Moro |

Moro wrote:I have seen perhaps one or two threads that read to me as if they were written in such a tone as you describe (this thread certainly NOT being one of them). Just because you perceive something as crossing some sort of unwritten line of politeness doesn't mean that it is so, or that it was intended as such.
Also, if you regularly read threads and find that they elicit an emotional reaction, and then justify your flaming because "they were asking for it" then yes, you most likely are a fanboy.
I actually flame very seldomly and normally only if provoked by a personal insult or someone being really, really rude.
And I think I got a pretty good handle on what constitutes polite conversation and what constitutes getting in someones face. It's not as I am some 16 year old kid.
I am happy for you that you are the be-all, end-all authority as to what sort of tone is acceptable and what is not.
You only continue to make my point for me, which is that these "staunch defenders of Paizo's virtue" suffer from the same sort of self-centered worldview that they accuse others of having.

magnuskn |

I am happy for you that you are the be-all, end-all authority as to what sort of tone is acceptable and what is not.You only continue to make my point for me, which is that these "staunch defenders of Paizo's virtue" suffer from the same sort of self-centered worldview that they accuse others of having.
And now you are putting words in my mouth. Where did I presume to tell that my point of view is the ultimate correct one? I just think that I got a pretty good handle in recognizing rude speech. Of course I can put an "IMO" in the front and end of every thing I post, but that gets tedious.
You know what, I'm done with you. You are clearly spoiling for a fight and trying to validate your persecution complex from the evil, evil "Paizo fanboys". You might want to try out the Gaming Den, you'll get much validation over there.

![]() |

houstonderek wrote:Tell Roy I miss him. He was much more entertaining (and insightful) than MiB.I wish I could get him to playtest our houserules... he'd find the loopholes in about 18 seconds, so that I could go ahead and plug them now (just ahead of Release 2.0).
Of course during the process the words "Paizil", "Pathfailure" "Bulmahn's anus" and "****tard* would be used around 100 times each. But hey, masochism is a way of life.

magnuskn |

jreyst wrote:Ugh. Can't we all just get along and discuss the point of the thread?I'm not sure I remember (or ever knew) what the point of this thread was, exactly.
MiB doing a poor Hunter S. Thompson impression on the APG. Read Matt Taibbi if you want to see how it's done right. Too bad Taibbi wouldn't even know about the APG. :p

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Kirth Gersen wrote:Of course during the process the words "Paizil", "Pathfailure" "Bulmahn's anus" and "****tard* would be used around 100 times each. But hey, masochism is a way of life.houstonderek wrote:Tell Roy I miss him. He was much more entertaining (and insightful) than MiB.I wish I could get him to playtest our houserules... he'd find the loopholes in about 18 seconds, so that I could go ahead and plug them now (just ahead of Release 2.0).
I never said he wasn't more rude, just more entertaining and insightful.

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I started reading this thread and thought it interesting to see someone with negative views on the APG, as everyone I know who's read it likes it.
And then it just became filled with posts by people yelling YOU'RE A TROLL AND AN IDIOT FOR NOT SHARING MY OPINION AND NOT HAVING A FAIR AND BALANCED STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS RAR and I really couldn't be bothered to read them all so if there were some other thoughtful replies that I missed sorry for not noting that.
Okay, he's being stream-of-consciousness-y and not concerned about polite fairhandedness. Well, he never claimed this was anything more than 'what runs through my head as I read the book'.
I have come away from this thread with these thoughts:
I liked the APG for SUMMONER, also witch and alchemist are sorta cool, and there are some neat feats and all those fiddly little items some people like (I was one of those people when I started gaming), and also there are fun spells like create an acid-filled pit under someone that then _eats them_ and one to telekinetically bludgeon your enemies with another enemy. Sweet.
However, I focused on stuff that appealed to me and didn't really think about the rest. I can see where he's coming from on 'fiddly little bonuses'... I'm the kind of person who'll take every fiddly little bonus I can get, but some people want as little bookkeeping as possible, and maybe we could have done with trimmed down fluff and a general rule saying 'You can move little bonuses like this around'. A nicer format for choose-your-class-abilities-from-a-menu _would_ be nice, but didn't strike me as essential. I didn't really look at classes besides the Summoner and Alchemist so I can't speak to them... The complaint about cavalier being a more generic paladin I don't necessarily see as a problem... Maybe some of us want to play a paladin-like class devoted to something other than the paladin's code and lawful goodness? (Although, I would have solved this problem with variant paladins)
So, it's nice to get a fresh viewpoint. What I don't get is everyone yelling at him for not doing what he never promised to do in the first place. I hope you haven't gotten him to quit posting, I'm curious to see what he thinks of the rest of the book.