Synthesist / Magus Gestalt Character


My friend is starting a Pathfinder Campaign soon and has invited me to play. This will be the first time I've ever played Pathfinder but I'm not stranger to D&D 3.5.

There are only 3 PCs total so we are running a Gestalt game. I would like some help building the character I have in mind as far as stats and feats.

I love the idea of a Synthesist wearing "living armor" and makes me think of a Witchblade type character so I'd like to build from that. Was thinking of coupling it with Magus.

Starting stats numbers are 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8 to be placed wherever. Was thinking of:

Str 8
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 16
Wis 14
Cha 18

Which would give me using a Biped Eidolon:

18 + 2 from Eidolon Ability Increase Evolution
18 + 2 from Racial Ability Increase

I'm sold on the Synthesist part but if there's a better combination than Magus to go with it, I'm open to suggestions. Any help with complimentry feats, spells, traits, would be helpful. We start at level 1. It will be a very low magic campaign so don't include magical items and such. The first 10 leves layout would be helpful.

Thanks in advance.

Well Magus is quite a MAD class, also a little "squishy" for a frontliner, so Synthesist, which not only replaces the PC's Physical Ability Scores but also adds the Eidolons hit points as well. Double win! The vast amount of buff spells on the Summoners list is just gravy.

If it's low magic then going Bladebound may be a good idea.

The Bladebound class looked interesting but I think I'd end up with more attacks per round if I use the Eidolon's Natural attacks and evolutions. Also considered the Kensai. But giving up spells per day and Arcane Points as well as Spell Recall seems like a terrible trade off.

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