Sykris |
My friend is starting a Pathfinder Campaign soon and has invited me to play. This will be the first time I've ever played Pathfinder but I'm not stranger to D&D 3.5.
There are only 3 PCs total so we are running a Gestalt game. I would like some help building the character I have in mind as far as stats and feats.
I love the idea of a Synthesist wearing "living armor" and makes me think of a Witchblade type character so I'd like to build from that. Was thinking of coupling it with Magus.
Starting stats numbers are 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8 to be placed wherever. Was thinking of:
Str 8
Dex 10
Con 12
Int 16
Wis 14
Cha 18
Which would give me using a Biped Eidolon:
18 + 2 from Eidolon Ability Increase Evolution
18 + 2 from Racial Ability Increase
I'm sold on the Synthesist part but if there's a better combination than Magus to go with it, I'm open to suggestions. Any help with complimentry feats, spells, traits, would be helpful. We start at level 1. It will be a very low magic campaign so don't include magical items and such. The first 10 leves layout would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.