New creature idea for Isle of Dread

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Had a dream last night that I was a PC on the Isle of Dread, and the rest of my party was captured by a tribe worshipping Demogorgon. The PC's were fed to anacondas, then the anacondas heads were cut off and tied up tight and hung on a huge rack(picture huge sausage links). Then they inscribed different symbols and tattoos on the bloated hanging snakes while chanting spells and the like. After a while they left them alone to ripen in the sun for a couple days. I went over and started to cut one open with my sword and a creature that looked distantly reminescent to my adventuring companion leapt out at me, gaunt and covered with scales a forked tongue snake eyes but unliving. It was pretty disturbing and thought it would be a cool creature idea for STAP. If anyone wants to use it make up some stats and name it be my guest just felt like sharing.

Kind of an undead halfbrood yuan-ti?
Nice >:)

Seldriss wrote:

Kind of an undead halfbrood yuan-ti?

Nice >:)

Yes, but i wanted it to be a bit more unique then just giving an undead template to a halfbreed yaun-ti. It's just one of those things were the dream probably seemed alot better to me than what i could explain. Kinda reminds me of the ritual to make a skinwalker, I loved the imagery of the bloated anaconda and emerging from it is a scaly undead version of your adventuring companion


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Hmmm, sounds like fun :)

You could maybe start with the Juju zombie template, and add snakiness.

carborundum wrote:

Hmmm, sounds like fun :)

You could maybe start with the Juju zombie template, and add snakiness.

Juju Zombie did come to mind.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

And a sprinkling of Ghoul...

...or Mummy! Starting to get an idea now...:-)

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