...About That Baby Owlbear

Age of Worms Adventure Path

What have you done with the baby owlbear that the PCs find in chapter one? The module says that the Owlbear can be sold and can't really be a companion, but would it be appropriate to let a druid use it as an animal companion?

What have you done and what have your players done?

My players traded it for a Raise Dead to resurrect the PC who got killed by the baby's mother ;)

Owlbears can be trained, so I see no reason a Druid wouldn't be able to keep it for possibly making it his animal companion once it grew older. However, as a baby still, I wouldn't let it be his companion until it did grow older.

I wouldn't object to a player wanting to train the owlbear as a companion, but the time constraints of the AP won't really allow the druid to use his pet.

One of the players tried to keep it but it became obvious that it would not be a great idea there are no rangers or druids in the party).

They sent them into the wild to make their fortune.

no rangers and druids in my group either. The dwarf pcs decided to leave it in the care of the Greysmere Covenant while they went to Blackwall. Upon their return, they found that the dwarves stationed there decided it looked way too tasty to not roast and eat.

Thanks for the responses! My party (with a druid) released it into the wild...

My players simply butchered it, using it as target practice. They almost fainted when they learnt later of its sale value.

One of my players' lizardfolk PC kept it for a while, wanted to sell it and insisted on RPing the haggling, then gave up in a huff when I therefore had the guy who could have bought it offer a ridiculously low first offer rather than make a correspondingly high counter-offer that would have ended up getting him the suggested price. So he decided to keep it, named it Albert (pronounced the french way, a-la "Colbert Report" so that it sort of sounds like "owlbear"), then forgot about it while they were raiding Filge's observatory. Forgot to look for it when they came out too. Little Albert wandered off while they were in the observatory and hasn't been seen since.


TheWhiteknife wrote:
no rangers and druids in my group either. The dwarf pcs decided to leave it in the care of the Greysmere Covenant while they went to Blackwall. Upon their return, they found that the dwarves stationed there decided it looked way too tasty to not roast and eat.

Poor little Oscar...

Spaetrice wrote:
TheWhiteknife wrote:
no rangers and druids in my group either. The dwarf pcs decided to leave it in the care of the Greysmere Covenant while they went to Blackwall. Upon their return, they found that the dwarves stationed there decided it looked way too tasty to not roast and eat.
Poor little Oscar...

He was deliscious. The dwarves pan roasted him with a portobello sauce with some creme frieze

My PCs actually stabilized the mother after dropping her to negative hp. So I figured the baby would stay with the mother as long as it was alive. I also figured the mother, once regaining lost hp through natural healing would move on to greener pastures. I was actually looking foward to how the party would deal with the baby, but they threw me a curve ball. Again. :)


justin vacula wrote:

What have you done with the baby owlbear that the PCs find in chapter one? The module says that the Owlbear can be sold and can't really be a companion, but would it be appropriate to let a druid use it as an animal companion?

What have you done and what have your players done?

I'm thinking of possibly introducing an owlbear into the campaign that will come in a pivotal moment to help the PCs and possibly serve as an animal companion to the druid in the party. The group is now level 15 and earlier in the campaign they let the baby owlbear into the woods. The group is currently in the Prince of Redhand chapter.

What do you think?

One of my players (elven ranger) adopted it as his companion-to-be and left it in the stable while they went to do TFoE underneath the town.
When they returned the baby owlbear had disappeared, stolen by... Balabar Smenk! When they sent the militia to his mansion they found the ripped-off paw of poor Plumey (as it was named).
Later on Plumey's corpse attacked its former "master" with a bunch of others undead (including Kullen & co) as retribution...

Balabar is still at large but I intend to give them closure in the near future and take revenge on him for all the hardship that befell on them.

my cleric of Vecna animated both the mother and the baby as zombies and they were very useful.

I rp'd a story so that the church of vecna sent me to find this group of heretics and destroy them. Needless to say the church of hyro-ninny kept a close eye on me but that's all right. I know a secret that they don't

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