Anyone have any interest in Eclipse Phase?

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Just what it says, anyone have any interest in this? I was in a player elsewhere and the game just died the PBP death but was enjoying it till then.

So far they have released, the core book, the GM screen and today sunward. All can be downloaded free as they are creative commons. If ya like em buy and all that.

Ideally I was seeing if anyone had an interest in running the game as I run to many to take on yet another game, but I would also like to see who else is here that likes the game

I adore the game, but I haven't gotten the chance to try it out.

I've read the website description and I'm interested. Question: where can you download the rules for free?

Any torrent site is legal to share it on. Also Rob Boyle one of the writers and designers of the game has posted it on his site here

Just a great setting

heh, so our grand total is maybe 3 :)

I might be interested. I have the main book, but I am still learning the rules. If we start this game, I would problably start with a pregen character.

Lorm Dragonheart wrote:
I might be interested. I have the main book, but I am still learning the rules. If we start this game, I would problably start with a pregen character.

Yeah, it's just another percentile system at it's heart. You can play Dark Heresy, you can play this. Other than maybe combat, character generation is really the hardest part, and a decent character generator can help with that.

Oh, and if someone who wants to run comes along I'll be glad to play.

Add me to someone that would play, but like the OP, I have too much on my plate to run it right now.

Sweet that brings us to six.


It's awesome. Bought a copy of the Sunward supplement yesterday.

I have the PDF, but plan to pick up a hard copy. I find the whole thing superb. The guys at PHS really put out a hell of a game.

I'm willing to run the game, is everyone still up for it?

I'm game. You got sunward yet? Great book with loads of info on the inner system.

As an Shadowrun fan I followed Boyle and Jury to EP and finally just got the hardcover and am awaiting Sunward. Loving the Core book,mechanics and the setting. Really wanna try and squeeze in a game with local group as were on a break from SR and in middle of council of thieves and an alt PF game which is just wrapping up. Be up for trying out a pbp though.

I also love shadowrun, but it's combat system is much harder in a pbp as the phases slow you down so much. EP's system seems to work well for PBP. from the little I have seen it in action

Dice Roller:
From the EP resources page, simple but covers everything and works well.


This works too :)

Infosec roll 1d100 ⇒ 98

Sweet. I'm as in as I was yesterday. :)

I'm very interested. Though, as the world is pretty wide open in terms of types of games, I need to hear some specs on the premise of the specific game before committing.

Ellipsis wrote:
I'm willing to run the game, is everyone still up for it?

Hey Ellipsis, I am still here. Before making decisions on character, do you have any guidelines for us.

Dude, at this point I do not care what type of EP game he wants to run. If he wants to step up and run it I am in.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Dude, at this point I do not care what type of EP game he wants to run. If he wants to step up and run it I am in.

Agreed, but I think Lorm just means we should wait to see what ideas for the game he has before making a PC that might not fit.

yeah that is always a good ideal for any game, but with EP ya get so many ideals it's narrowing them down that is the issue :)

Agamon the Dark wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Dude, at this point I do not care what type of EP game he wants to run. If he wants to step up and run it I am in.
Agreed, but I think Lorm just means we should wait to see what ideas for the game he has before making a PC that might not fit.

That is exactly what I meant.

I plan on keeping things fairly close to the setting presented in the book. It won't be firewall, but there will be someone pulling your strings, at least initially. Try and make your characters be somewhat independent, so you won't have conflicting loyalties or annoying enemies. Other that that, just use the standard 1000 point options for character creation. Just post your characters here so I can figure out how to work everyone in, I'll get everything ready so we can start an IC thread in about a week.

I am thinking something along the lines of a ultimate merc. Do you have sunward? and if so would you allow things from it?

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
I am thinking something along the lines of a ultimate merc. Do you have sunward? and if so would you allow things from it?

I don't have it, but feel free to use things from it, just give me some background on anything you take from there. As far as concepts go, I'm open to just about anything, just make sure you can play well with others.

Ellipsis wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
I am thinking something along the lines of a ultimate merc. Do you have sunward? and if so would you allow things from it?
I don't have it, but feel free to use things from it, just give me some background on anything you take from there. As far as concepts go, I'm open to just about anything, just make sure you can play well with others.

Sunward is legal to download for free, I'm just saying.

Anyway, put me down for a Lunar Colonist Hypercorp member(or possibly Socialite, not quite sure which yet), going for something between the Hypercorp Black Marketeer and Venusian Negotiator. Honest Fineal shall ride again!

Davi The Eccentric wrote:
Ellipsis wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
I am thinking something along the lines of a ultimate merc. Do you have sunward? and if so would you allow things from it?
I don't have it, but feel free to use things from it, just give me some background on anything you take from there. As far as concepts go, I'm open to just about anything, just make sure you can play well with others.

Sunward is legal to download for free, I'm just saying.

Anyway, put me down for a Lunar Colonist Hypercorp member(or possibly Socialite, not quite sure which yet), going for something between the Hypercorp Black Marketeer and Venusian Negotiator. Honest Fineal shall ride again!

I'll have to look at that, the only place I have seen it is on DriveThruRPG ($10).

Ellipsis wrote:
I'll have to look at that, the only place I have seen it is on DriveThruRPG ($10).

Just look on Megaupload or something, it's got the same Creative Commons license as the corebook if I heard right, so it should fine for me to tell you to do that. (But buy it anyway, it's a damn good book and they deserve money for it.)

Here post 66 and NPC file on post 82

This is free and legal to post and share as those books are creative commons

May go as a salvager, so many ideals.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
May go as a salvager, so many ideals.

Sounds good, on my first run-through, I noticed a couple things I am going to change. First off, Earth the automated defensive systems around Earth are significantly more dangerous, anyone who tried to run the cordon has never been heard from again. Additionally the space elevator is within the cordon, so that is not a viable route in. However, there is still plenty of wreckage in high orbit for enterprising scavengers. Also, travel closer the the sun is more treacherous, the protective measures required cannot be easily miniaturized, so the habitats are still in, but no more "swimming" in the corona, especially for bio-morphs (that struck me as pretty hokey).

Got no issue with that, I liked the sundrivers and I figed with every things else in EP is was no more odd then some other things really .But it's not everyone's taste. I also Loved Venues, have not got past there in my reading yet.

I was thinking more along the lines of earth orbit, outside the cordon, lots and lots of junk and dead habs there.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:

Got no issue with that, I liked the sundrivers and I figed with every things else in EP is was no more odd then some other things really .But it's not everyone's taste. I also Loved Venues, have not got past there in my reading yet.

I was thinking more along the lines of earth orbit, outside the cordon, lots and lots of junk and dead habs there.

That's just fine, sundiving really doesn't fit in with the elements of the setting I want to emphasize. I'm trying to keep the gritty and serious elements at the fore, and it just struck me as too whimsical and too hard to believe.

Not an issue with me man. I had some ideals for games using those ideas but not everyone thing. The setting is broad with just so damned much in it. Even though ya can go extra solar, there is just so many ideas in the solar system along I swear you could run a hundred games with different themes and never leave the sol system.

Humm thinking I may go sythamorph. A transhuman came make a very good living on salvage.. Oh and are ya ok wit the steel morphs I was toying with one of those.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:

Not an issue with me man. I had some ideals for games using those ideas but not everyone thing. The setting is broad with just so damned much in it. Even though ya can go extra solar, there is just so many ideas in the solar system along I swear you could run a hundred games with different themes and never leave the sol system.

Humm thinking I may go sythamorph. A transhuman came make a very good living on salvage.. Oh and are ya ok wit the steel morphs I was toying with one of those.

That's fine, I'm probably going to keep things in-system for the most part.

I have a couple different ideas, but it might be a couple days before I post a PC. Looking forward to this, seeker's right, this game is crazy huge on concept.

My idea is a variant of a pregen. It is a social character with criminal skills. The main change is from a Hyperelite socialite (which would not be a legal character) to a scumborn scum pleasure pod, yeah I know that sock puppet is going to suck.

That might fit with what I am going with, which is a salvager who works out of fresh kills. I am leaning toward ties with the organization as that will help him grease palms and get around most "legal" issues. As long as they get a cut, they really don't care where it came from or just how he got it.

Cool, I was thinking of some sort of hacker. I'll see what I can come up with.

hey guys seeker here. I may not use this name but it's avatar has a sheet. Use it or modifying it or not. Up to you.

The skill formatting is a bit off for the forms as always however.

Hey guys, my brain is not functionig(been up since 4:30 A.M. to be at work on time), and I spaced on how to create a avatar for a new alias. Would someone please remind me.

Go to your my accounts.
Under message board setting is Messageboard Aliases
At the bottom of that one is " make a new Aliases"

I thank you, but I created the alias first and forgot to create the avatar first. Is there a way to create the avatar second? I really do not want to have to type all that again.

I am not sure what you mean here.

This is what I mean.

Lorm Dragonheart wrote:
I thank you, but I created the alias first and forgot to create the avatar first. Is there a way to create the avatar second? I really do not want to have to type all that again.

Go to your account. Click the "Edit" button that should be next to the alias in your account. Click on "Change Avatar". Done.

EDIT: Oh, and putting this here. You can trust him, because he's honest. It's in his name, it has to be true.

Oh ok, but davi already got to ya on that one.

Thanks Davi and Seekerofshadowlight. I was doing it right, but it did not let me do it until this morning.

Honest Fineal wrote:

EDIT: Oh, and putting this here. You can trust him, because he's honest. It's in his name, it has to be true.

As honest as a used car salesman, Davi?

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