My downloads tabs or folders

Website Feedback

Sovereign Court

I'd love to be able to create custom tabs or folders for organizing my downloads page, the longer I've used the site the harder it is to find things. I'd love to be able to cordon my APs to one area, my rulebooks to another, my companions to a third, and my 3rd party stuff to a forth. What is the chance that we'll see something like that for the my downloads section?

EDIT: by the way, I just used the new my downloads page and it's sooooooooooo much nicer than how it used to be, still organization wise it's just as bad for me to find older downloads.

Shadow Lodge

I agree as well. I have quite a sizeable number of downloads, and the ability to organized them in some fashion would be handy if I were trying to find something specific. I'll also add in something that I know has been requested a few times in other threads: A tab/folder for items that have been updated since you last downloaded them. I know Paizo sends out an email when they update their files, but I don't know that they do so for 3rd party stuff. And the Super Genius guides are supposed to be getting upgrades soonish.

Sovereign Court

thats not a bad idea

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Adding organization to the My Downloads page is on the to-do list, and getting higher every day.

For now, note that you can choose to sort them by name, and, at least with our products, that will at least group them pretty effectively.

Kthulhu wrote:
I know Paizo sends out an email when they update their files, but I don't know that they do so for 3rd party stuff. And the Super Genius guides are supposed to be getting upgrades soonish.

We do indeed send out notification e-mails for 3rd-party updates.

Looks like it reached the top of the to do list at last..organisation by publisher and name or date within those..well done the IT team.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Thanks, but this is more of a stop-gap. Long-term, I'd like it to automatically separate out each adventure path, and let you drag & drop into your own categories. Baby steps....

Sovereign Court

Gary Teter wrote:
Thanks, but this is more of a stop-gap. Long-term, I'd like it to automatically separate out each adventure path, and let you drag & drop into your own categories. Baby steps....

That's awesome, That's exactly what I was thinking. I know I'd create different companion folders (one for races, one for regions) I'd probably keep all APs in a single folder since they're #, etc. Glad to know you guys are taking great ideas and running with them.

For example while it's easy to find my 3rd party stuff now (thanks) it's still a bloody mess to pick out any specific paizo product in my ever growing collection.

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