Sherlock (BBC mini series)


Oh joy! The summer holidays are coming up, but there is still decent BBC drama around.
Benedict Cumberbatch takes on the role in this 21st century spin of Holmes.

And at one and a half hours (and that's a straight through one and a half hours with no ad-breaks here in the UK), the BBC gave tonight's story the time to work properly.
Oh, and interesting use of text on screen in several places, though I'm afraid that those with visual impairments will miss out here.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

I really enjoyed it! Really, really enjoyed it!

Liberty's Edge

An excellent tide-me 'til Spooks returns.

I enjoyed it. It helps that it was written by Steven Moffatt, though!

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I also liked

the twist where Mark Gattiss was Mycroft- they implied he was Moriarty earlier on

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Absolutely bl00dy brilliant. Fantastic. Amazing. Loved it.

Julian Neale wrote:
I also liked ** spoiler omitted **

I thought it was 50/50 on that - that he was one or the other. With regard to the one of them who (apparently) hasn't appeared yet, I'm wondering if we might see a gender reversal (or some other extreme twist of the role) there...

Owch. Last night's episode indulged in perhaps a touch too much silly melodrama, although Bernard Cumberbatch managed to just about carry it anyway.
I really wish that they wouldn't rush the development of the 'moriarty' storyline. This is something I would rather see crop up maybe once or twice a series, in little hints, building up to something over multiple seasons...

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

What really jarred for me was when Watson's date grabbed a sword and started hacking! I assume they cut the bit where she says she's also a ninja and part-time bodyguard.

Liberty's Edge

Just because she happens to be a medic... maybe she plays D&D in her spare time?

It's good fun and if you happen to know the original stories it is amusing figuring out where they are going.

Hmm. I muddled my Cumberbatches in that previous post, and typed Bernard instead of Benedict.
I was trying to figure out which story 'The Blind Banker' was supposed to be based on. 'The Dancing Men' in the original was about codes and ciphers, but Watson's love interest was introduced in 'The Sign of Four'. Maybe it was supposed to be a mix of the two?

Well, that was different, and slightly surprising with the character who popped in at the end.
I still think that they rushed the overarching plot developments a bit behind the scenes, but I suppose that they wanted to set themselves up for a big finale/cliffhanger for the end of the series.
For the most part it's been reasonably fun, even if a little silly in places.
I hope that they commission another series of this, and watch out for it over there in the US if they export this to you...

Dark Archive

carborundum wrote:
grabbed a sword and started hacking

Wasn't it actually a broom handle?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Nevynxxx wrote:

Wasn't it actually a broom handle?

Was it? I thought I saw a scimitar! I think I recorded it, have to check it out, see how mad I am :-)

Dark Archive

carborundum wrote:
Nevynxxx wrote:

Wasn't it actually a broom handle?

Was it? I thought I saw a scimitar! I think I recorded it, have to check it out, see how mad I am :-)

I had the advantage of having read your post before seeing the episode, so I was keeping an eye out. As far as I could tell, she picks up the nearest "weapon" she can, and hit's him with a broom, or possibly a mop. I can't tell if it's that or her hair flying about!

Sovereign Court

Finaly, the empty hearse came out. It was good.

lol Mycroft wouldn't infiltrate anything with that accent

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am a Serb, trust me, I flinched with every word. The worst part, it was the best serbian I heard in movies and shows. Ever.
Also, there is no Serbian navy (we don't have sea access) and that dude is too old to have been in Yugoslavian navy which fell apart around 20 years ago.

Aside from that, it was an awesome episode.

I'm watching it via streaming and loving every moment. It's friggin' Amazing! Well, well done.

Such radiant foliage for a thread necromancer! Twas a truly awesome show though.

Well it's still running, isn't it? I've read somewhere that the fourth season has been confirmed. Yay Sherlock!

Fourth season I thought was more than confirmed. I believe someone important is supposed to die, aren't they, and there are supposed to be some major shakeups?

I'll be really happy if thats true...

There will indeed be a fourth season. And Cumberbatch has said that he's willing to play Sherlock for as long as possible.
From Yahoo News:


He has told Empire magazine he would love to continue to play the popular detective well into his twilight years.

"As long as the ideas are still there and the audience still wants it and as long as Martin and I are not so infirm we can no longer remember the lines and shuffle round the set. I'd love to do it into old age, I really would."


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Does anyone else think Series 4 will feature an AI like the one from Daemon and Freedom TM by Daniel Suarez?

Not a self-aware AI, just a really really competent one.

Maybe season 4 could have Dr. Mabuse, Moriarty's rival, vexing Sherlock?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

We'll find out in 4 days! :-D

Has anyone seen "The Six Thatchers" yet? Was it better than last season, or more of Gatiss and Moffat being too pleased with themselves?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I did. It was OK. Lots of plot, not a lot of sleuthing.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

"The Final Problem" was a big let down.

Spoilery bits:

I've seen the "evil mastermind makes the heroes jump through hoops in an evil obstacle course" WAY too many times before. And it seemed like a waste of such a stunning revelation.

And it was STUPID that Sherlock didn't remember how big his family is!!!!! It's not like he had 11 or 12 siblings to keep track of. It was literally the same limits to counting that Gully Dwarves have.

There were just too many instances of Sherlock doing obviously stupid stuff. And even not-that-clever stuff.

It was just frustrating, and a little insulting.

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