
Legacy of Fire

The group I am escorting through this AP finally got to meet Xulthos today. At their request, they wanted me to take photos of the models I used and offer them up for sharing:

Xulthos 1
Xulthos 2

Xulthos is model 14244: Giant Scorpion, Nefsokar Monster from Reaper's Warlord line. The wings I used were from One Monk Miniatures Hybrid Buzzers and are just resting in the crook of the legs so that I can still use the scorpion later if necessary as just a giant scorpion.

Personally I thought the model turned out great and the jaws hit the floor when I pulled him out of the transport box.

Oh, and Kardswann is also a Reaper model (#03461: Goldar the Barbarian)


I did exactly the same thing. Same scorpion model and everything! Your wings are certainly more colorful than the ones I made.

Looks awesome!

Dark Archive

Amazing! i wish i had that kind of time!

Monmaji wrote:
Amazing! i wish i had that kind of time!

Thanks guys. I was really happy with the way it turned out, and when compared to the picture in the book it really matched well.

One thing I did not present here was a second Kardswann model that I had painted with a black/steel theme rather than the yellow/brass one. I also gave the copy red glowing eyes.

The black swathed Kardswann was the one the players encountered in the undercrypt before Xulthos revealed himself in his full glory. I think the encounter was a fitting end to the book.

And now on to The House of the Beast.

Wow, that's a nice job and a great match for the illustration in the book. I decided to use Reaper's Frost Worm for Xulthos, painted in blacks and metallics. I looked quickly at the giant scorpion, but decided that I wanted something that obviously moved away from the desert theme and was easier for the players to grasp was "not of this world".

I'm kind of regretting that decision now.


shammond42 wrote:

Wow, that's a nice job and a great match for the illustration in the book. I decided to use Reaper's Frost Worm for Xulthos, painted in blacks and metallics. I looked quickly at the giant scorpion, but decided that I wanted something that obviously moved away from the desert theme and was easier for the players to grasp was "not of this world".

I'm kind of regretting that decision now.


I was looking at the Frost Worm as a possibility for Thokt Tot. Can you share a photo of your paint job?

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