hogarth |

Today I noticed Pathfinder products at a Chapters store (in North York) for the first time, specifically the Core book, the Bestiary, and the Gamemastering Guide. (For those in the U.S., Chapters is the largest bookstore chain in Canada.)
Good to know that they've decided to carry some Paizo products other than Planet Stories. Maybe they started doing so a while ago and I just didn't notice, though. :-)

Corrosive Rabbit |

Today I noticed Pathfinder products at a Chapters store (in North York) for the first time, specifically the Core book, the Bestiary, and the Gamemastering Guide. (For those in the U.S., Chapters is the largest bookstore chain in Canada.)
Good to know that they've decided to carry some Paizo products other than Planet Stories. Maybe they started doing so a while ago and I just didn't notice, though. :-)
I was in Ottawa last weekend and saw copies of the Core book, the Bestiary and the Gamemastering Guide in the Chapters on Rideau Street. I keep meaning to drop into the Chapters in my hometown of Kitchener-Waterloo to see if they're in there as well.

Morning Demon |

hogarth wrote:I was in Ottawa last weekend and saw copies of the Core book, the Bestiary and the Gamemastering Guide in the Chapters on Rideau Street. I keep meaning to drop into the Chapters in my hometown of Kitchener-Waterloo to see if they're in there as well.Today I noticed Pathfinder products at a Chapters store (in North York) for the first time, specifically the Core book, the Bestiary, and the Gamemastering Guide. (For those in the U.S., Chapters is the largest bookstore chain in Canada.)
Good to know that they've decided to carry some Paizo products other than Planet Stories. Maybe they started doing so a while ago and I just didn't notice, though. :-)
They've had them for several months so far as I know. I have a friend who works for them and picked up a bunch of the books from their Downtown TO store.

Lex Azevedo |

Too bad there's absolutely nothing here in Montreal. Honest. I had to look for a store that sold the books for a solid month, before settling to order it through Tour de Jeux (Tower of Games).
One store manager said the books were out of print and discontinued (though this was the same guy who was selling nearly every 4E product). Thankfully, that's not true.

Ambrus |

Too bad there's absolutely nothing here in Montreal. Honest. I had to look for a store that sold the books for a solid month...
This statement simply floored me. Are you unfamiliar with Valet d'Coeur (4408 St-Denis)? I assure you, you'll find pretty much every RPG book, from any publisher, that's currently in print and a few thousand that aren't; tis the promised land.

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Too bad there's absolutely nothing here in Montreal.
Chapters Pointe-Claire had two copies of the Core Rulebook for several months. They were $75, though, so I wasn't surprised they didn't move.
This statement simply floored me. Are you unfamiliar with Valet d'Coeur (4408 St-Denis)? I assure you, you'll find pretty much every RPG book, from any publisher, that's currently in print and a few thousand that aren't; tis the promised land.

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Unless you are supporting a local store, you should be buying from amazon.ca or chapters.ca
The in store prices at Chapters, even with a irewards card is still so very lame. Jut by buying online you get a bigger discount than in store with the card.
It's easy to get a hardcover and a softcover book and hit the $39 free shipping mark.
Not to mention that the online stores sometimes have coupons for like $5 off.

Dante_Ravenkin |

I was in Ottawa last weekend and saw copies of the Core book, the Bestiary and the Gamemastering Guide in the Chapters on Rideau Street. I keep meaning to drop into the Chapters in my hometown of Kitchener-Waterloo to see if they're in there as well.
Just this past week, I purchased the Core Rulebook and Bestiary from the Chapters in Kitchener. And played my first game yesterday! :D Gonna get the Gamemaster Guide this week hopefully.
However, it seems Chapters marks up the in store price on the books from the MSRP. Most likely cause they're printed without a Canadian price on the back. So the Bestiary was $43.99 instead of $41.99 like their website says.

Corrosive Rabbit |

Corrosive Rabbit wrote:
I was in Ottawa last weekend and saw copies of the Core book, the Bestiary and the Gamemastering Guide in the Chapters on Rideau Street. I keep meaning to drop into the Chapters in my hometown of Kitchener-Waterloo to see if they're in there as well.Just this past week, I purchased the Core Rulebook and Bestiary from the Chapters in Kitchener. And played my first game yesterday! :D Gonna get the Gamemaster Guide this week hopefully.
However, it seems Chapters marks up the in store price on the books from the MSRP. Most likely cause they're printed without a Canadian price on the back. So the Bestiary was $43.99 instead of $41.99 like their website says.
Good to see that they're there. The other place in town that I've seen some Pathfinder stuff at is J&Js on Weber. Not sure if they have the GMG though.

Daeglin |

J&J almost always sells Pathfinder stuff at the US price. Occasionally couple bucks more, and sometimes with ~10% discount. Hard to tell the rhyme or reason.
Chapters in north Waterloo had the Core Rulebook, Bestiary, and Gamemastery Guide last week. Freaked me out to see it. In another thread, before edition warriors got it locked down, Senator mentioned seeing the books in Alberta Chapters. The chain must have put them on it's national stock list.
For the other KW'ers on here (who knew?), the Phoenix down on Queen St. has started stocking the core books too. Haven't seen mods or AP's there.

Daeglin |

Chapters Pointe-Claire had two copies of the Core Rulebook for several months. They were $75, though, so I wasn't surprised they didn't move.
$75?!? Can they do that? Why on earth would they mark it up by such an amount. I mean, I know the MSRP is "suggested" but that's getting ridiculous! Unless they were signed or the translated French edition imported from France, then I could understand it.

Mojorat |

The chapters near my house in the vancouver lower mainland doesnt seem to carry rPG stuff i know they useto but they re-organzed the store and i didnt see any of that sort of product since. but i think i will take another look.. if anything it may mean i can order stuf there if other stores have it.