Purchasing items question

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages

Is it true that you can buy, while keeping with the most expensive item allowed for you to purchase according to your Total Prestige Awards, ANYTHING from the main book (with the class and races in it) is allowed to be purchased and used in organized play. EXCEPT intelligent items? Or are we only allowed to purchase the items from the chronicles sheets and base +1 items?


The Exchange 5/5

Todar Thimblefoot wrote:

Is it true that you can buy, while keeping with the most expensive item allowed for you to purchase according to your Total Prestige Awards, ANYTHING from the main book (with the class and races in it) is allowed to be purchased and used in organized play. EXCEPT intelligent items? Or are we only allowed to purchase the items from the chronicles sheets and base +1 items?


What you can do regardless of TPA (total prestige awards):

You can buy anything out of the equipment section of the Core Rulebook. You can buy any 1st level potion, oil or scroll. You can enhance a masterwork weapon, shield or armor to +1. You can buy any item you have access to off any Chronicle sheet in your stack.

To buy anything out of the magic items chapter of the Core Rulebook you need to have enough TPA as determined by Table 11-2 on page 25 of the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play, with the excpetion of intelligent items as you pointed out.

So you pretty much had the right idea :)

Keep in mind you can also use your CPA (current prestige award, it's all there on page 25) to get free items from your Faction. You can also use TPA to buy legal for play items not in the Core Rulebook, such as those out of the Paizo Publishing products listed on pages 31-34.

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