PBP Sandbox Test Starting - Looking for a few players to test it out.

Gamer Connection

Liberty's Edge

I want to try running a sandbox style game and would like to run a few scenarios, and just test out the concept to see how it would work out at my table.

What I'm looking to do is get a group of players to test out an open game world that they pretty much decide at all times whats going to happen, and where the plot gets steered towards. For example, if I get a bunch of guys that want to clean out a kobold den to finance their beer habits, sure! Or, if they want to lay down all their weapons for a month to try and work on transforming a desert, heck why not?

Basically I want to give controls to my players as a "do what you want, I'll work the background details out, and see how hard it would be for me to get content together while still providing a cool game for my players."

I'm running a custom world, that's fantasy based (forgotten realms), but has elements of steam punk, and alternate magic power sources.

If your interested, and wouldn't mind testing this out for/with me I'm looking to start you off as an ECL 3 character of your choosing.

Also, would it be a terrible thought to automate combat? It generally slows things down on the boards, and I want to run a more RP heavy game. That's not to say there would be no control over combat just that it would be more streamlined. If I toss 50 kobolds at you, that have no chance of actually winning, I may simply say "Victory, after defeating the kobolds you suffer only minor wounds, take 3 points of damage." Or something along those lines, I want boss fights to be planned out but mooks, eh, not so much.

If your still with me, cool! I want to run a game again and test some of the concepts in my head out, and can explain more afterwords.

I expect about 2 plot posts during the week, Wednesdays and Fridays, and weekends if I am not gaming to be heavy post days from me.

I'm probably rambling now, so if you want in just post what race/class/template you want and if approved your in. Kinda simple.

I use sites like www.invisiblecastle.com and http://chat.dmtools.org/ for dice rolls or live chatting during game times.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!


Driving home be back in an hour or so if you need more info.

I'm trying to get a mental picture of this, and what I get in my head is a Victorian Eberron. Is this accurate?

i usually play combat heavy games and tend to be light on the roleplay
but i would be up for trying this

is it 3.5 or pathfinder?

You mention occasional post times, which implies play-by-post, but you also mention live chatting during games. Which is it, or is it a combination?

Andostre wrote:
You mention occasional post times, which implies play-by-post, but you also mention live chatting during games. Which is it, or is it a combination?

Also wondering. Sounds like fun though, I'm in as the big dumb fighter if you'll have me.

interested but looking for more information on system.

Andostre wrote:
You mention occasional post times, which implies play-by-post, but you also mention live chatting during games. Which is it, or is it a combination?

I should also mention that I'm interested if it's pbp.

The Exchange

'Sandbox' games are great - PCs have to be proactive, instead of reactive, which can come as a shock to some!

I may be interested if it's PbP, but I wouldn't be able to do anything with live chat.

I'm running a custom world, that's fantasy based (forgotten realms), but has elements of steam punk, and alternate magic power sources.

Any more details on this, and if it effects chargen or not? Also, +1 on the Pathfinder or 3.5 question.

In any case, sounds like an interesting project, so good luck with it!

Liberty's Edge

Raven34 wrote:

i usually play combat heavy games and tend to be light on the roleplay

but i would be up for trying this

is it 3.5 or pathfinder?

I'm not 100% on the rules for PF, so I'd run it 3.5 style. Though if something flows from PF to 3.5 rule set without trouble I'd probably allow it.

Liberty's Edge

Me'mori wrote:
I'm trying to get a mental picture of this, and what I get in my head is a Victorian Eberron. Is this accurate?

Victorian might be a tad too refined, but Eberron-ish elements are not too far fetched.

Liberty's Edge

ProfPotts wrote:

'Sandbox' games are great - PCs have to be proactive, instead of reactive, which can come as a shock to some!

I may be interested if it's PbP, but I wouldn't be able to do anything with live chat.

I'm running a custom world, that's fantasy based (forgotten realms), but has elements of steam punk, and alternate magic power sources.

Any more details on this, and if it effects chargen or not? Also, +1 on the Pathfinder or 3.5 question.

In any case, sounds like an interesting project, so good luck with it!

Live chat not required, this is a PBP game at it's core, just saying I tend to hang out on the chat at times and you can chat if needed.

Magic works the same rules wise, just granted by alternate sources, ties to dragons, elemental blood rituals, geometric designs, etc.

You can use any 3.5 chargen program and it wouldn't hurt anything.

Liberty's Edge

Andostre wrote:
You mention occasional post times, which implies play-by-post, but you also mention live chatting during games. Which is it, or is it a combination?

Sorry for the confusion, it is a PBP, chatting not required.

The Exchange

Thanks for the info Winterwalker, sounds interesting. I don't think I'll join (since it's 3.5 and I'm trying to keep my head set with the Pathfinder rules) but as mentioned before - good luck with it (when you're running I may well lurk...)!

Silver Crusade

I'd love to join, since I play sandbox style whenever I can, but the main problem for me would be the edition. I have no previous experience with 3.5. Anyway, I'd like to get some use out of this alias, and if you could help me with mechanics, and you can tolerate a non-evil drow PC, I'll join. I'll level Gyldyr up to level three (I assume that's what you mean by ECL 3) if approved.

Liberty's Edge

I might be interested. Gotta dig out the 3.5 books and convert PC. My concept can be seen by tapping the avatar. Let me know if she has potential within your sandbox.

Liberty's Edge

I'm going to reopen this thread once I get the game plan worked out. I plan to run this once I create a few areas of interest, as I don't want to rush it and have it piddle out.

I'll post a new thread with all info once it's done and anyone here that wanted in I'll hold a slot.

Silver Crusade

Winterwalker wrote:

I'm going to reopen this thread once I get the game plan worked out. I plan to run this once I create a few areas of interest, as I don't want to rush it and have it piddle out.

I'll post a new thread with all info once it's done and anyone here that wanted in I'll hold a slot.

Would you mind posting a link, here, once you've made that thread?

And thanks :).

I'm interested in being a part of this thread but I'm an inexperienced gamer my sister is Gyldyr I'm used to playing live sandbox style games at home but I've never played online. This sounds like a good place to start could I join?

Silver Crusade

One more thing; I'll be gone next week, but I still want to join. If you could hold a slot for me that long, I'd be grateful. The same goes for Gwendelin.

I think I would be interested. I have never pbped before but have always found the concept intriguing and I love sandbox style games. I have no problem posting at least once daily and usually able to more often( I have no job currently have at least one pc in every living space of the house and an iPhone so I'm always connected.) I just might need a little coaching on the ins and outs of pbp

Dark Archive

Give me a week to get my laptop and I will play I know what I would like to try if you can work with me on a few things I'm thinking mnk/warlock. As to race I have and I dea but it needs some tweaking email me at oberontheelfking@gmail.com. If you would sir

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