About Nadri FiskbottomPC Nadri Fiskbottom
XXX: to hit [dice]1d20+x[/dice]; Damage [dice]1dx[/dice] (+0 BAB, +0 strength,+1 racial) Crit Autoroll[dice]1dxx[/dice]; Damage [dice]1dx[/dice] Dagger:[dice]1d20+2[/dice]; Damage [dice]1d4[/dice] (+1 BAB, +0 strength,+1 racial) Autocrit roll:[dice]1d20+2[/dice]; Damage [dice]1d4[/dice] Feats, Racials, Class abilities, Traits,: Spoiler:
-= FEATS=- Cooperative Crafting (+2 craft efforts with partner), Scribe Scroll -=Racial Abilities=- Small +1AC, -1CMB/CMD, Low light vision; Keen Sense(+2Perception), 1/day Dancing lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, and speak with animals; +2 vs Illusions, -=Class Abilities=- Bonded Object: Signet ring, Scribe Scroll feat, Domain: Abjuration (prohibited: Necro/Enchant): Resistance (5)to one energy type/day;Protective Ward (10’rad, 3 rds, +1AC, 6/day) -=Traits=- Classical schooling Your apprenticeship or early education was particularly focused on the direct application of magic. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks, and Spellcraft is always a class skill for you. Brastlewark Businesswoman +2 alchemical [b]Skills Spoiler: [dice]1d20+7[/dice]
Total Skill Points 12 = [2(class) + 3(INT) +1(FC) x 2 level]; Armor Check Penalty: -0 Name(stat) +mod = ranks+stat+class+racial-ACP Acrobatics(Dx) +1 [=0Rank+1Stat+0Classl-0AC] [dice]1d20+1[/dice] Appraise(Int) +7 [=1Rank+3stat+3Class] [dice]1d20+7[/dice] Bluff(Ch)+2 [=0rank+2stat+class] [dice]1d20[/dice] Climb(St)+7 [=0rank+0stat+0class+-0ac] [dice]1d20[/dice] Craft Alchemical(int)+11 ] [= 1rank+3stat+3class+2Racial+2Trait] [dice]1d20+9[/dice] Craft Clothing(int)+7 ] [= 1rank+3stat+3class] [dice]1d20+7[/dice] Diplomacy(Ch)+4 [=1rank+2stat+0class+1trait] [dice]1d20+6[/dice] Disable Device(Dx)+1 [=0rank+1stat+0class] [dice]1d20+1[/dice] Disguise(ch)+2 [=0rank+2stat+0class] [dice]1d20+2[/dice] Escape Artist(Dx)+1 [=0rank+1stat+0class][dice]1d20+1[/dice] Heal (wis) +1 [=0rank+1stat+0class-0] Intimidate(Ch)+2 [=0rank+2stat+0class] Knowledge Arcana (Int) +7 [= 1rank+3stat+3class] [dice]1d20+7[/dice] Knowledge Planar (int) +7 [=1rank+3stat+3class] Knowledge Local(int) +9 [=1rank+3stat+3class+2Trait] [dice]1d20+9[/dice] Linguistics (Int) +7 [=1rank+3stat+3class] (Common, Sylvan, Gnome, Draconic, Elven, 2x???) [dice]1d20+7[/dice] Perception (Wis) +3 [=0rank+1stat+0class+2racial] [dice]1d20+3[/dice] Profession Merchant(Wis) +5 [=1rank+1stat+3class] Ride (Dx)+4 [=1rank+1stat+0class] [dice]1d20+4[/dice Sense Motive(Wis)+1 [=0rank+1stat+0class] [dice]1d20+4[/dice] Sleight of Hand(Dx) +1 [=0rank+1stat+0class] [dice]1d20+1[/dice] Spellcraft(int) +8 [=1rank+3stat+3class+1trait] [dice]1d20+8[/dice] Stealth(Dx) +1 [=0rank+1stat+0class] [dice]1d20+1[/dice] Survival(Wis) +0 [=0rank+1stat+0class] Swim (Str) +0 [0rank+0stat+0class-0] [dice]1d20[/dice] Use Magic Device(Ch) +7 [=1rank+2stat+3class+1 trait] [/spoiler] Equipment: Spoiler:
-Backpack- [2 lbs] bedroll [5 lbs] 4 scroll cases(holding 12 scrolls of her making): Mage Armor(4), Endure Elements (4), Identify(1), Animate Rope(1), Enlarge(1), Reduce(1), [est 4 lbs] Spellbook [3 lbs] R&D book [3 lbs] new scroll papers(20)[/] prepped ink(s) flasks for scroll creation in the field.[6 lbs] Several quills for writing[/]. -Belt with 5 pouches- 10 Throwing Daggers [10 lbs] SignetRing (NF) candle nub. sealing wax[1 lb] 4 acid flasks [4 lbs] -spell component pouch- Spell Components [3 lbs] Carried Weight 37Lbs Light: 33lb Med: 66lb Hvy: 100lb Description: Spoiler:
Platinum blue hair worn in ponytails in a lucky fenshu style, changes daily. Light Pink skin, her large eyes are blue. Her clothes carry a slight whiff of Alchemicals, and her fingers are stained with inks. She has a ready smile and an engaging personality. She loves to hear stories of real life escapades and does her best to draw them out from adventurers. She wears an ornate Dagger with a carved duckhead handle, as well as walks with a similiarly carved walking stick.
To sum up her personality, is a distracted optimist. Her spellbook contains numerous scraps of paper with obscure notations and incomplete trains of thought. All of which tends to accumulate at the bottom of her backpack. Her fingers are usually stained from scroll ink and occasionally a whiff of alchemicals. When she first meets anyone, she takes the initiative and introduces herself. “Good Day! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Nadri Fiskbottom and I represent Fiskbottom Specialized Merchandise LLC. We carry several scrolls of magiks that would improve your ability to make a difference in the world. Our current offering and prices are listed here. [hands over pamphlet] Feel free to contact me at any time. I can also provide onsite consultation for an additional fee or an equal share of the treasure with no min/max of services until end of contract.” Background: Spoiler:
Back in the days of her youth, Nadri liked to accompany her father, Ferdanidid Fiskbottom, on his trading route. Oh, he wasn’t a caravan leader or anything important like that. He just was the one who owned the sturdiest wagon for the local families located in a small farming hamlet just outside of Curan. On their behalf, he sold everything he could and passed on the profits, taking his pay in produce and livestock. This, and the family orchard, kept his family fed which gave him free time to pursue his craft of woodcarving, and stone sculpting. His efforts decorate hundreds of fireplace mantles. He’d take Nadri along for all the market days, so she could sell the produce, eggs, dried meats and he’d entertain the customers as he crafted onsite and took orders. Then they’d return home, to mother and two sisters, who were too young at the time to accompany him and Nadri.
One customer, impressed with the workmanship, commissioned numerous figurines to be made, payment upon receipt and satisfaction. Ferd and Nadri delivered these in person. It was then they were formally introduced to Tyur VanForg, an elderly wizard who disparaged the politics of his peers, preferring to live well, selling applied magiks to those willing to pay. After the figurine transaction was completed, Tyur VanForg spoke of making a comeback enchanting these figurines, would Ferd make more, and would he accept a trade of equal value in lieu of cash payment. Well, Ferd could observe the wizard was getting on in years and lived alone, selling less and less, becoming a bit of a hermit. Basically everything as viewed from the foyer of the wizard’s mansion was a pigsty. Ferd had another idea. He negotiated a steady stream of figurines, in return for magiked items as well as an indentured apprenticeship for one of his daughters, with every 7th day off to assist with family matters. The deal struck, palms spit upon and hands shook. Thus began Nadri’s apprenticeship to an old crotchety lonely wizard who became her mentor. The partnership of Tyur VanForg, Ferdanidid and Nadri Fiskbottom was profitable for all. The wizard, no longer concerned with domestic matters, returned to crafting potions, scrolls and wonderous items. Nadri kept house and the ledgers, returning Tyur back to profitability, and became schooled in the ways of the arcane, inheriting a bit of prejudice as well regarding the Mage Guild. Feranidid, flush with cash, dowered the 2nd daughter, Hydi, to Hin Cromdpatler, a Curon gnomish baker who apparently wooed her successfully. Her remaining family stayed in the hamlet, expanding the outbuilding to include smith work as needed. Tyur, officially graduated Nadri on finishing her apprenticeship years ago, yet since it was a good business model, no one wanted to end a good thing she stayed on. Nadri operating the business end, picked up the scribing scrolls, brewing potions and the occasional wondrous item, staying out of sight or rather behind the counter. Tyur did special orders that couldn’t be delegated and socialized, living the high life, recognized for his contributions, garnering credit for his esteemed work. Most recently, Tyur summoned her to his office in a white-pasty faced huff. ”I think it high time I retired from making brickabrac. I am going to explore some options and a change of scenery. I also believe it is about time you’ve struck out on your own. Just make this one last delivery and this…” Tapping a medium sized chest. [/b]”This is your severance pay/bonus/last paycheck. Now go on and get your stuff together, closing up the shop as soon as your cart departs the gate! Chop Chop!”[/b] Nadri is escorting a bit of cargo her master and employer, Tyur VanForg. Rather rushed job of packing too, she was shooed out to prepare her things while Master VanForg hurriedly stuffed items into boxes of straw. All very curious, but what an opportunity to explore the world! Nadri, making the best of things, is striking out on her own; to create made-to-order items of magic. What a lovely challenge! What opportunities for R&D! She possesses a sealed scroll from her master to be handed to a gentleman "_______" at final destination. Currently she has scribed scrolls (12 completed) and possesses the skills to create alchemical items when opportunity presents. She is seeking venture capital as well as market research into the needs of her potential customer base, i.e. adventurers. She does carry a random smattering of scrolls upon her person, for the impatient customer. Spellbook Spoiler:
0 level: Lots of cantrips 1st level: Animate Rope, Endure Elements, Enlarge, Identify, Mage Armor, Reduce Today's Prepped Spells and Energy Resistance Spoiler:
Cantrips: Read Magic, Detect Magic, Resistance 1st level: Enlarge, Mage Armor Energy Resistance 5: Fire |