Baleful Polymorph chart

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Has anyone come up with a Baleful Polymorph chart? I have a player that loves to spam it, and I want to create a chart of 100 forms to randomly pick from.
I don't necessarily want to have just humdrum animals, I would also like to throw some in that are interesting enough for a second look in game (one i have so far is a Tiny sized cow, complete with udders).
If there's no known chart available, does anyone have any idea for some fun critters to see that would make the game and spell more interesting?

Could just do a search on weird or strange animals and either dump the aquatic ones or adapt them to land versions. Might also take a look at ice age or jurassic critters since Pathfinder has mammoths and dinosaurs.

Start by grabbing the list of standard familiars off AoN perhaps?

Insects, virtually any insect is going to be very annoying form.

Personally I think I'd probably go with ticks, just so I can call them a blood sucking bug afterwards.

You know that's not how it's supposed to work? The caster is supposed to choose an animal, any creature form is supposed to be of its usual size, the target keeps its levels but has modifiers applied to attributes, etc? (This is based on a lengthy analysis of the general polymorph rules.)

If you're OK with that and just going for added flavor, I found a pretty good random animal table HERE. If it gives you something dangerous like a t-rex, just say it's a harmless(ish) mouse-sized version.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

We (the entire table) had talked it over and like the idea of the random chart. That being said, if he's (the player casting) wishes to be spiteful (i.e. turn the enemy into a mouse in a room full of cats), I have no problem with letting him do so. He has heavily hinted at wanting to have a menagerie of pets, pretty much like trophies, so the random chart just adds to the flavor... Keep the table happy! Rule of Cool!
And also, thanks! That was exactly what I was looking for! All sorts of things I would have eventually come up with!

Claxon wrote:

Insects, virtually any insect is going to be very annoying form.

Personally I think I'd probably go with ticks, just so I can call them a blood sucking bug afterwards.

Insects are vermin, and the spell specifically says "animals", so this wouldn't work (unless there's a house rule or something.)

Yqatuba wrote:
Claxon wrote:

Insects, virtually any insect is going to be very annoying form.

Personally I think I'd probably go with ticks, just so I can call them a blood sucking bug afterwards.

Insects are vermin, and the spell specifically says "animals", so this wouldn't work (unless there's a house rule or something.)

That's technically true, but since the spell is basically "you're f*!+ed" if you fail both saves it doesn't really matter what they're turned into (in my opinion).

We all love lists.

I didn't number these, but there's not quite 100 anyway....

  • Axolotl
  • Fire-bellied Toad
  • Horned Frog
  • Leopard Frog
  • Mudpuppy
  • Fire Belly Newt


  • Dog, Pomeranean
  • Dog, Terrier
  • Fox, Fennec


  • Dwarf Hamster
  • Hairless Rat
  • Kangaroo Rat
  • Vole


  • Long-nosed Bandicoot
  • Pygmy Possum
  • Rat Kangaroo
  • Sugar Glider


  • Anole
  • Horned Lizard
  • Legless Lizard
  • Leopard Gecko


  • Rough Green Snake
  • Garter Snake
  • Hognose Snake

    --Hedgehogs, Shrews, and Moles

  • Star-Nosed Mole
  • Piebald Shrew
  • Hedgehog


  • Aye-aye
  • Dwarf Lemur
  • Mouse Lemur
  • Slow Loris
  • Tarsier

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