Roquefort |
Greetings! Can anyone confirm whether we should expect to receive an experience point for surviving and successfully completing this event at Gen Con? If memory serves, we didn't get an XP for last year's interactive.
Thanks in advance! REALLY looking forward to Pathfinder again at Gen Con this year. :)
(sometimes known as Father Roquefort)
Ninjaiguana |
Ah, don't listen to Josh. It's a pussycat of an adventure, really. Why, you could turn up without any armour, weapons, fact, without any combat ability at all, and still be fine! In fact, I suggest you do just that!* I mean, I had none of these things, and it turned out absolutely fine.**
*Management accepts no responsibility for gruesome death or dismemberment which results from following this advice. Also, management has first dibs on your stuff.
**I may have been the GM.
Wintergreen Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean |
Snorter |
Huzzah! The Dave-meister does it again. And, presumably, so did Josh.
Thanks all round. Now I can buy my full-plate.
And now I can sell you that figure! WYSIWYG at last.
Did I play up a tier? I can't remember...
You certainly did on Sunday. We made out like bandits, with 2.5 times the gold, even if we didn't unlock much extra gear.
I can't say if you did Saturday night, though given the trouble you were having dispatching goblins, I suspect you did. :)
Wintergreen Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean |
The chronicle sheet for this has now been sent out to all who played it at PaizoCon UK. If you haven't received it then please let me know via
Wintergreen Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean |