Waylorn |

I managed to pick up rods of extend spell(lesser), enlarge spell(lesser), and silent(lesser). I have kinda went over this with my dm but would like to find out more detail.
As a 5 lvl sorcerer i cannot cast 3rd level spells. If you use metamagic to enhance a spell it takes higher levels.How is this dealt with? I looked over the PHB but didnt find what i was looking for. Also i think he is going to make me do a "use magic device check" when using the rods. I didnt find anything on the dc for using a rod.
If someone can explain a bit on what/how i can use the devices, I would really appreciate it. And yea.. im a noob. :)

james maissen |
I managed to pick up rods of extend spell(lesser), enlarge spell(lesser), and silent(lesser). I have kinda went over this with my dm but would like to find out more detail.
As a 5 lvl sorcerer i cannot cast 3rd level spells. If you use metamagic to enhance a spell it takes higher levels.How is this dealt with? I looked over the PHB but didnt find what i was looking for. Also i think he is going to make me do a "use magic device check" when using the rods. I didnt find anything on the dc for using a rod.
If someone can explain a bit on what/how i can use the devices, I would really appreciate it. And yea.. im a noob. :)
You get to use one rod on a spell when you cast it. The spell has to be 3rd level or less.
The spell gets the benefits of the metamagic feat in question without raising the slot it normally takes.
So for example you could cast a mage armor spell while holding the lesser extend rod, use the rod as part of the casting and get an extended mage armor spell cast expending a 1st level slot.
Each rod can be used 3 times per day.
Make sense?

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Metamagic Rods
Metamagic rods hold the essence of a metamagic feat, allowing the user to apply metamagic effects to spells as they are cast. This does not change the spell slot of the altered spell. All the rods described here are use-activated (but casting spells in a threatened area still draws an attack of opportunity). A caster may only use one metamagic rod on any given spell, but it is permissible to combine a rod with metamagic feats possessed by the rod's wielder. In this case, only the feats possessed by the wielder adjust the spell slot of the spell being cast.
Possession of a metamagic rod does not confer the associated feat on the owner, only the ability to use the given feat a specified number of times per day. A sorcerer still must take a full-round action when using a metamagic rod, just as if using a metamagic feat he possesses (except for quicken metamagic rods, which can be used as a swift action).
Its like any use activated item, you shouldn't have to make a UMD check. It does not increase the level of the spell, but remember you can't use more than one rod at a time.
You just need to have the rod you want to use in your hand and activate it while casting the spell and the desired effect happens.

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Don't forget that a sorcerer still must take a full-round action when using a metamagic rod, just as if using a metamagic feat he possesses (except for quicken metamagic rods, which can be used as a swift action).
Yeah, I'm not sure this first part is accurate. The "takes longer" rule is when the sorcerer applies metamagic, this is the item doing it, not the sorc (supported by the fact that it does NOT require a higher level spell slot).

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Shady314 wrote:Don't forget that a sorcerer still must take a full-round action when using a metamagic rod, just as if using a metamagic feat he possesses (except for quicken metamagic rods, which can be used as a swift action).Yeah, I'm not sure this first part is accurate. The "takes longer" rule is when the sorcerer applies metamagic, this is the item doing it, not the sorc (supported by the fact that it does NOT require a higher level spell slot).
You are kinda right and kinda wrong here.
Sorcerers (and other spontaneous spellcasters) no longer take longer to apply metamagics to their spells. This was one of the conversion changes that very people took notice of.
So, casting takes the normal time with the rod, as well as with a normal application. The DEV's went over this a couple days ago on a similar thread.

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Themetricsystem wrote:So, casting takes the normal time with the rod, as well as with a normal application. The DEV's went over this a couple days ago on a similar thread.Link please? Otherwise, by RAW the Sorcerer takes a full-round to apply metamagic other than quicken.
Ahhh there it is, see I found it and it was talking about quicken specifically.
My bad for handing out bad info. Had my wires crossed.

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Austin Morgan wrote:Themetricsystem wrote:So, casting takes the normal time with the rod, as well as with a normal application. The DEV's went over this a couple days ago on a similar thread.Link please? Otherwise, by RAW the Sorcerer takes a full-round to apply metamagic other than quicken.Ahhh there it is, see I found it and it was talking about quicken specifically.
My bad for handing out bad info. Had my wires crossed.
Ah its ok, just trying to make sure I didn't miss an update from the higher powers!
And I think I know what thread you're thinking of now :)

Waylorn |

Ok.. let me get this right.
Say I use the extend on summon monster II. It does NOT use one slot higher and i dont have to do a UMD check. The rod must be in my hand and take a full round to cast.
Can someone give me more info on not having to do UMD checks? And where might I find the part about it not costing a spell slot higher as the normal feat.
My dm is not gonna let me slide with "somebody from a messageboard said so" Heh.

Ravingdork |

You are kinda right and kinda wrong here.
Sorcerers (and other spontaneous spellcasters) no longer take longer to apply metamagics to their spells. This was one of the conversion changes that very people took notice of.
And I'm afraid that unless I am misunderstanding your post, you are kinda totally wrong. If a spontaneous caster casts a metamagic spell, it takes longer to do so.
Otherwise, why would the arcane bloodline sorcerer have a host of class abilities that allow them to cast metamagic'd spells at the normal casting time?
For a spell with a longer casting time, it takes an extra full-round action to cast the spell.
EDIT: Nevermind. Stupid ninjas.

Majuba |

My dm is not gonna let me slide with "somebody from a messageboard said so" Heh.
Scroll up the thread to Andrew Betts post, where he quoted the rules. Read that. The relevant section to your lasts questions is:
Metamagic rods hold the essence of a metamagic feat, allowing the user to apply metamagic effects to spells as they are cast. This [i[does not change the spell slot [/i]of the altered spell. All the rods described here are use-activated (but casting spells in a threatened area still draws an attack of opportunity).
Use-activated (as described at the beginning of the magic item section) does not require UMD. In fact, the default for a magic item is that it does not require it - generally the activation must require something that the user doesn't have (certain spells on their spell list, a minimum ability score, bardic performance ability, etc.)