Opening Locked Doors with repeated failures

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

Had a simple lock DC 20 and the Rogue failed three times in a row. She is only level 1.

There was no threat of danger. Only our second session of Pathfinder ever but we are avid tabletop RPG players and the last time I played 3/3.5 was 7-8 yeears ago. For comedy I just said she broke the lock.

I run a discussion board on my groups facebook group called 'YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG' where we post questions that came up in game and tthen we look into the RAW solutions so next time I don't have to RP something just to keep the gamae flowing...anyway...

I probably should have just let her take a 20, as the RAW says "you can retry checks to open locks." Pg. 95 of the Core. Am I missing any rules on that? Only running the Core for rules.

Dark Archive

Mudscale wrote:

Had a simple lock DC 20 and the Rogue failed three times in a row. She is only level 1.

There was no threat of danger. Only our second session of Pathfinder ever but we are avid tabletop RPG players and the last time I played 3/3.5 was 7-8 yeears ago. For comedy I just said she broke the lock.

I run a discussion board on my groups facebook group called 'YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG' where we post questions that came up in game and tthen we look into the RAW solutions so next time I don't have to RP something just to keep the gamae flowing...anyway...

I probably should have just let her take a 20, as the RAW says "you can retry checks to open locks." Pg. 95 of the Core. Am I missing any rules on that? Only running the Core for rules.

there's nothing saying the rogue cant. MAYBE on a natural 1 i would have had the lockpick break and made the rogue make another check of 10 or 15 to remove the broken piece

I would have argued the breaking the lock means it doesn't work, so now its unlocked, so the rogue effectively passed. but thats just trying to twist the intentions of the words maliciously

Mudscale wrote:

Had a simple lock DC 20 and the Rogue failed three times in a row. She is only level 1.


I probably should have just let her take a 20....

Yes, should have. Problem solved. Assuming a rank in Disable Device with no stat modifier, even a 1st-level rogue can beat a DC 20 by taking 20.

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