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Warlock totally fits, in fluff sense. not sure of mechanics.
I'd make him an Artificier/Warlock instead, though. Just pick UAS or something for monk flavor.

Artificier works fine, too. a single level dip to wizard would give a decent enough amount of spellcasting, since early on that isn't his primary focus.

I'm ignoring the whole 'let's make DOOM a ridiculously evil sorcerer' plotline, of course.

Shadow Lodge

Doom is often written poorly. And one of the says that he's frequently written poorly is ignoring one half of his expertise to focus solely on the other, whether it be his vast knowledge of sorcery and magic (he did come in 2nd to Doctor Strange in the mystical contest to determine the Sorcerer Supreme, after all) or his vast knowledge of all aspects of science, technology. Doom is really the perfect synthesis of science and magic...and in the stories where he has come closest to defeating his opponents, he's used BOTH.

It's not like this is a recent development, either. Hell, his origin story has him attempting to build a machine that will allow him to enter hell to free his mother's soul. If that's not a synthesis of magic and science, I dunno what is.

18DELTA wrote:
Isnt Doom a Monk in the comics also. He trained as a Monk in Tibet IIRC. I would make him a Gesalt Monk/Warlock.

Not the same kind of monk. *Laughs*

I have never seen Doom bust up some heroes with kung fu.

He did learn the mind transfer technique at some point from some alien monks.

He's usually seen gloating about how superior he is to them right before they defeat him and he says something like "No! This cannot be! I cannot be defeated! I am DOOM! Curse you Richards!!!"...

Note that Doom is actually my 2nd favorite villain, right behind Thanos of Titan.

Shadow Lodge

Dork Lord wrote:
Not the same kind of monk. *Laughs*

One of the reasons I REALLY wish they would rename the class to Martial Artist, or something along those lines. If you say the word "monk" to most people; even those that do play PFRPG, D&D, etc; they would be more likely to think of St. Benedict than Jackie Chan. And, Friar Tuck notwithstanding, monks of that type don't really engage in melee.

My Doom. :)

Aristocrat/Wizard/Artificier - Always looking for new, powerfull spells, while creating doombots and reigning his country. Maybe no Artificier, but he is definitly an Aristocrat at the start (and the Heavy Armor Profiency is always useful), and he can use spells without aid.

Begining Abilities (25 p)
Str 14 (5) - He always wears that armor
Dex 10 (0) - High Dex would be uncharacteristic
Con 12 (2) - A little over the average
Int 17 (13) - Sorry, 18 is for Reed
Wis 10 (0) - He is NOT wise. Smart, but not wise (monologues, etc.)
Cha 14 (5) - Above average, but most people hate him

Feats: Create Constructs, Create Magical Armor, Improved Unarmed Strike, Leadership, Arcane Armor Training, Arcane Armor Mastery

Skills: High Intimidate, but low Diplomacy. Lot of Knowledge Skills and high Use Magic Device

Equipment: Tricked out Mithral Full Plate (Arcane spell failure after Feats: 5%. He can always blame Reed, if it happens). Latveria. Anything he wants.

Spells: Lot of ray spells, Shield, Scrying, Plane Shift, Magic Jar, etc.

Shadow Lodge

Defintly a High Level Cleric. Patron Deity, . . . himself.

Beckett wrote:
Defintly a High Level Cleric. Patron Deity, . . . himself.

"Doom will now pray for Dooms's spells... Doom will grant Doom Doom's spells, for Doom is all powerful"...


Shadow Lodge

Thirlen wrote:
Str 14 (5) - He always wears that armor

Not arguing for or against but the armor is power armor you know. However, there have been a few times that his body has been somewhat evealed, (a lot of armor has been destroyed in battle) and he has a decently muscular body underneath.

Thirlen wrote:

Dex 10 (0) - High Dex would be uncharacteristic

Not really, think of all the little machines he builds and all the tinkering and surgery and science and again he does all that in fullplate, but for the sake of point buy. . . why not

Thirlen wrote:
Con 12 (2) - A little over the average

I would go with a bitmore above average, he has tumbled with some of the universes greatest and most powerful bengs (and won), and as you said "He always wears that armor"

Thirlen wrote:
Int 17 (13) - Sorry, 18 is for Reed

. . .

Thirlen wrote:
Wis 10 (0) - He is NOT wise. Smart, but not wise (monologues, etc.)

Like with Con, he has resisted and defeated many of the universes most powerful beings, but physically, logically, and sheer conests of will, and actually is particularly wise, perceptive, and cunning.

Thirlen wrote:
Cha 14 (5) - Above average, but most people hate him

Actually, most people (besides America) love him. He is seen as a hero and savior by his own contry and much of the world, (depending on writer and what verson). very high Cha needed

Victor? Is that you?


Agreed on CON.
I'd say he has WIS penalty, and has Unnatural Will (use CHA instead of WIS for will saves).

No need for DEX, craft is INT based.

What Senevri said.
Beckett, dont forget: I had only 25 points.

Shadow Lodge

Thirlen wrote:
Beckett, dont forget: I had only 25 points.

Doom isn't possible on a 25 point buy.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kthulhu wrote:
Thirlen wrote:
Beckett, dont forget: I had only 25 points.
Doom isn't possible on a 25 point buy.

Anything is possible if you have imagination.

Shadow Lodge

Ravingdork wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
Thirlen wrote:
Beckett, dont forget: I had only 25 points.
Doom isn't possible on a 25 point buy.
Anything is possible if you have imagination.

So what would you say for a 25 Point Buy Marvel's Thor. . .?

Shadow Lodge

Senevri wrote:


Victor? Is that you?


Agreed on CON.
I'd say he has WIS penalty, and has Unnatural Will (use CHA instead of WIS for will saves).

No need for DEX, craft is INT based.

Doubtful. Remember that Cha covers looks too, and Doom is (believed to be) horribly scarred. More likely a low Cha and high ranks in Knowledge Nobiliy, Diplomacy, and Intimidate, as well as a moderately high Wis. Again, remember hissheer force of will and nearly unbreakable mind.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Beckett wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
Thirlen wrote:
Beckett, dont forget: I had only 25 points.
Doom isn't possible on a 25 point buy.
Anything is possible if you have imagination.
So what would you say for a 25 Point Buy Marvel's Thor. . .?

I don't follow Thor or his comics, so I'll leave that one to somebody better suited to answering it.

Shadow Lodge

It was sort of a joke. Imagination can only take you so far for someone that was designed to be stronger and tougher than the Hulk at his worst, nearly as fast a healer as Wolverine in a sense, and a lot of ther stuff. But it also has a lot to do with individual interpretation of thecharacterand D&D stats, like how I suggest a higher Dex and Wis for Doom.

Hm. I actually calculated it once... I think a calm Hulk has STR score around 80-100.

Thor isn't too bad, actually. Or wasn't, might be harder now that there aren't a zillion splats to choose from.

Cleric, Weather + Air domains, of course. Max STR - admittedly only goes to 36.

Hammer of Thunderbolts
This +3 Large returning warhammer deals 4d6 points of damage on any hit. Further, if the wielder wears a belt of giant strength and gauntlets of ogre power and he knows that the hammer is a hammer of thunderbolts (not just a +3 warhammer), the weapon can be used to full effect: It gains a total +5 enhancement bonus, allows all belt and gauntlet bonuses to stack (only when using this weapon), and strikes dead any giant upon whom it scores a hit (Fortitude DC 20 negates the death effect but not the damage).

When hurled, on a successful attack the hammer emits a great noise, like a clap of thunder, causing all creatures within 90 feet to be stunned for 1 round (Fortitude DC 15 negates). The hammer’s range increment is 30 feet.

STR 38.

Dip Barbarian, STR 42.

You could also try a wholly barbarian base. Strength Surge, Ground Breaker, Knockback... Greater Elemental Rage, 3 levels of Horizon Walker for flight...

Or combine divine + barbarian, do a Winds/Battle Oracle / Rage Prophet.
STR goes up to 44.

Mmh, sort of depends on the flavor. I still think Cleric fits Marvel's Thor best.

Senevri wrote:
Hm. I actually calculated it once... I think a calm Hulk has STR score around 80-100.

Thor is actually stronger than a calm Hulk. He possesses Class 100 Strength which enables him to lift "in excess of 100 tons". A calm Hulk possesses around Class 75 Strength. It's just that no one ever writes Hulk as being calm anymore.

Shadow Lodge

Gestalt Sorcerer 20 (Arcane Bloodline) // Fighter 3 / Rogue 2 / Wizard 5 / Eldritch Knight 10

Str 26 Dex 18 Con 16
Int 30 Wis 24 Cha 26

Adamantine Full Plate +5
Ability Enhancement Bonuses (+10 Strength, +4 Dexterity)
No Spell Failure Chance, Max Dexterity Bonus, or Armor Check Penalty
Greater Energy Resistance (30 / Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic)
Fortification (75% Ignore Critical Hit / Sneak Attack Damage)
Invulnerability (DR 10/-), Spell Resistance (SR 19)
SLA Continually Active: Arcane Sight, True Seeing
SLA At Will: Color Spray, Fly, Overland Flight, Shocking Grasp (5d6)
SLA Six/Day: Burning Hands (5d4), Chain Lightning (20d6), Lightning Bolt (10d6), Scorching Ray (4d6 × 3)
SLA Three/Day: Disintegrate (40d6), Enervation, Forcecage, Resilient Sphere, Telekinetic Sphere, Wall of Force

Other Equipment:
Headband of Mental Superiority +6.
Pretty much anything else he wants

Naxed out Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana, Engineering, History, Nobility, Planes, Religion), Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Survival, Use Magic Device

Possess Other (Su): He can use a specialized version of Magic Jar, that directly transfers his soul into that of his victim. His victim's soul does not leave the body, it is just rendered into a helpless passenger within it's own body. This ability has no set duration, it last until Doom abandons the host body for another or for his own (or a re-created version of his own).

Sorcerer Spell Selection: He'd probably have mostly utility type spells, although there would be a minor focus on abjuration, divination, and summoning.

Silver Crusade

I took one last stab at Doom. I made a few changes (some of which had already been discussed).


Final Doom:

The large hulking figure wearing white robes and an iron mask stands over your beaten and battered form, his mithral breastplate clearly outlined beneath flowing the garments. He speaks, his words bearing a clipped Varisian accent. “Before this day is ended, all will grovel helplessly at my feet. For fate has obviously ordained that Doom shall be master of Golarion.”

Doom (6'7” in armor, 212 lbs. in armor)
Male human bard 10/Dragon Disciple (blue) 8/Stalwart Defender 2 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Players Guide pg. 277}
LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +8; Senses arcane sight, blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., see invisibility; Perception +31

AC 39, touch 24, flat-footed 31 (+11 armor, +2 deflection, +4 dodge, +4 Dex, +4 enhancement, +4 natural)
hp 299 (10d8+10d12+180)
Fort +16, Ref +15, Will +19
Defensive Abilities defensive stance (10 rds/day), defensive power – roused defense

Speed 20 ft.; fly 30 ft. (good)
Armor Check Penalty -1 (0 for Climb and jump checks; mithral agile breastplate)
Melee 2 claws +26 (1d6+11 plus 1d6 electricity/19-20) and bite +26 (1d6+16 plus 1d6 electricity)
Ranged arcane blast +19 ranged touch (2d6 plus 1d6/level of spell slot used)
Special Attacks bardic performance (29 rounds/day), countersong, dirge of doom, distraction, dragon bite (7 rounds/day), dragon claws (7 rounds/day), dragon form (form of the dragon I) 1/day, fascinate, inspire competence +3, inspire courage +2, inspire greatness
Spells Known (CL 16th)
6th (2/day) – analyze dweomer, project image
5th (4/day) – greater dispel magic, mass suggestion, mind fog, persistent image
4th (5/day) – detect scrying, dimension door, freedom of movement, modify memory, zone of silence
3rd (7/day) – confusion, haste, phantom steed, scrying, slow, tiny hut
2nd (7/day) – alter self, blur, detect thoughts, glitterdust, invisibility, sound burst
1st (7/day) – charm person, cure light wounds, expeditious retreat, grease, silent image, undetectable alignment
0 (at will) – dancing lights, detect magic, mending, prestidigitation, read magic, sift

AC 37, touch 22, flat-footed 29 (+11 armor, +2 deflection, +2 dodge, +4 Dex, +4 enhancement, +4 natural)
hp 259 (10d8+10d12+140)
Fort +14, Will +17
Melee 2 claws +24 (1d6+9 plus 1d6 electricity/19-20) and bite +24 (1d6+13 plus 1d6 electricity)
Str 27 (23), Con 22 (18)
CMB +24; CMD 38

Str 31 (23), Dex 19 (15), Con 26 (18), Int 26 (22), Wis 21 (17), Cha 24 (20)
Base Atk. +15; CMB +26; CMD 40
Skills Acrobatics +9, Bluff +20, Craft (alchemy) +17, Diplomacy +20, Disguise +20, Fly +12, Intimidate +20, Knowledge (arcana) +31, Knowledge (engineering) +31, Knowledge (geography) +19, Knowledge (history) +19, Knowledge (nobility) +17, Knowledge (planes) +17, Linguistics +21, Perception +31, Perform (act) +20, Perform (oratory) +20, Sense Motive +20, Spellcraft +25, Use Magic Device +18
Feats Arcane Blast, Arcane Shield, Dodge, Blind-Fight*, Craft Construct, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Eldritch Claws, Endurance, Improved Critical (claws), Improved Initiative*, Medium Armor Proficiency, Power Attack, Toughness*
*bloodline feats
Italicized feats are from the APG.
SQ bardic knowledge (+5), inherent bonuses, jack-of-all-trades (use any skill), lore master 1/day, permanent spells, versatile performance (act, oratory), well-versed
Languages Abyssal, Azlanti, Celestial, Draconic, Hallit, Infernal, Taldan (Common), Varisian
Gear +5 moderate fortification mithral agile breastplate*, amulet of mighty fists (+4 defending), belt of physical perfection (+4), white robes, boots of flying (as per broom of flying), cape of the mountebank, gloves of absorption (as per the rod; 30 charges remain), iron mask of mental superiority (+4), ring of protection +2, ring of regeneration

* - agile breastplate (Pathfinder APG pg. 179) - This breastplate is specially crafted in a manner that allows extra maneuverability for some physical activities. The armor check penalty for Climb and jump checks is only -1 (masterwork and mithral versions of this armor reduce this penalty as well the normal penalty).

Inherent Bonuses: Over the years, Doom has used various arcane rituals and alchemical formula to increase his stats. He has a +5 inherent bonus to Strength, a +4 inherent bonus to Constitution and Charisma, and a +3 inherent bonus to all of his other stats.
Permanent Spells: In addition to increasing his stats, Doom has also had the following spells made permanent on himself – arcane sight, comprehend languages, darkvision, greater magic fang, see invisibility, and tongues.

Arcane Blast (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Players Guide pg. 150)
You can convert any spell into an attack.
Prerequisites: Arcane spellcaster, caster level 10th.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can sacrifice a prepared spell or unused spell slot of 1st level or higher and transform it into a ray, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This attack deals 2d6 points of damage plus an additional 1d6 points of damage for every level of the spell or spell slot you sacrificed. 0-level spells may not be sacrificed in this manner.

Arcane Shield (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Players Guide pg. 150)
You can convert any spell into a defense.
Prerequisites: Arcane spellcaster, caster level 10th.
Benefit: As an immediate action, you can sacrifice a prepared spell or unused spell slot of 1st level or higher and gain a deflection bonus to AC equal to the level of the spell or spell slot you sacrificed for 1 round. 0-level spells may not be sacrificed in this manner.

AC Bonus (Ex): Doom receives a +1 dodge bonus to AC due to the training he gained as a stalwart defender.
Defensive Stance (Ex): Doom can enter a defensive stance, a portion of readiness and trancelike determination. While in this stance, Doom gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC, a +4 morale bonus to his Strength and Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. He also cannot willingly move from his current position through any means (including normal movement, riding a mount, teleportation, or willingly allow allies to carry him). If Doom enters a defensive stance while on a moving vehicle he does not control (such as a wagon or ship), he can maintain the stance even if the vehicle moves. If Doom moves under his own power as a result of an enemy's successful use of the Bluff skill or an enchantment spell, his stance ends.
Doom can end his defensive stance as a free action; he is fatigued for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the stance. He cannot enter a new defensive stance while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter a stance multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If Doom should fall unconscious while in a defensive stance, the stance immediately ends, placing him possibly in peril of death.
Roused Defense (Ex): Doom may enter a defensive stance even if fatigued. While maintaining the stance, he is immune to the fatigued condition. Once this stance ends, he is exhausted for 10 minutes per round spent in a defensive stance.

I changed the armor for three reasons:
1) The "ceremonial" aspect technically was outside the parameters established by Ravingdork;
2) Of all the armors presented in both the Core Rulebook and the APG, the agile breastplate made the most sense to me as far as maximum protection and minimal armor check penalty.
and 3) Doom looks cooler in a breastplate as opposed to scale armor.

I switched out Arcane Strike for Eldritch Claws to free up a swift action (even though the damage with Eldritch Claws doesn't change like Arcane Strike does, having that swift action to do other things can make things a little easier for Doom).

I also realized that I hadn't finished his 1st level spells either, so I went back and adjusted those as well.

Finally, I looked at the possibility of giving him the "Arcane Duelist" archetype, but it would have changed him in ways that I personally didn't like and so abandoned that idea (YMMV, though).

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