Thirlen's page

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What Senevri said.
Beckett, dont forget: I had only 25 points.

My Doom. :)

Aristocrat/Wizard/Artificier - Always looking for new, powerfull spells, while creating doombots and reigning his country. Maybe no Artificier, but he is definitly an Aristocrat at the start (and the Heavy Armor Profiency is always useful), and he can use spells without aid.

Begining Abilities (25 p)
Str 14 (5) - He always wears that armor
Dex 10 (0) - High Dex would be uncharacteristic
Con 12 (2) - A little over the average
Int 17 (13) - Sorry, 18 is for Reed
Wis 10 (0) - He is NOT wise. Smart, but not wise (monologues, etc.)
Cha 14 (5) - Above average, but most people hate him

Feats: Create Constructs, Create Magical Armor, Improved Unarmed Strike, Leadership, Arcane Armor Training, Arcane Armor Mastery

Skills: High Intimidate, but low Diplomacy. Lot of Knowledge Skills and high Use Magic Device

Equipment: Tricked out Mithral Full Plate (Arcane spell failure after Feats: 5%. He can always blame Reed, if it happens). Latveria. Anything he wants.

Spells: Lot of ray spells, Shield, Scrying, Plane Shift, Magic Jar, etc.