FAWTLhouse Five

Off-Topic Discussions

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Sovereign Court

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Woot got my test results back from the Dr. my blood glucose was 89, my thyroid was 3.0, My good cholesterol was 30 and my bad cholesterol was 115. According to the nurse that told me the scores, all my results are good. So after that I will probably get and take the meds for blood pressure and just forget about the cholesterol med. Just because I am heavy doesn't mean I am completely out of whack. Now time to get ready for work.

Good man!

Someone very close to me had a very very bad reaction to Lipitor, and they had the temerity to scold her when she said she would not take it any more. Sometimes doctors press you to do things that aren't in your best interests.

My little brother was told by his doctor that he needed to lose weight, but his cholesterol was too low...

He asked the doctor if this meant he should eat a stick of butter and then run 5 miles every day (he actually already does the running...). The doctor was not terribly amused...

Liberty's Edge

Lilith wrote:
*leaves cookies in the thread for the FAWTL folks*


fans 'ilif!

Jess Door wrote:
Nope, it's really just whole green peppers. They're hollow...and I don't know why, but I imagine they're about to explode and billions of bugs will pour out, like a scene in the Mummy. It always requires a steadying breath for me to hold onto or chop up a whole bell pepper. When I was a child I was once chased, screaming, through my grandmother's back yard by a cousin holding a freshly picked green pepper. My grandmother, an avid gardener, spanked me, sat me in the corner, then tried to make me hold the green pepper in question the rest of the afternoon. I got spanked a couple more times, but I wouldn't hold it. Even when she pressed it into my hands and held my hands on it, I fought her, and when she let go I dropped the pepper, and got spanked again. My grandma is a little too practical to deal with over imaginative grandchildren very well...

Sometimes, grandparents can be a little(read: A LOT) uncompromising...

But yeah. That's just a strange phobia.

Jess Door wrote:
Big leaves are probably bug based too, in the end. But BIG leaves - like sycamore leaves, for example, or the giant maple leaves in really old, big maple trees - freak me out. Brocolli leaves too - especially since they're all holey and pale...like zombie leaves. eeeeeeeeeeeew.

This I can understand a bit. Big leaves tend to have insects crawling all over them, and if you're not into insects, you tend to avoid them.

Jess Door wrote:
I didn't take a trip to Japan. I lived there for two years - 2000 to 2002. :) I went over on the JET Programme and taught English in community ed classes to pre-elementary and elementary students, and also in the local junior high.

kicks self once again for not getting into the JET Programme when he had the chance

*sigh* What I missed out on...Still, I was a hyper young adult who was seriously too into japanese stuff at the time, as much as I love japan and japanese stuff, I'm not sure if it would have been a good thing at that time in my life. Of course, this may just be rationalization.

Jess Door wrote:
OH, and yeah, the Dark Crystal bad guys were scary when I was a kid too. But Watership Down really freaked me out.

I could take the bad guys- it was the PROTAGONISTS that freaked me out, and still do. I always wanted to run a nWoD Changeling game based on Watership Down, but I don't think I could get enough people who are into their characters dying senseless deaths in one room at a time to get it done, especially considering how intricate character creation is in nWoD Changeling. Still, maybe I should take it up with the CoC people.

Jess Door wrote:
I was bitten as a child, and was scared of dogs for quite a while, but have had more friends with well behaved (or at least nice if slightly under-disciplined) dogs, many large, and have gotten over most of that fear. The poor dog that bit me had been tortured by the neighborhood kids just a few minutes before, and then I walked by, unaware that it'd been provoked, and I was within the chain radius - so I got bit.

There's a japanese saying about "Being bit by a stray dog" that has something to do with just plain bad luck that has nothing to do with the person who it falls upon, which looks like is what happened with you.

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Between Christmas and my youngest son's birthday, he got the first two sets of Old School Sesame Street. Is it just me, or does anyone else think that the current Sesame Street is crap by comparison?

Yes. All the bits I really like were from the old episodes. I really couldn't blame my kid for not liking it when he was the right age for it. He kinda liked Elmo's World for a bit, but that was basically a whole different show.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Yay cookies!

Correction- NAKED Cookies.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Is it just me or are a lot of female gamers spider phobic. Does that make it more or less fun to have a spider centric game session. To me more. But I get tired of calling spiders, tigers.

lol. We have it reversed. I think spiders are awesome, and the DM is spider-phobic. :)

lynora wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
Between Christmas and my youngest son's birthday, he got the first two sets of Old School Sesame Street. Is it just me, or does anyone else think that the current Sesame Street is crap by comparison?
Yes. All the bits I really like were from the old episodes. I really couldn't blame my kid for not liking it when he was the right age for it. He kinda liked Elmo's World for a bit, but that was basically a whole different show.

It's a great show, but the years haven't been especially kind.

Paris Crenshaw wrote:

Howdy, FAWTLies!

I'm back from my vacation--currently, I'm taking a lunch break from reading the tons of e-mails and prepping answers to a similar number of questions that came up while I was gone.

This was not unexpected, of course, so I'm okay with it.

The vacation was absolutely awesome. I would highly recommend the Disney Cruise Line to anyone. In fact, we'll be going on another cruise as soon as we can afford it (and make it work for our schedule).

The highlight of the trip, by far, was our excursion to actually swim and play with bottlenose dolphins in Nassau. It was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the whole family.

I'm still trying to catch up on all the posts from the previous week, but I did see Wolfthulu's post on the weird note. Very strange, indeed. I hope nothing bad comes of it.

Ooh, cool! Swimming with dolphins is awesome. Glad you guys had a good time. :)

Jess Door wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Woot got my test results back from the Dr. my blood glucose was 89, my thyroid was 3.0, My good cholesterol was 30 and my bad cholesterol was 115. According to the nurse that told me the scores, all my results are good. So after that I will probably get and take the meds for blood pressure and just forget about the cholesterol med. Just because I am heavy doesn't mean I am completely out of whack. Now time to get ready for work.

Good man!

Someone very close to me had a very very bad reaction to Lipitor, and they had the temerity to scold her when she said she would not take it any more. Sometimes doctors press you to do things that aren't in your best interests.

My little brother was told by his doctor that he needed to lose weight, but his cholesterol was too low...

He asked the doctor if this meant he should eat a stick of butter and then run 5 miles every day (he actually already does the running...). The doctor was not terribly amused...

I have no tolerance for doctors who presume their patients are idiots. Granted, I may have some slight authority issues, but I have a real problem with doctors who are shocked by patients with any in depth knowledge of their own health and body. Diane has three masters degrees and she has run into a number of doctors who talked to her like she was illiterate. She is much less confrontational about it than I am, but I have zero problem reminding a doctor that I am the customer.

Lilith wrote:
*leaves cookies in the thread for the FAWTL folks*

Yay, cookies. :)

Celestial Healer wrote:
Yay cookies!


Bitter Thorn wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Woot got my test results back from the Dr. my blood glucose was 89, my thyroid was 3.0, My good cholesterol was 30 and my bad cholesterol was 115. According to the nurse that told me the scores, all my results are good. So after that I will probably get and take the meds for blood pressure and just forget about the cholesterol med. Just because I am heavy doesn't mean I am completely out of whack. Now time to get ready for work.

Good man!

Someone very close to me had a very very bad reaction to Lipitor, and they had the temerity to scold her when she said she would not take it any more. Sometimes doctors press you to do things that aren't in your best interests.

My little brother was told by his doctor that he needed to lose weight, but his cholesterol was too low...

He asked the doctor if this meant he should eat a stick of butter and then run 5 miles every day (he actually already does the running...). The doctor was not terribly amused...

I have no tolerance for doctors who presume their patients are idiots. Granted, I may have some slight authority issues, but I have a real problem with doctors who are shocked by patients with any in depth knowledge of their own health and body. Diane has three masters degrees and she has run into a number of doctors who talked to her like she was illiterate. She is much less confrontational about it than I am, but I have zero problem reminding a doctor that I am the customer.

I always remind my members during my weekly medication group that only they know what the medications are doing to them, fancy pieces of paper on their therapist/psychiatrist's wall be damned.

Jess Door wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Woot got my test results back from the Dr. my blood glucose was 89, my thyroid was 3.0, My good cholesterol was 30 and my bad cholesterol was 115. According to the nurse that told me the scores, all my results are good. So after that I will probably get and take the meds for blood pressure and just forget about the cholesterol med. Just because I am heavy doesn't mean I am completely out of whack. Now time to get ready for work.

Good man!

Someone very close to me had a very very bad reaction to Lipitor, and they had the temerity to scold her when she said she would not take it any more. Sometimes doctors press you to do things that aren't in your best interests.

My little brother was told by his doctor that he needed to lose weight, but his cholesterol was too low...

He asked the doctor if this meant he should eat a stick of butter and then run 5 miles every day (he actually already does the running...). The doctor was not terribly amused...

Heh. I've had almost that same conversation with my doctor. For some reason they don't think it's funny...But really, exactly what am I supposed to do about my cholesterol being too low? It's a genetic thing.

Sovereign Court

Freehold DM wrote:

Sometimes, grandparents can be a little(read: A LOT) uncompromising...

But yeah. That's just a strange phobia.

Nah, that's just my dad's parents. Spankings have their place, but when the child is more scared of whatever you're asking/telling them to do than another spanking, it's really not productive.

Freehold DM wrote:

kicks self once again for not getting into the JET Programme when he had the chance

*sigh* What I missed out on...Still, I was a hyper young adult who was seriously too into japanese stuff at the time, as much as I love japan and japanese stuff, I'm not sure if it would have been a good thing at...

I was terrified. But I had a very sheltered and limited upbringing, and was scared of many things as I neared the end of college. I was intensely interested in Japan and had taken most of my humanities electives in Japanese culture and language courses (my fourth year classes were all so bad, Japanese became my easy class...), and Dr. Hara took me under his wing and encouraged me to go into the JET Programme.

I jumped in with both feet, mostly as an attempt to get over my fear of new situations, unfamiliar people, and many things that had left me, I felt, rather developmentally stunted. Sort of jumping into the deep end of the pool to get the cold over with all at once. I spent most of the flight over with my brain running around in frightened circles thinking "Oh my god, what have I done?!?"

Career-wise, it didn't turn out that well for me. The pay is middling to awful, and two years teaching English to Japanese students does not make getting your first programming job in the states any easier - and I left the country during the height of the dot com boom, and came back after it busted after 9-11. But personally I wouldn't trade the time away, despite the setbacks on a financial level.

If you want to visit Japan, I prefer a visit to Kyoto for the history and feel (the only major city not firebombed in WWII), and another fun stop is the Awa Odori in Tokushima Prefecture - the second largest dance festival in the world, after Carnival in Rio. Fun stuff! I found Tokyo too overwhelming to enjoy it, honestly. And if you're brave, visit an onsen! read up on etiquitte first though! And if you can find an english speaking ryokan, your hotel stay can be very Japanese as well. :)

...and caught up.

First day of clases went alright. Except for the part where my mineral water exploded all over my papers in A&P. Felt like a right idiot then. But other than that it's all good.

Jess Door wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Sometimes, grandparents can be a little(read: A LOT) uncompromising...

But yeah. That's just a strange phobia.

Nah, that's just my dad's parents. Spankings have their place, but when the child is more scared of whatever you're asking/telling them to do than another spanking, it's really not productive.

Freehold DM wrote:

kicks self once again for not getting into the JET Programme when he had the chance

*sigh* What I missed out on...Still, I was a hyper young adult who was seriously too into japanese stuff at the time, as much as I love japan and japanese stuff, I'm not sure if it would have been a good thing at...

I was terrified. But I had a very sheltered and limited upbringing, and was scared of many things as I neared the end of college. I was intensely interested in Japan and had taken most of my humanities electives in Japanese culture and language courses (my fourth year classes were all so bad, Japanese became my easy class...), and Dr. Hara took me under his wing and encouraged me to go into the JET Programme.

I jumped in with both feet, mostly as an attempt to get over my fear of new situations, unfamiliar people, and many things that had left me, I felt, rather developmentally stunted. Sort of jumping into the deep end of the pool to get the cold over with all at once. I spent most of the flight over with my brain running around in frightened circles thinking "Oh my god, what have I done?!?"

Career-wise, it didn't turn out that well for me. The pay is middling to awful, and two years teaching English to Japanese students does not make getting your first programming job in the states any easier - and I left the country during the height of the dot com boom, and came back after it busted after 9-11. But personally I wouldn't trade the time away, despite the setbacks on a financial level.

If you want to visit Japan, I prefer a visit to Kyoto for the history and feel (the only major city not firebombed in WWII), and...

I'm not big on the spanking thing, but then again, I don't have kids yet. My wife and I amend to see what are children are like before putting down any hard rules on something like that, but I was raised spanked and turned out okay, but some of the things my mom spanked me for(that I will not go into here) bordered on the arcane and prideful, even now.

In terms of japan, I have got to go to Akibahara to meet up with my fellow geeks and see if I can get a game of Pathfinder/D&D in. And I have made an oath with a few of my friends to go to soapland(if it's still around). My best man still wants to..*ahem* buy me some..uh..experiences there that only money can buy, but I'm not sure if I'm altogether comfortable with that. Aside from those things (which would probably take up the first few days there, and I intend to do at least two full weeks), I'll certainly do some if not all of the things you suggested. I really want to see what a real ryokan is like!!!!! And hells yeah I'm going to an onsen- too many years of watching them on tv to not go if I get the chance!!!! And for the opportunity to be a black man in japan...yeah. I'm hitting the nightlife scene.

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Yay cookies!
Correction- NAKED Cookies.

This little cookie doesn't cover very much...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Lilith wrote:
*leaves cookies in the thread for the FAWTL folks*

Those were supposed to go in my monthly shipment. ;)

The Exchange

~Runs through thread wielding a katana in one and hand wearing a single sock.~


The Exchange

Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Yay cookies!
Correction- NAKED Cookies.
This little cookie doesn't cover very much...

And for some reason Thin Mints comes to mind. :P

Justin Franklin wrote:
Lilith wrote:
*leaves cookies in the thread for the FAWTL folks*
Those were supposed to go in my monthly shipment. ;)

And your monthly shipment is supposed to be delivered to me.

Freehold DM wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Woot got my test results back from the Dr. my blood glucose was 89, my thyroid was 3.0, My good cholesterol was 30 and my bad cholesterol was 115. According to the nurse that told me the scores, all my results are good. So after that I will probably get and take the meds for blood pressure and just forget about the cholesterol med. Just because I am heavy doesn't mean I am completely out of whack. Now time to get ready for work.

Good man!

Someone very close to me had a very very bad reaction to Lipitor, and they had the temerity to scold her when she said she would not take it any more. Sometimes doctors press you to do things that aren't in your best interests.

My little brother was told by his doctor that he needed to lose weight, but his cholesterol was too low...

He asked the doctor if this meant he should eat a stick of butter and then run 5 miles every day (he actually already does the running...). The doctor was not terribly amused...

I have no tolerance for doctors who presume their patients are idiots. Granted, I may have some slight authority issues, but I have a real problem with doctors who are shocked by patients with any in depth knowledge of their own health and body. Diane has three masters degrees and she has run into a number of doctors who talked to her like she was illiterate. She is much less confrontational about it than I am, but I have zero problem reminding a doctor that I am the customer.
I always remind my members during my weekly medication group that only they know what the medications are doing to them, fancy pieces of paper on their therapist/psychiatrist's wall be damned.

Psycho pharmaceuticals and memory dementia drugs are tough too. It's tough to self analyze the effects of drugs on memory and cognition when you're already struggling with memory and cognition, but barring someone who lives with the patient all the time there aren't a lot of tools for charting efficacy. This was a huge challenge in terms of Mom's Alzheimer's before she died. All the other meds and variables didn't help either. Man, my sister is a saint.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Lord President Moorluck wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Lilith wrote:
*leaves cookies in the thread for the FAWTL folks*
Those were supposed to go in my monthly shipment. ;)
And your monthly shipment is supposed to be delivered to me.

Nope just the bill.

The Exchange

Justin Franklin wrote:
Lord President Moorluck wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Lilith wrote:
*leaves cookies in the thread for the FAWTL folks*
Those were supposed to go in my monthly shipment. ;)
And your monthly shipment is supposed to be delivered to me.
Nope just the bill.

You know there are easier ways to cancel your orders than non payment right?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Moorluck wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Lord President Moorluck wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Lilith wrote:
*leaves cookies in the thread for the FAWTL folks*
Those were supposed to go in my monthly shipment. ;)
And your monthly shipment is supposed to be delivered to me.
Nope just the bill.
You know there are easier ways to cancel your orders than non payment right?


Sovereign Court

Freehold DM wrote:
I'm not big on the spanking thing, but then again, I don't have kids yet. My wife and I amend to see what are children are like before putting down any hard rules on something like that, but I was raised spanked and turned out okay, but some of the things my mom spanked me for(that I will not go into here) bordered on the arcane and prideful, even now.

I don't have a problem with spanking, but it's purpose is to set a command in a young child's head when reason might not get through. It has to be used correctly. Dad's parents had three children by the time Grandma was 18, and her youngest was born when she was 36, so when I was 5, she still had a fifteen year old son in the house. She wasn't ready to be a grandmother until years later.

Freehold DM wrote:

In terms of japan, I have got to go to Akibahara to meet up with my fellow geeks and see if I can get a game of Pathfinder/D&D in. And I have made an oath with a few of my friends to go to soapland(if it's still around). My best man still wants to..*ahem* buy me some..uh..experiences there that only money can buy, but I'm not sure if I'm altogether comfortable with that. Aside from those things (which would probably take up the first few days there, and I intend to do at least two full weeks), I'll certainly do some if not all of the things you suggested. I really want to see what a real ryokan is like!!!!! And hells yeah I'm going to an onsen- too many years of watching them on tv to not go if I get the chance!!!! And for the opportunity to be a black man in japan...yeah. I'm hitting the nightlife scene.

I actually didn't get into tabletop gaming until after I returned from Japan. :) And I lived on Shikoku, so there weren't many options for socialization of any large magnitude.

Have you, by any chance, read Outpost Nine? Heh, he was in Japan on JET a few years later than me, but man...crazy.

My funniest Japanese story is I worked at the Mino Town International Exchange Association - the Mino-cho Kokusai Kouryuu Kyoukai. For the first 18 months, I mispronounced it "Kokusai Kyoryuu Kyoukai" - International Dinosaur Association.

Oops. I didn't realize until one of my 5 year old students, an absolute freak for dinosaurs, taught me the word for dinosaur. "Kyouryuu...waitaminute!"

Mondays suck. That is all.

The Exchange

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Woot got my test results back from the Dr. my blood glucose was 89, my thyroid was 3.0, My good cholesterol was 30 and my bad cholesterol was 115. According to the nurse that told me the scores, all my results are good. So after that I will probably get and take the meds for blood pressure and just forget about the cholesterol med. Just because I am heavy doesn't mean I am completely out of whack. Now time to get ready for work.

Good man!

Someone very close to me had a very very bad reaction to Lipitor, and they had the temerity to scold her when she said she would not take it any more. Sometimes doctors press you to do things that aren't in your best interests.

My little brother was told by his doctor that he needed to lose weight, but his cholesterol was too low...

He asked the doctor if this meant he should eat a stick of butter and then run 5 miles every day (he actually already does the running...). The doctor was not terribly amused...

I have no tolerance for doctors who presume their patients are idiots. Granted, I may have some slight authority issues,:) but I have a real problem with doctors who are shocked by patients with any in depth knowledge of their own health and body. Diane has three masters degrees and she has run into a number of doctors who talked to her like she was illiterate. She is much less confrontational about it than I am, but I have zero problem reminding a doctor that I am the customer.

If you speak to 100 people who are idiots, the savant blows your mind. Just saying.

The Exchange

Deleted my post on account of it being to crass. Maybe I am getting more mature?..... Nah, I just don't want to offend the lovely Jess.

The Exchange

Ok I think I'm gonna head out to New Vegas, Amata needs to drop of some jumpsuits to a cute blonde.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Moorluck wrote:
Deleted my post on account of it being to crass. Maybe I am getting more mature?..... Nah, I just don't want to offend the lovely Jess.

You're not growing up are you?

What ever will become of the Moorluck we all know and love? :'(

Crimson Jester wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Woot got my test results back from the Dr. my blood glucose was 89, my thyroid was 3.0, My good cholesterol was 30 and my bad cholesterol was 115. According to the nurse that told me the scores, all my results are good. So after that I will probably get and take the meds for blood pressure and just forget about the cholesterol med. Just because I am heavy doesn't mean I am completely out of whack. Now time to get ready for work.

Good man!

Someone very close to me had a very very bad reaction to Lipitor, and they had the temerity to scold her when she said she would not take it any more. Sometimes doctors press you to do things that aren't in your best interests.

My little brother was told by his doctor that he needed to lose weight, but his cholesterol was too low...

He asked the doctor if this meant he should eat a stick of butter and then run 5 miles every day (he actually already does the running...). The doctor was not terribly amused...

I have no tolerance for doctors who presume their patients are idiots. Granted, I may have some slight authority issues,:) but I have a real problem with doctors who are shocked by patients with any in depth knowledge of their own health and body. Diane has three masters degrees and she has run into a number of doctors who talked to her like she was illiterate. She is much less confrontational about it than I am, but I have zero problem reminding a doctor that I am the customer.
If you speak to 100 people who are idiots, the savant blows your mind. Just saying.

If I'm the savant, woe betide our species.

I think we need more pics of gamers and such.

Sovereign Court

Moorluck wrote:

Deleted my post on account of it being to crass. Maybe I am getting more mature?..... Nah, I just don't want to offend the lovely Jess.


Sovereign Court


They put me on call again.

So I was on call Christmas week, and now this week too.


The Exchange

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Woot got my test results back from the Dr. my blood glucose was 89, my thyroid was 3.0, My good cholesterol was 30 and my bad cholesterol was 115. According to the nurse that told me the scores, all my results are good. So after that I will probably get and take the meds for blood pressure and just forget about the cholesterol med. Just because I am heavy doesn't mean I am completely out of whack. Now time to get ready for work.

Good man!

Someone very close to me had a very very bad reaction to Lipitor, and they had the temerity to scold her when she said she would not take it any more. Sometimes doctors press you to do things that aren't in your best interests.

My little brother was told by his doctor that he needed to lose weight, but his cholesterol was too low...

He asked the doctor if this meant he should eat a stick of butter and then run 5 miles every day (he actually already does the running...). The doctor was not terribly amused...

I have no tolerance for doctors who presume their patients are idiots. Granted, I may have some slight authority issues,:) but I have a real problem with doctors who are shocked by patients with any in depth knowledge of their own health and body. Diane has three masters degrees and she has run into a number of doctors who talked to her like she was illiterate. She is much less confrontational about it than I am, but I have zero problem reminding a doctor that I am the customer.
If you speak to 100 people who are idiots, the savant blows your mind. Just saying.
If I'm the savant, woe betide our species.

You said Diane had 3 masters degrees :-)

Also Doctors need to have the fact that you are a customer reinforced from time to time. Just make sure you pay your bill o_O

Crimson Jester wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
Woot got my test results back from the Dr. my blood glucose was 89, my thyroid was 3.0, My good cholesterol was 30 and my bad cholesterol was 115. According to the nurse that told me the scores, all my results are good. So after that I will probably get and take the meds for blood pressure and just forget about the cholesterol med. Just because I am heavy doesn't mean I am completely out of whack. Now time to get ready for work.

Good man!

Someone very close to me had a very very bad reaction to Lipitor, and they had the temerity to scold her when she said she would not take it any more. Sometimes doctors press you to do things that aren't in your best interests.

My little brother was told by his doctor that he needed to lose weight, but his cholesterol was too low...

He asked the doctor if this meant he should eat a stick of butter and then run 5 miles every day (he actually already does the running...). The doctor was not terribly amused...

I have no tolerance for doctors who presume their patients are idiots. Granted, I may have some slight authority issues,:) but I have a real problem with doctors who are shocked by patients with any in depth knowledge of their own health and body. Diane has three masters degrees and she has run into a number of doctors who talked to her like she was illiterate. She is much less confrontational about it than I am, but I have zero problem reminding a doctor that I am the customer.
If you speak to 100 people who are idiots, the savant blows your mind. Just saying.
If I'm the savant, woe betide our species.

You said Diane had 3 masters degrees :-)

Also Doctors need to have the fact that you are a customer reinforced from time to time. Just make sure you pay your bill o_O

lol! :) Good point.

Jess Door wrote:


They put me on call again.

So I was on call Christmas week, and now this week too.



Home, Dinner. Mondays suck. Thank You.

lynora wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Two things, the first being, Wolf that is f#!*ed up buddy! I mean really, really f#!*ed up.

And second, dice seem to love dark chocolate.... they really do. I haven't ever seen 4 20's rolled in one fight, or an entire party crit in a single round. O_o

What did I tell you about appeasing the dice gods? We wouldn't do these crazy things if they didn't work. ;)

I know right?!

Liberty's Edge

Hello all.

Spiders and tigers and Japan oh my!

Aberzombie wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Ok, minor debate in the Moore house, contains minor spoiler for Skinsaw Murders...

** spoiler omitted **

I would give it to the monk. The druid has other options.


Guess I lost that argument...thanks a bunch guys. :P

The Exchange

Oh I can't believe the news today
I can't close my eyes and make it melt away
Monday Snowy Monday...

Jess Door wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Deleted my post on account of it being to crass. Maybe I am getting more mature?..... Nah, I just don't want to offend the lovely Jess.


He's worried about offending the newest female. Just kick him. :P

The Exchange

Solnes wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Ok, minor debate in the Moore house, contains minor spoiler for Skinsaw Murders...

** spoiler omitted **

I would give it to the monk. The druid has other options.


Guess I lost that argument...thanks a bunch guys. :P

hey now I said handle it in game. Turn into a tiger and eat her. Then you get the magic item all her loot and XP to boot.

Crimson Jester wrote:

Oh I can't believe the news today

I can't close my eyes and make it melt away
Monday Snowy Monday...

Would have preferred snow to the ice and rain here.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Ok, minor debate in the Moore house, contains minor spoiler for Skinsaw Murders...

** spoiler omitted **

I would give it to the monk. The druid has other options.


Guess I lost that argument...thanks a bunch guys. :P
hey now I said handle it in game. Turn into a tiger and eat her. Then you get the magic item all her loot and XP to boot.

I gave up the wild shape ability.

The Exchange

Solnes wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

Oh I can't believe the news today

I can't close my eyes and make it melt away
Monday Snowy Monday...
Would have preferred snow to the ice and rain here.

Touche' fair Solnes Touche'

Where has TAD been? Is he OK?

Poor Kellen. My little buddy is so sick. :(

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