Order #1445086 - missing / duplicate books

Customer Service

Dear Paizo,

Just got back from holiday to my latest bundle of Paizo goodness (hence the late report), and I've received one item twice, and one not at all.

I have:

2 x PF#34 Blood for Blood
0 x Sargava, the Lost Colony

The rest of the shipment is fine.

Can you please let me know how to get a replacement?

Thanks and regards,

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Tim Franklin wrote:

Dear Paizo,

Just got back from holiday to my latest bundle of Paizo goodness (hence the late report), and I've received one item twice, and one not at all.

I have:

2 x PF#34 Blood for Blood
0 x Sargava, the Lost Colony

The rest of the shipment is fine.

Can you please let me know how to get a replacement?

Thanks and regards,

I will put a replacement copy in with your current subscription shipment.


Cosmo wrote:

I will put a replacement copy in with your current subscription shipment.

That's great, many thanks,


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