From The Ashes: Kingmaker Reborn-Open casting call

Gamer Connection

Hey everyone,
Due to the recent defection of our original GM I have decided to step in and run the campaign in his place.
I am looking for one character to replace my Rogue (although it doesn't have to be a Rogue character).
The current party composition is:

Human Fighter
Elven Ranger
Human Ranger
Dwarf Cleric of Torag
Human Paladin of Abadar
(These may be subject to change as I'm letting anyone who wants to reroll thier characters).

Character creation rules are:

-20 pt buy
-two Traits (one from the Kingmaker Players guide, one from any PFS legal trait. i.e. NO rich parents, etc...).
-Maximum gold from your character class to start
-each charcter will start with 500 xp. (for more or less even parity with the current characters)

Please post your character concepts in this thread or e-mail me at:


I will be accepting applications until 12 noon (CST) Friday July 2nd. The lucky applicant will be notified that afternoon and the game will recomence on Monday July 5th.

Thanks and Good Luck

Liberty's Edge

I'd love to apply but as always my biggest problem is how many times a week are we posting? And is between a specific time?

I work a 2 weeks on 2 weeks off rotation at my work place so it makes it extremely difficult to post during my time at work when I'm on the clock for 12.5+ hours a day but when i'm off tower i'm free as a bird for 2 weeks and have an aircard for internet xD.

Other then that i'll create whatever character is needed to support the party.

Thanks ^^

I made up this guy for a different group but was not accepted. He also fills the role of a mobile flanker. Though it looks like the party may benefit more from a caster.

I've had an Eldritch Knight idea kicking around for awhile. Maybe I'll build a profile for that.

-Scipion del Ferro

Rin Lightbringer wrote:
I'd love to apply but as always my biggest problem is how many times a week are we posting? And is between a specific time?

I would appreciate daily postings or at least every other day. As we are spread out between several time zones and continents (I believe) there would be no set time for posting. I will try to respond as quickly as I'm able to any questions you may have.

Sometimes RL has a way of kicking you in the butt and I can respect periodic extended absences but please tell me in advance if possible. Any absences longer than two days I will e-mail/ IM you and ask what your status is. If I dont recieve a response within 2 more days I will boot you and seek a replacement player.

Liberty's Edge

roger that i'll work up a rogue for the group and submit it to you asap. Sounds like the perfect posting schedule to me and even when i'm at work i'll be able to post its just a cruddy schedule for anything setup from x time to x time and it rolls from days to nights without explanation.... But even if i don't get selected its all cool I like making characters anyway. =D

I knew there was something I forgot to post in the original post.
- No APG classes (until that book is released)
- Any 3.5 material will have to be cleared by me first (although I'm pretty lenient).

Well I was going to make a saucy halfling enchanter but since your paladin is changing to a caster I hope you take a look at my monk.

If you haven't noticed I am running this game as well, but I can promise no metagaming. This character is also simply not built for brilliant insight and planning anyways.

Go ahead and make that saucy halfling enchanter! I'm going to change the paladin into a bard, instead.

GM Wulfson this is Rin and this is the lvl 1 Rogue I was creating would have updated it sooner but lost internet for a bit. But all is well and the Character is all made up under the name of the poster.


Thanks again for consideration =D

After reading over the Sword Scion Trait, nowhere does it say you are considered proficient with the dueling sword. If your character wants to use the sword he will have to take EWP:Aldori Dueling Sword to use it properly.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Assume core races only, or are other "classable" Bestiary races (tieflings, tengu, etc.) allowed?

Liberty's Edge

My apologizes there ^^; got that fixed and added a rapier to his inventory until i can get a weapon proficiency to correct that. hopefully there aren't anymore mistakes. I'll read it over again and make sure.

Edit:: Found I missed applying one of my SP as well -.-; sorry about that I thought I had proof read it throughly enough but some mistakes were left from the source I borrowed it from. But its fixed now =)

Yes, core races amd classes please.

Here's the crunchy bits of the halfling enchanter. Tarin is a vain figure who thinks that any problem can be solved with careful thought, convincing arguments, and if all else fails arcane mind control. The halfling fails to see the moral dilemmas behind these actions and this has lead to some confrontations with the law. I have selected the Brigand trait to represent the time spent hiding in the Greenbelt. This had been a rough period as Tarin is a poor survivalist, mainly surviving on the generosity/mind control of others in the area. Hearing that there is a new force in the woods it's time to investigate. "If I can't go to civilization, I'll bring it to me!"

I can write up fluff similar in length and depth of Peiter's for this one as well.

Sovereign Court

GM Wulfson wrote:


After reading over the Sword Scion Trait, nowhere does it say you are considered proficient with the dueling sword. If your character wants to use the sword he will have to take EWP:Aldori Dueling Sword to use it properly.

You could probably treat it as a longsword for proficiency purposes- and until you take the proficiency you don't get the weapon finessability of it. Just my thoughts :)

As Rogue's don't get proficiency with long sword, he would still have to take Martial Weapon Proficiency: Long Sword to use it. I would agree that if you're not proficient with the weapon you would not get the finessability bonus.

Sovereign Court

Makes sense. Didn't look at the class :)

Sovereign Court

Greetings here is a character sheet for Dinkeldorf, Gnome Bard on his way to being a Pathfinder Chronicler. Combat is not his thing but he is quick to help his friends and companions.

I'll add a fluff if he checks out or if you want it to be considered for submission.

And by here I meant Right Here

Xealot I think one of the existing players is rerolling as bard.

Finished up everything except backstory and what not. Got gear, stats, familiar, all that fun stuff.

Sovereign Court

Ah, I missed that post... I see it now. Well guess I should reroll.

Sovereign Court

Since I don't see one... I'm going to roll a druid.

In the coming levels i'll get the proficiency rest assured, thanks for trying to give some advice though =), i'll take all I can get. Mainly right now i'll stick with my feint and sneak attack technique and then get the weapon proficiency / weapon finesse and become a real terror lol. But everyone else's characters look pretty nice as well =) so no matter what it'll be interesting come Friday ^^d.

My laptop took a nosedive at work today so I won't be able to review the new applicants until I get home. So I'm pushing the deadline on Friday back until 4:00 p.m. CST

Sovereign Court

May I present Marcus Effington, a book-learned wizard? After all, the party has plenty of fighting ability, wilderness savvy and divine guidance ...

Well, I would certainly be interested in joining this group with Raven (Half-Elf Rogue, eventually planning to go Arcane Trickster); I'll post his background here, but the rest of his details are available via the character page:

Raven knows relatively little about his parents, as he has no memory of them. From what he has been told, his mother was a relatively pretty lass from one of the minor noble families at the Imperial court in Egorian, who caught the eye of an Elven diplomat; when it was discovered that she was pregnant, she was bundled off to Brevory for her confinement, to stay with some distant relatives (by marriage) in House Orlovsky. After the birth, she returned to Egorian, but Raven remained in Brevory.

He grew-up in Skywatch, one of the House Orlovsky strongholds in northern Brevory, where he was treated fairly, albeit without any love – the branch of the House to which he was assigned had no time to coddle the bastard son of a distant relative. However, they did not stint in his education, and he was raised alongside the other scions of the house; although not naturally inclined to being diplomatic, he was instilled with the importance of recognising conflicts that one could not win, whether in business, politics or war, and how to avoid them.

He became adept at spotting weaknesses, and how to exploit them, and discovered that he had a knack for noticing things that others generally missed; in time, he gravitated towards assisting with some of the House’s more clandestine activities.

It was after one such task went wildly wrong, and an innocent bystander was badly hurt (It was supposed to be a simple task of sabotage, embarrassing a rival, no more; after all, generally, you would expect that people would move out of the way of an out-of-control cart of beer barrels, wouldn’t you?), that Raven decided he needed to ‘spread his wings’ and find a new stomping ground. He had heard of the recent push to re-take the so-called ‘Stolen Lands’, and decided that joining one of the groups going out to do just that would be an excellent way to put some distance between himself and his immediate ‘problem’…

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

I might have an interest in this opportunity. I'm in a lot of PbP games already, but haven't landed in a Kingmaker game yet. The character concept I'd propose would be a rogue who eventually multiclasses as a wizard. His primary purpose for coming to the Stolen Lands would be as a merchant. His roguish skills would then focus primarily on legitimate enterprise as well as a few carefully chosen vices here or there. But, all in all, he'd be a prime supporter for the rest of the party. I'll see what I can throw together before tomorrow's deadline.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Okay. Here's what I came up with in short order:

Brevarabot Tamsen
Male human rogue 1


LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +5


AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13
(+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +1


Spd 30 ft.
Melee short sword +2 (1d6+1/19-20) or light mace +1 (1d6+1) or dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged shortbow +2 (1d6/x3) or dagger +2 (1d4+1/19-20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6


Before Combat Brevarabot usually looks for ways to defuse violence when possible--or, failing that, the most opportune way to turn it to his advantage by ducking out of sight to re-emerge and sneak attack a foe.
During Combat Brevarabot prefers to fight from range with his bow, but wields his shortsword if pressed into hand-to-hand combat. If fighting as part of a group, he pretends to cower at first so opponents will focus on his allies, then circles around to take them by surprise. If unable to pull off this ruse, he generally stands by his companions, helping their attacks or defense with the Aid Another action.
Morale Brevarabot favors living to fight another day when things turn bad, but he also feels some responsibility for his comrades. Loyal allies don't come all that easily in life, so he won't abandon a friend unless they've proven themselves untrustworthy in the past.


Str 13, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 13
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14
Weapon Focus (short sword)

Brigand - Brevarabot hails from the more lawless reaches of Brevoy. Life has been hard for him. His parents and siblings were crooks and con artists, often dealing with thieves and worse. He knows how they think and has picked up many of their strategies for ambushing travelers, bullying traders, avoiding the law, and camping where no one might find him. Recently, he's run into some trouble with some of his family's less savory friends, and he's looking to put some distance between them and start a new life for himself as a legitimate trader. An expedition into the rugged wilderness seemed like the perfect way to do that. He begins the campaign with an extra 100 gp. He also gains a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks when dealing with brigands, thieves, bandits, and their ilk.

Canter - Brevarabot grew up among thieves and scoundrels, and their unusual speech patterns and turns of phrase don’t phase him in the slightest today as a result. Anyone who attempts to use Bluff to deliver a secret message to him gains a +5 bonus on his Bluff check. When he attempts to intercept a secret message using Sense Motive, he gains a +5 trait bonus on the attempt.

Appraise +6 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 Int)
Bluff +5 (1 rank, +3 class, +1 Cha)
Diplomacy +5 (1 rank, +3 class, +1 Cha)
Disable Device +5 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 Dex, -1 AP)
Linguistics +6 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 Int)
Perception +5 (1 rank, +3 class, +1 Wis)
Profession (merchant) +5 (1 rank, +3 class, +1 Wis)
Sense Motive +5 (1 rank, +3 class, +1 Wis)
Sleight of Hand +6 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 Dex)
Stealth +5 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 Dex, -1 AP)
Swim +4 (1 rank, +3 class, +1 Str, -1 AP)

Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Hallit
SQ trapfinding +1
Combat Gear acid (2), alchemist's fire, potion of cure light wounds, potion of produce flame; Other Gear backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, fine wine (2 bottles), flint and steel, hammer, hooded lantern, ink (2 vials), inkpen, iron pot, light mace, merchant's scale, oil (3 flasks), paper (5 sheets), pitons (4), sack, scroll case, shortbow with 20 arrows, short sword, shovel, silk rope 50', soap (1 lb.), studded leather, sunrods (2), thieves' tools, tindertwigs (3), trail rations (5 days), traveler's outfit, waterskin, whetstone, winter blanket, wizard's spell book (blank), 25gp, 38sp, 58cp.

Brevarabot Tamsen spent his early years in Brevoy along the shores of Lake Reykal just south of Silverhall. Under the purview of House Lebeda, his family eked out a living as barely legitimate traders and merchants. In actuality, they engaged in full blown banditry, extortion, and theft under the noses of the nobility, outmaneuvering other merchants by stealing their wares, shipping them to New Stetven, and then reselling them on the black market. Despite this less than auspicious upbringing, Brevarabot never quite identified with his family's faulty morals. He certainly learned to walk and talk like a Tamsen. And he did his fair share to earn a keep as a rogue. But, more often than not, he concerned himself more with keeping the family's ledgers and organizing the reselling of the goods they stole than participating in any actual heists. As a result, he often dreamed of becoming a legitimate businessman more than a bandit.

When word came that the Lord Mayor of Restov would grant licenses to explorers to map and possibly establish an outpost in the River Kingdoms, Brevarabot knew his chance at a different life had finally come. He put all of his family's financial records in order and secretly packed his things, leaving home in the middle of the night. He also made sure to skim enough treasure from the family coffers to fund his own business, relatively confident his father would never notice the missing coins and potions. Thereafter, he booked passage downriver to New Stetven and overland to Restov, looking to join one of the expeditions into the Stolen Lands.

Brevarabot stands 5-feet, 9-inches and weighs 165 lbs, but doesn't seem particularly imposing at only 19 years of age. He has blue eyes and short, dark brown hair, as well as a pleasant enough countenance to attract more ladies than the average man--though he doesn't quite have the confidence and experience to know how to capitalize on that kind of attention. However, his quick smile and friendly attitude does help him win friends and influence people.

Brevarabot always wears brown leather pants, a blue tunic overlaid with a forest green vest, and a matching traveling cloak. He carries a well-made short sword with a stylized hilt of a dragon's claw clutching a polished red glass stone. At his waist, he also keeps a light mace and dagger within easy reach. A shortbow and quiver of arrows lie strapped to his pack.

Brevarabot has a way about him that inspires trust, even when he's already making plans on how best to maneuver a social situation to his advantage. His family's sordid profession gives him the air of a confidence man, allowing him to adjust his demeanor to suit any given situation. He keeps a lot of secrets to himself, especially his origins, saying only that he hails from Brevoy and obtained enough money through his family's enterprise to start his own business.

Though he resents a lot of things about his family, Brevarabot still misses them. And, some part of him hopes he can make new friends he might eventually view as a second family who will accept him for his own skills and talents. However, as much as he can inspire trust in others, he has a hard time granting that same level of trust to people he hasn't known for very long.

Brevarabot almost never provokes violence, but he doesn't shy away from it when it comes his way, knowing he has to defend himself or he'll never realize his goals. In terms of religious faith, he favors the philosophies of both Abadar and Erastil, though he sometimes struggles to live up to their doctrine.

At the moment, I've got him set up to eventually multiclass as a Wizard, but if someone else joins the game and goes that route (and you already have one player switching to a Bard), I could also switch some things around and set him down the multiclass path of a cleric of Abadar or Erastil, as well...or just remain a single-class Rogue, too.

All that "in short order". Impressive. It usually takes me about a day and a half to come up with some kind of coherent background.

In other news, another one of our former players remains AWOL. If I dont hear from him by tommorrows deadline I'll be choosing two players for the campaign.

Just so other people know, I just remember an old site I used for character sheets so if you want to make you sheet online it can all be done on the link below. Hopefully this helps somebody ^^;;;

DnD and Pathfinder Character sheets for online use is available here~

Also if there is any other classes that are needed other then Rogue please let us know so we can build to suit.

I second Ly's motion.

After all, there are a *lot* of rogue/wizard-builds being presented :-/

Since the group lost its paladin and maybe the ranger, have a look at this barbarian as a front-line fighter. Thanks for the opportunity.

The pary now consists of:

Dwarven Cleric
Elven Ranger
Human Bard
Human Fighter

I dont want to shoehorn someone into playing something they're not comfortable with so please feel free to make whatever character strikes your fancy.
The party is a little light on the Arcane/Divine front so something along those lines would go a long way towards helping out.
But again, make what you WANT to play, not something you feel you NEED to play.

Thalia Taurë'Ost

This is a CN Female Half Elf wizard I put together. She is built to specialize in Evocation magic and is a blaster/creation mage. I thought it would a good support character for the party because with her hedge wizard trait she creates things with 5% discount which is good for everyone.

Please disregard if we were only supposed to submit one character but I thought i'd provide a second one as an additional choice~

Well, if divine support is needed, I could certainly be tempted to play Gregory, a Human Druid, and follower of Erathis; as an Australian, the opportunity to have a thylacine as an animal companion is not to be passed-up!

Gregory Leichardt comes from a long line of fiercely independent hill-folk. His family were devout followers of Erathis, who disdained the ‘creature-comforts’ of modern civilization, preferring a simpler, more self-sufficient existence.

They lived on the border of the area that would come to be known as the ‘Stolen Lands’ for generations, having only limited contact with the outside world. However, when Gregory’s grandfather was but a boy, the family was driven from the region by the steady increase in bandit activity, and the sudden surge in attacks by fey and monstrous creatures.

Forced to relocate, the family nonetheless never forgot the land that had been theirs, and the dream of reclaiming it was passed from father to son; one way or another, each generation vowed to eventually return home…

Although not physically intimidating, Gregory is a consummate survivor; he can read the land, unerringly charting his way through trackless forest, foraging as he goes. He owes these talents to the traditions of his family; even when he was a young boy, his father would take him on long hikes, physically toughening him, and imparting his knowledge of the land, its plants, and its animals. He pointed out hazards, and how to avoid them; he showed the wonders, and the terrors, of the natural world, whether it was watching a swallow dart and weave across an open meadow, or a mountain lion consume its elk prey. He taught wisdom, patience, and the ability to avoid dangerous situations. In doing so, he kindled a great love and respect for nature in his son’s heart.

On these long walks, he also spoke of the doctrines of Erathis, and how progress is not always better; he talked of the decadence of the soft city-dwellers, and the destruction of the natural world that they caused – a simpler life, lived close to nature, could still be an immensely happy, healthy one. As he grew-up, Gregory took his father’s counsel to heart, developing a strong bond with the wilds of Brevory, and in particular, a strong affinity for the marsupial lions (thylacines) of the region.

Only a few years after he reached his majority, Gregory heard from a passing trader of the push to reclaim the ‘Stolen Lands’, something which struck a chord in his heart; he saw it as an opportunity sent by Erastil himself, one that would finally allow him to attain the dream of his father and grandfather, and reclaim his family’s ancestral land. Stopping only to obtain his father’s blessing, and to grab a young stallion that he had been training, he headed for the nearest recruiting station…

Hey all. Not submitting a character, but just curious how you guys are playing. Remote/virtual? Postings? Wondering about the mechanics.

Any insight would be appreciated.

Dakarg wrote:

Hey all. Not submitting a character, but just curious how you guys are playing. Remote/virtual? Postings? Wondering about the mechanics.

Any insight would be appreciated.

We play by post. If you're interested, the original game is here.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Since we still have some time before the deadline, I've decided to slightly revise my rogue concept. I went back and read through the prior game thread to get up to speed and noticed a lack of female characters until Arianna arrived. And yet, she's about to get retired so Vanulf can take over GM duties.

So, rather than cast Brevarabot as a male rogue, I've decided to reinvent him as a her. And, I figured I'd borrow the name of Arianna and enhance her background a bit. So, here goes:

Arianna Tchovsky
Female human rogue 1


LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +5


AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13
(+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +1


Spd 30 ft.
Melee short sword +1 (1d6+1/19-20) or light mace +1 (1d6+1) or dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged shortbow +2 (1d6/x3) or dagger +2 (1d4+1/19-20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6


Before Combat Arianna usually looks for ways to defuse violence and avoid a fight when possible--or, failing that, the most opportune way to turn it to her advantage by ducking out of sight to re-emerge and sneak attack a foe from surprise.
During Combat Arianna prefers to fight from range with her bow, but wields a shortsword capably enough if pressed into hand-to-hand combat. If fighting as part of a group, she tends to hold back at first so opponents will focus on engaging her allies. Then, she circles around to take them by surprise. If unable to pull off this tactic, either when fighting alone or prevented from flanking, she stands by her companions instead, helping their attacks or defense with an Aid Another action or using her Caught Off-Guard feat to attack with an improvised weapon like the sharpened hair pins she wears.
Morale Arianna favors living to fight another day when things turn bad, but she also feels some responsibility for her comrades. Loyal allies don't come all that easily in life, so she won't abandon a friend unless they've proven themselves untrustworthy in the past.


Str 12, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14
Catch Off-Guard

Brigand - Arianna hails from the more lawless reaches of Brevoy. Life has been hard for her. Her parents and siblings were crooks and con artists, often dealing with thieves and worse. She knows how they think and has picked up many of their strategies for ambushing travelers, bullying traders, avoiding the law, and camping where no one might find her. Recently, she's run into some trouble with some of her family's less savory friends, and she's looking to put some distance between them and start a new life for herself as a legitimate trader. An expedition into the rugged wilderness seemed like the perfect way to do that. She begins the campaign with an extra 100 gp. She also gains a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks when dealing with brigands, thieves, bandits, and their ilk.

Canter - Arianna grew up among thieves and scoundrels, and their unusual speech patterns and turns of phrase don’t phase her in the slightest. Anyone who attempts to use Bluff to deliver a secret message to her gains a +5 bonus on his Bluff check. When she attempts to intercept a secret message using Sense Motive, she gains a +5 trait bonus on the attempt.

Appraise +6 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 Int)
Bluff +6 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 Cha)
Diplomacy +6 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 Cha)
Disable Device +5 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 Dex, -1 AP)
Linguistics +6 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 Int)
Perception +5 (1 rank, +3 class, +1 Wis)
Profession (merchant) +5 (1 rank, +3 class, +1 Wis)
Sense Motive +5 (1 rank, +3 class, +1 Wis)
Sleight of Hand +6 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 Dex)
Stealth +5 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 Dex, -1 AP)
Swim +4 (1 rank, +3 class, +1 Str, -1 AP)

Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Hallit
SQ trapfinding +1
Combat Gear acid (2), alchemist's fire, potion of cure light wounds, potion of produce flame; Other Gear backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, fine wine (2 bottles), flint and steel, hair pins (3), hammer, hooded lantern, ink (2 vials), inkpen, iron pot, jade comb (15 gp), light mace, merchant's scale, oil (3 flasks), paper (5 sheets), perfume (1 vial), pitons (4), sack, scroll case, shortbow with 20 arrows, short sword, shovel, silk rope 50', soap (1 lb.), studded leather, sunrods (2), thieves' tools, tindertwigs (3), trail rations (5 days), traveler's outfit, waterskin, whetstone, winter blanket, 25gp, 38sp, 58cp.

Arianna Tchovsky spent her early years in Brevoy along the shores of Lake Reykal just south of Silverhall. Her family ekes out a living there as barely legitimate traders and merchants under the purview of House Lebeda. In actuality, they engage instead in full blown banditry, extortion, and theft under the noses of the nobility, outmaneuvering other merchants by stealing their wares, shipping them to New Stetven, and then reselling them on the black market. Despite this less than auspicious upbringing, Arianna never quite identified with her family's faulty morals. She certainly learned to walk and talk like a Tchovsky. And in just a few short years, she's done her fair share to earn her keep as a rogue.

But, growing up, Arianna often found herself at odds with her father Arkady, the patriarch of the Tchovsky clan, and a rising crimelord along Brevoy's largest trade route. They argued over her becoming more involved in the family profession and her own separate interests. Thankfully, Arkady also had plenty of strong sons to carry on the business, all of them far more easily manipulated and devoted than her. Yet, Arkady also doted on Arianna, acknowledging she possessed the same dark beauty as her mother, combined with his own intelligence and innate cleverness. As a result, he would sometimes leave Arianna to her own designs. As long as she kept the books in order, handled the smuggling and laundering details of their operations, and issued accurate payments to informants and enforcers, Arkady stayed out of her business.

Unknown to her father, this time to herself allowed Arianna to dream of becoming a legitimate businesswoman and leaving behind the family profession. She cultivated relationships in Silverhall among the caravan masters and barge owners, learning how to ship goods to market and reap the profits of supply and demand. Her beauty also turned heads and gave her ample opportunity to meet eligible young men and travelers from far-off places. These experiences filled her head with thoughts of someday leaving Silverhall, parting ways with the Tchovsky legacy, and taking up a new life where no one would have any expectations of her other than those she set for herself.

About a year ago, however, some of the ruffians whom her father once threw out of the Tchovsky enterprise, decided it might make better sport to strike back at him through her. So they tracked Arianna through town on one of her visits to the river docks and accosted her in the evening. In the ensuing struggle, she marked their leader with a fish hook, but suffered extensive injuries before some dockworkers found her and drove off the attackers. Her father vowed to murder every last one of the men when he learned of it. But the promise of escalating violence only further cemented Arianna's desire to leave behind the politics of Brevoy's criminal underworld.

So, when word came that the Lord Mayor of Restov would be granting charters to explorers to map and possibly colonize an outpost in the River Kingdoms, Arianna knew her chance had finally arrived. She put all of the family's financial records in order and secretly packed her things, slipping away in the middle of the night. She also skimmed enough treasure from the family coffers to fund her own business, relatively confident her father would never notice the missing coins and potions. Thereafter, she booked passage downriver to New Stetven and overland to Restov, looking to join one of the expeditions. And thankfully, she found easy acceptance among the adventurous souls with the same aspirations, convincing them to help transport her and her goods into the Stolen Lands.

Arianna stands 5-feet, 6-inches and weighs 140 lbs, moving with all the grace and energy of a 19 year old. She has deep brown eyes and long, dark hair, as well as a pleasant enough countenance to attract more attention than the average lady her age--though she doesn't quite have the jaded experience such dalliances might offer. Regardless, her quick smile and friendly attitude always seems to help her win friends and influence people to her way of thinking. And her outwardly visible can-do spirit often motivates even the most taciturn pessimists into enjoying what life has to offer moment-by-moment.

Arianna practices common-sense when it comes to fashion. When expecting a formal occasion, she wears a lovely gown of forest green with matching vest and traveling cloak, pinning up her hair in an effortless bob. On the frontier, however, she's also fully at ease donning brown leather pants, a blue tunic, and some well-oiled, studded leather armor. She usually carries a well-made short sword with the stylized hilt of a dragon's claw clutching a polished stone of red glass--a family heirloom stolen from her father's armory. At her waist, she sometimes keeps a light mace and dagger within easy reach. And, when traveling the countryside, she also carries a shortbow and quiver of arrows lashed to her pack. But these aren't her deadliest weapons. For Arianna routinely sharpens the pins in her hair and keeps a variety of small, disguised objects for catching others off-guard to defend herself.

Arianna has a way about her that inspires trust, even when she's already making plans on how best to maneuver a social situation to her advantage. Her family's sordid profession gives her the air of a confidence man, allowing her to adjust her demeanor to suit any given situation. She keeps a lot of secrets to herself, especially her origins, saying only that she hails from Brevoy and obtained enough money through her family's enterprise to start her own business.

Though she resents a lot of things about her family, Arianna still misses them. And, some part of her hopes she can make new friends she might eventually view as a second family who will accept her for her own skills and talents. However, as much as she can inspire trust in others, she has a hard time granting that same level of acceptance to people she hasn't known for very long.

Arianna rarely provokes violence, but she never shies away from it when it comes her way, knowing she has to defend herself or she'll never realize her goals. In terms of religious faith, she favors the philosophies of both Abadar and Erastil for their focus on trade, though she sometimes struggles to live up to their complete doctrine.

Thank you all for the submissions. Each character is excellent and made my decision all that much tougher. But in the end "There can be only one" (or two, really).
So therefore I'd like to welcome Arianna Tchovsky and Marcus Effington to the group.
Please feel free to post in the PbP Discussion thread and introduce yourselves to the rest of the party.
Again, thank you all for your interest in my maiden voyage in PbP and if in the future we have another vacancy (which in Pbp is all too likely) I will contact you to see if you're still interested.

Liberty's Edge

I don't know if my email is available for the site. But here it is in case you ever need someone fairly quick.]Personal Email.[/spoiler]

Thanks again for the consideration and if theres an opening name the character type you need and i'll try my best to suit. if there is anything I need to improve on my character sheets. I'd love for someone to send some advice my way xD i'm still very new to the PBP scene but I still want to make a good impression.

Hopefully the dnd site character sheets showed up well because i'll stick with that if people prefer. ^^

Thanks again and good luck with the kingmaker campaign i'm familiar with the adventure path idea, but I don't have any people to play with in my area so i haven't read through what books I have.

Thanks again and good luck with the adventure.

Thank you very much :)

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