Why is it so hard to find...

Gamer Connection

Liberty's Edge

Why is it so hard to find gamers (pathfinder) to form games?! People say use the internet. There are a thousand of sites, why can't there just be one good one.

I personally think Paizo should have a web feature to have a gamers search. Does anyone know of a good locator? Meet-up is terrible so don't suggest it please.

TheOrangeOne wrote:

Why is it so hard to find gamers (pathfinder) to form games?! People say use the internet. There are a thousand of sites, why can't there just be one good one.

I personally think Paizo should have a web feature to have a gamers search. Does anyone know of a good locator? Meet-up is terrible so don't suggest it please.

You could also go old school and stick up a note at the nearest game store (assuming you have one nearby). Or just chat with the people who run it and ask their advice. Good old contact building and human in-person interaction can go a long way.

Sovereign Court

TheOrangeOne wrote:

Why is it so hard to find gamers (pathfinder) to form games?! People say use the internet. There are a thousand of sites, why can't there just be one good one.

I personally think Paizo should have a web feature to have a gamers search. Does anyone know of a good locator? Meet-up is terrible so don't suggest it please.

It is hard to find a group because by their very nature, most gaming group are pretty insular. I think the internet is a horrible way to meet fellow gamers, becasue you usually end up meeting a bunch of "those guys." The best way is to ask around at your local game store for any groups or DMs looking for players. Also, don't commit right away, sit in on a game to see if your play style meshes with the rest of the group.

Mr. Fishy met Tom Quim thur Gamers Connection on the Forums here. But Mr. Fishy is a Fishy of AWESOME. Mr. Fishy has had a similar problem Mr. Fishy's group are all busy people so we don't get to game often.

Do you have a local game shop? Mr. Fishy had a huge group before his LGS closed...Mr. Fishy misses his LGS.

You could start a thread looking for game a everyone looking for members could Post a state and the exhange emails and maybe that could work. Good Luck Mr. Fishy feels your pain.

Quick question who the hell is playing 4th edition Mr. Fishy sees the books everywhere but no one likes the game. Every one Mr. Fishy talks to hates 4th.

Liberty's Edge

My small upstate NY city's game shop closed recently. I am moving back into this city, other wise I would have done the previous suggestions. looks like I lose out on my favorite hobby.

ask around, you would be surprised how many people know someone who games. Friends of friends is the best way in my opinion.

Quite a few people play 4E, but don't worry it is a big ocean. I would suggest offering to DM for pathfinder as part of your search, and hopefully you will be lucky and find someone to share duties.

Might try craigslist or Meetup.com. I have used both to find players/groups.

I feel that it is difficult because gamers tend to be (in my experience) very shy people. There are allot of people who would like to play but some are so shy that they can barely converse with those they know let alone allot of strangers. Also there is a stigma involved in RPGs that it is a dorky or geeky way to spend one's time. This deters allot of would be gamers that think it looks like fun but are afraid of what others would think of them for playing a RPG. These are the reasons that I have found that make it hard to find players and GMs. My suggestion is to put a very detailed flyer in your gaming store stating what kind of game you enjoy and your personal style of play. BE HONEST in the flyer. IF you are a Roll and not a Role player state that. If you enjoy a good mix of the both then state that. IF you are going to GM then give a brief synopsis of the game you intend on running. As much detail as is possible will help to ensure that you get the players that you want and the game that you want. Also a little color in the flyer is nice to catch the attention of those walking by the flyer. I like putting pictures of dragons on mine. Hope the advice helps.

I added a couple of players thru pen and paper games website.

TheOrangeOne wrote:
My small upstate NY city's game shop closed recently. I am moving back into this city, other wise I would have done the previous suggestions. looks like I lose out on my favorite hobby.

Comic book stores are a good next bet, as they tend to attract some of the same people. General book stores or stores that sell video/computer games are third choice.

A notice on a bulletin board at the local library might get some interest, as would one at a community center or a local college.

Another option is to go to a regional game convention. Lots of people to meet there. Even if it is a wargaming convention, since there is a lot of overlap in the communities. That's where I met members of my gaming group about 15 years ago. Trying deperately and without success to shoot down one guy's damn Fokker Triplane with my SE-5.

Also depends how far you are willing to drive. One guy in my current group drives about 2 hours to get to our game. I myself have driven about an hour and a half, years ago when I was in grad school and had no job or family commitments. Just doing a rudimentary game search I found multiple game or comic stores in upstate New York, so the gamers must be there. If you have wheels and are willing to drive a bit, it helps.

Anyway, keep on trying. If you love it, don't give up easy.

The Exchange

TheChozyn wrote:
I added a couple of players thru pen and paper games website.

+1, we added a couple this way too.


Liberty's Edge

I found the current group I am in with www.meetup.com

I was just about to suggest Meetup.com as well. I'm the organizer for our local group in Birmingham, AL and we have over 200 members. Most of those folks don't come directly to our monthly meetings (we couldn't hold more than 30 or so!), but they use the connections to work out regular local games.

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TheOrangeOne wrote:
My small upstate NY city's game shop closed recently. I am moving back into this city, other wise I would have done the previous suggestions. looks like I lose out on my favorite hobby.

Upstate NY? I live just a bit north of Albany (really close to Troy, actually) and currently have a small table which could use a few more players. We play a variety of game systems, though, not just D&D. If you're interested (and the general Albany area isn't too far from you), drop me a line: zackthestguy(at)gmail(dot)com.

erian_7 wrote:
I was just about to suggest Meetup.com as well. I'm the organizer for our local group in Birmingham, AL and we have over 200 members. Most of those folks don't come directly to our monthly meetings (we couldn't hold more than 30 or so!), but they use the connections to work out regular local games.

+1 for the Birmingham, AL meetup. Sorry you're not down here, there's lots of folks running games here.

mearrin69 wrote:

Might try craigslist or Meetup.com. I have used both to find players/groups.


+1 for Meetup.com.

I was only able to get one good player from my LGS but I was able to pick up enough people for 2 games on Meetup.com.

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