Best 6 spells to add to the wizard


The Pathfinder Savant is an interesting class. In the last 6 levels of the class a player may take a spell from any spell list and add it to his own arcane list as a spell one level higher.

What 6 spells between level 1 and 8 would you add to the wizard spell list if you could?

I'm very curious.

- Animate Object, it is a must for the wizard list imo, flavor ofcourse.

- Freedom of movement, all sorts of handy

- Silence, pretty sure this originated to give clerics a fighting chance against wizards, dont think clerics need it so much anymore since they got lengthy cast times removed and 8th and 9th level spells added. Again this spell doesn't scream divinity and priestliness.

- deathward, well what other protection is there really.. wizard needs to cover his ass.

I read the question wrongly, rather I thought these 4 spells should be added to the wizard list not so much for usefulness, though these are fairly useful anyway. ermm two more then ^^

ermm.. holy aura/unholy aura/shield of law/cloak of chaos

holy word/unholy word/dictum/word of chaos

these spells are very nice.

1.) Silence. Huge badass of a spell, no-brainer.

2.) Spell Resistance - Great self-buff.

3.) Freedom of Movement - Same.

4.) Death Ward - Same.

5.) Heal - Why not give yourself some healing power?

6.) Wall of Thorns - Brutally, brutally overpowered wall spell.


Sovereign Court

Sigurd wrote:

The Pathfinder Savant is an interesting class. In the last 6 levels of the class a player may take a spell from any spell list and add it to his own arcane list as a spell one level higher.

What 6 spells between level 1 and 8 would you add to the wizard spell list if you could?

I'm very curious.

1) Faerie Fire - It negates concealment... Glitter dust does not per raw.

2) Death Ward
3) Freedom of movement
4) Greater Spell immunity (it is nice to be immune to Holy word, power word stun, maze etc...)
5) Fire seeds ( I'm a fan of this spell)
6) Spell staff... cause it should be a wizard spell


Summon Big Fish
Summon Bigger Fish
Summon Fish
Summon Big Fishy
Summon Mr. Fishy

Mr. Fishy can only think of five, wait!

Summon Bigger Mr. Fishy

So far I have, in order they were shared.


My Initial Choices:

Reincarnate - Druid 4
Speak with Dead - Cleric 3
Modify Memory - Bard 4


Lesser Restoration: Paladin 1 (Rather than Cleric 2)
Wall of Thorns: Druid 5
Control Winds: Druid 5


-Animate Object, it is a must for the wizard list imo, flavor of course.
-Freedom of movement, all sorts of handy
-Silence, pretty sure this originated to give clerics a fighting chance against wizards, dont think clerics need it so much anymore since they got lengthy cast times removed and 8th and 9th level spells added. Again this spell doesn't scream divinity and priestliness.
-deathward, well what other protection is there really.. wizard needs to cover his ass.
-holy aura/unholy aura/shield of law/cloak of chaos
-holy word/unholy word/dictum/word of chaos

BV: I agree with you about Animate Object should be on the Wizard list to begin with.
The holy aura's etc... seem a bit too cleric like even for my savant.
Death Ward seems like a good idea too. If I was evil I would have jumped for Desecrate.


1.) Silence. Huge badass of a spell, no-brainer.
2.) Spell Resistance - Great self-buff.
3.) Freedom of Movement - Same.
4.) Death Ward - Same.
5.) Heal - Why not give yourself some healing power?
6.) Wall of Thorns - Brutally, brutally overpowered wall spell.

BV: Another vote for Freedom of Movement, Heal and Death Ward.


Doctor Smite
1) Faerie Fire - It negates concealment... Glitter dust does not per raw.
2) Death Ward
3) Freedom of movement
4) Greater Spell immunity (it is nice to be immune to Holy word, power word stun, maze etc...)
5) Fire seeds ( I'm a fan of this spell)
6) Spell staff... cause it should be a wizard spell

BV:Doctor Smite has some interesting low level spells.


Mr Fishy

Suggested I have a barbecue and summon him and all his friends.

He's silly, but he's nutritious!


Thanks for all the comments. Any other Votes or Opinions?

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