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AA - Autistic Android
BB - Battle Beetle
CC - Catholic Church
DD - "Get out of my lab-or-a-tory!"
EE - Existentialist Evil
FF - Fascist Fringe
GG - Grey Goo
HH - Happy Hooker
II - Intelligent Insect
JJ - Jeopardized Jew
KK - Killer Kid
LL - Limousine Liberal
MM - Mighty Max
NN - Not Neutral
OO - Oval Officer
PP - Pretty Princess
QQ - Quarter-Qlippoth
RR - Ronald Reagan
SS - Sells Seashells
TT - Tale-Teller
UU - Unitarian Universalist
VV - 10
WW - Web Weirdo
XX - Xenophiliac Xylomancer
YY - Yamanite Yogi
ZZ - Zima Zymurgist

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Nice = Evil ("A nice man is a man of nasty ideas." - Jonathan Swift).
All the others are varieties of Lawful - Chaotic individuals understand that order and disorder are arbitrary, subjective illusions, don't feel the need to act out (be "bad") because they do not internally acknowledge the concept of authority, and indifference, of course, serves only to cement the status quo.