A party based on Aptitudes

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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So, I was reading another thread, and had one of my stray thoughts dance across my mind.

What if a group built their characters based upon how their brains work? I'm probably phrasing this terribly, but I'll try to explain what I mean.

The example given in the other thread, was talking about how some players at higher level play may need to do a lot of math and account for many variables before declaring their actions on a turn. Totally reasonable and a valid way to play. But that got me thinking about players who just decide what they want to do, and just go for it. Sometimes this can lead to sub-optimal outcomes, if not outright disasters. For other players though, they seem to just intuit how the system works. That sort of player almost always make the "best" tactical decision with seemingly no time spent doing the math.

By extension of this, I jump to player aptitudes. We all bring different skills and life experiences to the table, but there are also those inherent talents or strengths within us. I'm pretty good a quick basic math, but no so hot at visualizing spatial relationships for example.

So, taking those innate talents into account, what if a group builds their party around those aptitudes. This is a bit different from building a character who IS you, but there are similarities. The question you would have to ask yourself is, if someone with my mind was in this world, what type of adventurer would I be?

You don't need to duplicate or stick to your own real world stats and skills. This is still a fantasy game, but instead, put yourself into a character who thinks/acts/responds/strategizes in a way that is organic to the real you. So, instead of the "balanced" party, you might end up with a crew of all casters and one rogue. Or nothing but fighters/martials, all bards, cavaliers and monks, etc, etc. I guess I'm just curious if anybody has ever built a group like this. Has anyone tried this, or maybe do you play that way all the time? What kind of group composition did this create? How did the game play go?

For a further example/clarification. Most of my early gaming friends were the classic brainy/academic geek types. Casters were a natural fit for most of us (though not everyone played those classes). As I've met other players over the years, I've met folks who's natural tendencies when declaring actions would indicate rogue, or "healer", bard, "face", "tactician", whatever. Not all of these are going to be specific classes obviously, but also/or style/jobs/roles that you fit into. The way my brain works, I'm not the most tactically savvy or quick on my feet. So fighter or ranger isn't necessarily the best choice for me; at least within the context of this discussion.

Eager to hear folks thoughts and experiences. Cheers all.

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My aptitude is that I know that there are optimal probability-grounded solutions and I kind of know how to go about figure them out, but I'm too lazy to do so. Also, sometimes I just think of something more funny. What's my build?

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My group at home (in games where I am the GM and other times a player) tend to do this intuitively. Certain players gravitate towards classes that better fit their own capabilities.

My wife, for example, isn't so keen on quick, on the fly math, but is VERY good at rote memorization so that she is prepared ahead of time. She tends to play martial oriented characters with just a hint of magic, like Paladins, Bloodragers, Slayers and Kineticists. She has run a few sessions as a GM.

My friend's wife is a bit less good at math in general but loves to play very thematic characters despite this. She's played barbarians, clerics, rogues, a vigilante, and an arcanist at one point (she was testing her limits there and did rather well).

My friend loves the lore and history of the game, and the world in general. He's a history/social studies teacher (he is good at simple math but hates the higher stuff). He gravitates towards all kind of historian characters like bards, mesmerists, wizards, clerics, and psychics. He is often one of our GMs.

My other friend loves pure, unbridled power and is often drawn to the power casters. Sorcerers, Arcanists, Clerics, Druids, etc. He loves Kineticists simply because he gets to roll a lot of dice. He's pretty decent at math and if often one of our GMs.

As for myself, I am drawn to versatility. I have a mind that can grab a hold of multiple different concepts, numbers, patterns, and abilities to meld them into a cohesive whole. I can often juggle various random bonuses in my head and I am the one to remind the players (even when I am running the game) of their misc bonuses. I tend to play characters that can be a little bit of everything, though I am not one to want the spotlight in the adventure. I am a player that loves to multiply the power of the whole group, whether that's through bard song, skald song, spell buffs, aid another, reach weapon lockdowns, etc. I am at home playing just about every class and character type. ... Except clerics. I just don't like them from a mechanical aspect. They bore me.

But... to answer your question: If someone that possesses my kind of aptitude existed within the game world, what class would they be? Very likely one of the 3/4 BAB and 6th level spellcaster types. Most likely a Skald or Inquisitor of some sort. Depends on how religious the character would be.

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Based on who I am in life nowadays? Halfling or Grippili cleric of some kind. I nearly always build with small races, I'm obsessed in my personal life with helping others and taking care of folks close to me, and physically I'm pretty non-threatening. I'd have a secondary focus on Diplomacy and skills/feats involving writing.

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For me, typically martials with some martially inclined 6/9 casters (Skalds, Warpriests, inquisitors, Clerics of Gorum), I do martial arts in real life, served in the German army and am relatively tough physically.

If I play, I both like to play chaotic neutral and my party often demands this because I seem to be among the rarity that can pull it off well.

Antics, yes. Shenanigans, oh yes, great interparty drama? Only if it gets everyone at the table laughing.

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Andostre wrote:
My aptitude is that I know that there are optimal probability-grounded solutions and I kind of know how to go about figure them out, but I'm too lazy to do so. Also, sometimes I just think of something more funny. What's my build?

Bard with a Jester theme? Ultimately it's for you to say. I guess what I took to many words to say is, what class/character would you play if you were put into the game world?

Not what skills you actually have IRL, but what class mechanics make sense for you on an intuitive level. If the horde of orcs is approaching, are you picking up the sword, the bow, the wand? Or, are you digging a pit, wrapping bandages, waving a flag, or crawling into the shadows?

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