M K 588 |
Hi all. I've got a PC in my campaign who's planning to go clr 3/wiz 3/mystic theurge.
He's asked about getting the old 3.5 "Practiced Spellcaster" feat to help him make up for the three caster levels he loses in cleric and wizard. I suggested he'd have to take the feat twice, once for each casting class, to really get the most benefit.
But, I'm still getting used to Pathfinder's (wonderful!) system and it's been a couple years since I got into the nitty gritty of building my own PCs.
So, can anyone make some suggestions on good alternate feats, magic items, spells, or miscellaneous stuff that could patch up the mystic theurge's missing caster levels?
Alternatively, what recommendations and suggestions do you have for cool things this build can accomplish, besides the obvious "lots and lots of spells per day"? Are there any hidden gems of "spell X + spell Y = awesome!" that people can think of?
We're sticking mostly with Pathfinder core spells on this one. I'll allow other spells into the game on a case-by-case basis. It should be said that I very much encourage my players to be creative with their spellcasting. I feel that cut-and-dried hard limits on everything spells can or cannot do really hurts the game a bit.
Anyway...if anybody has some ideas, I'd love to hear them! Thanks!