If a tree falls in the woods, and there's no-one there to hear it...

Off-Topic Discussions

Liberty's Edge

...and other odd questions, this thread is for (and Happy 30th, Yoda!).

If I call you a nasty name, but I'm the only one around...are you still a victim of name-calling?

Sovereign Court

Happy birthday, Yoda!

Andrew Turner wrote:
If a tree falls in the woods, and there's no-one there to hear it...

Dear Military Man,

The answer to your perplexing problem is that it likely indicates that a certain southern Garundi (actually it originates in Abaddon, but many Golarion natives have mistaken the source for the place where a Pathfinder first encountered it) fungal infection is afflicting the treants in your area which renders them deaf (amongst other things - I won't disturb you with details of the daemonic dryads Apollyon has been using as primary vectors for this infection).
Contrary to popular speculation amongst the sages of Lake Encarthan, this daemonic originated fungal infection is *NOTHING* to do with the 'Darkblight' originally identified and catalogued by the renowned sage of your world, Russ Taylor, as afflicting the forests of Nirmathas. Whilst to the untrained eye (or even the supposedly 'educated' one of the man or woman who fancies him or herself to be an 'expert') there are certain superficial resemblances, the Darkblight developed entirely independently and is dependent on entirely different methods for spread (and indeed can be considered a species of intelligent, self-aware, being, as opposed to the daemonic fungus which as is typical of so many things from Abaddon displays absolutely NO intelligence whatsoever).
Hoping that this has been helpful to you, and by the way if you are in such a wood as your initial question posits, I would recommend that you refrain from wearing certain luminous shades of clothing (especially at night) - this pertains to that fungal infection again...
Ask a Succubus.

And happy birthday, Yoda.

Ask a Succubus wrote:


Ask a Succubus.

*slow clap*

(And Happy BDay Yoda :D )

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