Scout update


i was wandering has anyone taken a look at the scout class and are there any updates needed for the class abilities, should track be removed from the feat list and be added to the class as the same as a ranger?

are there any alterations needed for the class, i think for the most part the class seems pretty solid but might need some simple alterations for it to work evenly with pathfinder classes.

i was also considering adding a few weapons to their proficiencies such as the long bow and maybe one or two one handed martial weapons.

no comments or thoughts at all?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

You know, there's that Search thingy on the the left side of the website...

Gorbacz wrote:
You know, there's that Search thingy on the the left side of the website...

Gorbacz is right, and a lot of people already have good ideas on conversion in the home brew section. I just found some nice things for a dreadnecromancer update I might do later.

Liberty's Edge

northbrb wrote:
no comments or thoughts at all?

You might want to check out the Spell-less Ranger from Kobold Quarterly. One of the design goals (beyond the obvious goal of a Pathfinder ranger that doesn't cast spells, of course!) was to somewhat fill the Scout's niche in Pathfinder.

My scout conversion is at

Using Vital Strike with Skirmish comes to mind.

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
My scout conversion is at

Very nice conversion. I like the capstone ability at 20th level.

I'd note that the skills need to be revised, as it seems to still have some of the old 3.5 skills (jump, use rope). Also, the Scout had been errata'd to have disable device (but not open lock) in the 3.5 version, so you may or may not want it to have disable device here (since open lock is now part of disable device).

Generally I think that the Scout class needs little help for conversion, and that Elghinn has it just right. Change the skill list, alter the bonus feat list, reword the special abilities to match the language used elsewhere, and give it a capstone ability. Not much really needs changed overall. I think thats probably true for most classes and PRCs, although some may need bumped up to match with the power increase of some PF base classes.

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