Help creating a Psychopathic Assassin

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Ok so I just finished watching the anime Baccano a couple days ago and I thought it would be fun to make a BBEG type character similar to the rail tracer possibly with a little of the Joker and Anton Chigurh thrown in (I know most of you know who the Joker and Anton Chigurh are I just wanted to add some links to scenes I like, the Rail Tracer thing I used I had found by chance and it has a lot of scenes that kind of show what I'm going for). Since my game is set in a steampunk setting they will most likely be on a train (or an airship) and the character will be somewhat similar to the actual rail tracer. I'm planning on him being a Human and I'm using the 25 point buy for his ability scores (same point buy as the PCs), I'm not sure what his level will be but the PC's will probably be around 10th when they fight him. I'm thinking a really high dexterity (with a bunch of ranks in acrobatics and climb) and a pretty good charisma (he's going to talk a lot). My biggest problem right now is what class to make him, he's not necessarily going to have levels in the assassin class that's just his job. I don't really know if he'd even benefit from the assassin class as it'll be hard for him to sneak attack being the only enemy. Just for some fluff about him, he's an extremely well known assassin (although his name is not known and he will probably be known as the rail tracer or airship tracer, something really simple), he's known to tear peoples limbs off and cover himself in their blood (along with the room they died in). Thank you in advance for you help.

Felgoroth wrote:
Ok so I just finished watching the anime Baccano a couple days ago and I thought it would be fun to make a BBEG type character similar to the rail tracer possibly with a little of the Joker and Anton Chigurh thrown in (I know most of you know who the Joker and Anton Chigurh are I just wanted to add some links to scenes I like, the Rail Tracer thing I used I had found by chance and it has a lot of scenes that kind of show what I'm going for). Since my game is set in a steampunk setting they will most likely be on a train (or an airship) and the character will be somewhat similar to the actual rail tracer. I'm planning on him being a Human and I'm using the 25 point buy for his ability scores (same point buy as the PCs), I'm not sure what his level will be but the PC's will probably be around 10th when they fight him. I'm thinking a really high dexterity (with a bunch of ranks in acrobatics and climb) and a pretty good charisma (he's going to talk a lot). My biggest problem right now is what class to make him, he's not necessarily going to have levels in the assassin class that's just his job. I don't really know if he'd even benefit from the assassin class as it'll be hard for him to sneak attack being the only enemy. Just for some fluff about him, he's an extremely well known assassin (although his name is not known and he will probably be known as the rail tracer or airship tracer, something really simple), he's known to tear peoples limbs off and cover himself in their blood (along with the room they died in). Thank you in advance for you help.

I would go rogue. Assassin just spells rogue, or vice-versa. Feint away with that high Charisma of yours. And be sure to get something related to stealth or invisibility.

O ya, I completely forgot about feinting :P

EDIT: Ok here's my 1st draft, suggestions are still welcome and I still need equipment for him. (Improved Unarmed Strike, Deflect Arrows, and Snatch Arrows aren't necessary at all I just thought it would catch people off guard)

Human Rogue 12
Str: 14
Dex: 18 (16+2)
Con: 14 (13+1)
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 16 (14+1+1)

Skills: Acrobatics +22, Bluff +21, Climb +20, Disguise +21, Intimidate +21, Perception +18, Profession (conductor) +18, Sense Motive +18, Sleight of Hand +22, and Stealth +22.

1: Combat Expertise
H: Weapon Finesse
3: Improved Feint
5: Improved Unarmed Strike
7: Deflect Arrows
9: Greater Feint
11: Snatch Arrows

Rogue Talents: Bleeding Attack, Fast Stealth, Ledge Walker, Stand Up, Improved Evasion, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Stealth).

I would go with good old short sword. Drop Greater feint, it only works if you have friends. Deflect and snatch aren't that good. Power Attack is a must.

For talents I would get rogue crawl and please, get Crippling strike. 2 weapond fighting and quick draw can make some nasty effects combined with poisoned knives.

Xum wrote:

I would go with good old short sword. Drop Greater feint, it only works if you have friends. Deflect and snatch aren't that good. Power Attack is a must.

For talents I would get rogue crawl and please, get Crippling strike. 2 weapond fighting and quick draw can make some nasty effects combined with poisoned knives.

Ya I really just put in Improved Unarmed Strike, Deflect Arrows, and Snatch Arrows in because I couldn't think of anything else. The big reason I didn't do 2 weapon fighting and quick draw though was because he won't be full attacking a lot since he's feinting a lot. I guess I'll trade out Improved Evasion for Crippling Strike, he's not able to use that and Bleeding Attack at the same time is he? If not I might get rid of Bleeding Attack for Rogue Crawl (although I kind of wanted to use Bleeding Attack for fluff to emulate blood spraying out of people he sneak attacks). Power Attack would be good though for some extra damage and I could give him Dodge and Mobility to help him move around better. Also, I just realized I did the skill bonuses wrong, subtract 3 from all of them. I'm thinking about possibly having him go into Shadow Dancer (our group house-rules they can shadow jump as a move action) but I'm not sure, any thoughts?

Shadow Lodge

I haven't really played with it much yet but I really want to build an alchemist assassin. Swift poisoning, sticky poisoning, smoke bombs, stink bombs, self buffing with invisibility, blur, etc... seems right up an assassin's ally.

0gre wrote:
I haven't really played with it much yet but I really want to build an alchemist assassin. Swift poisoning, sticky poisoning, smoke bombs, stink bombs, self buffing with invisibility, blur, etc... seems right up an assassin's ally.

Ya I had thought about that (I'm actually playing an Alchemist like that in another campaign) it would be really interesting but it's lacking some of the skills I want (Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist which I somehow forgot in my ruff draft)

The name's TEE-A-TIM-AY!

Draft 2
Human Rogue 12
Str: 14
Dex: 18 (16+2)
Con: 14 (13+1)
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 16 (14+1+1)

Skills: Acrobatics +19, Bluff +18, Climb +17, Disguise +18, Escape Artist +19, Intimidate +18, Perception +15, Sense Motive +15, Sleight of Hand +19, and Stealth +19.

1: Combat Expertise
H: Weapon Finesse
3: Improved Feint
5: Power Attack (I'm honestly not sure about this because I don't know if I'd use it a lot if I use Combat Expertise, which would help give him the "ungodly" AC that the actual rail tracer seems to have)
7: Dodge
9: Mobility
11: open

Rogue Talents: Bleeding Attack, Fast Stealth, Ledge Walker, Stand Up, Crippling Strike, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Stealth).

Wait, I just thought about something, what if I make him a Monk? I know Lawful Evil doesn't really fit any of the people I listed above but giving him Improved Disarm and Grapple would help him out quite a bit. Especially if I decide to have him pull people out of train windows and kick peoples weapons out of their hands, he'd also have a higher AC which would help him out greatly.

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