Kingmaker - Dark Kingdom PBP


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Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Is it possible to move the wagon to block the left gate on the map? <ducks> :)

Unless significant changes to the plan occurs, Eadric will either be in H-21 or O-4 depending on Bellis' desires! He will also begin combat with his bow in hand with his shield slung.

We should also set a special watch schedule for tonight... Eadric does not want to be caught sleeping without his armor on if the bandits show earlier than expected.

Consider it done, the wagon will be positioned vertically on the left side of the gate.
When I get the rest of the party positions I will post the PDF with your positions and the wagon moved.

BTW it is my anniversary tomorrow night and the kiddo is with the grandparents so I won't be posting tomorrow night. If I get everyone's position tonight, we can start tonight or tomorrow morning though.

M Human Ranger 1

I will be by my horse on H9. Horse saddled and ready to mount as a move action.

Male Human Bard 1

Well, it looks like I'm going to be doorman. But I don't really know how it operates yet. How much effort and how does one go about opening / closing / locking it? But most likely when I open the door for the bandits, I will wind up at Q12.

If the wagon is going to be blocking the gate right next to me, I'd like to have my shortbow hidden on it so I can grab it easily if I need to. My rapier shall be hidden in my winter clothes.

M Human Ranger 1
Vanion Bracke wrote:

Well, it looks like I'm going to be doorman. But I don't really know how it operates yet. How much effort and how does one go about opening / closing / locking it? But most likely when I open the door for the bandits, I will wind up at Q12.

If the wagon is going to be blocking the gate right next to me, I'd like to have my shortbow hidden on it so I can grab it easily if I need to. My rapier shall be hidden in my winter clothes.

What do you mean door man? From what Oleg says he's the one who gets the stuff for the bandits.

Male Human Bard 1
Durn the Wolf wrote:
What do you mean door man? From what Oleg says he's the one who gets the stuff for the bandits.

Yes, Oleg is the one who talks to them, sees to their needs, and tries to keep everyone out of trouble. But there other people here in this outpost other than just him and his wife. I'll simply be playing the roll of the hired hand nobody who has to do the physical labor of opening (and closing XD) the gate for boss Oleg to lead them in.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Vanion. Oleg and Svetlana are the only residents of the outpost. We are the only other people currently in the outpost. When the bandits arrive normally, only Oleg is usually present. If you are in the open, the plan might not work. You and Obi should remain hidden until after the bandits have entered the fort and begun loading the goods. You should begin in position P-24 and P-25 and then make your way to the gate at S-15/16 when you can do so without being seen. Everyone else is to remain hidden until you close the gate and give the signal to attack. Lupus shoots the outside sentry (from his hidden position at T-4) and Durn hits their leader. Everyone else rushes in and take on the rest of the bandits (hopefully one or two alive). Durn is ready to chase down the sentry if needed. This would require you to reopen the gate of course.

Female Halfling Cleric 1

happy anniversery dm dk! have a good night.

Bellis Haevic wrote:
happy anniversery dm dk! have a good night.


Now where does Bellis plan on being? :)
That just leaves Obi & Ellaria to give us their respective positions or they will be assigned if I don't here from them soon...

Vanion Bracke wrote:
Durn the Wolf wrote:
What do you mean door man? From what Oleg says he's the one who gets the stuff for the bandits.
Yes, Oleg is the one who talks to them, sees to their needs, and tries to keep everyone out of trouble. But there other people here in this outpost other than just him and his wife. I'll simply be playing the roll of the hired hand nobody who has to do the physical labor of opening (and closing XD) the gate for boss Oleg to lead them in.

The Gates open inward and then several large support boards slot into the hooks on the back to secure it. It will take you two rounds worth of actions to completely secure the one door. A standard action to close it and another move + standard to get and slot on the support boards. So if you get a suprise round you would have it completely secured by the end of the 1st normal round.

M Human Ranger 1
Vanion Bracke wrote:
Durn the Wolf wrote:
What do you mean door man? From what Oleg says he's the one who gets the stuff for the bandits.
Yes, Oleg is the one who talks to them, sees to their needs, and tries to keep everyone out of trouble. But there other people here in this outpost other than just him and his wife. I'll simply be playing the roll of the hired hand nobody who has to do the physical labor of opening (and closing XD) the gate for boss Oleg to lead them in.

Didn't see where DMDK said there were hired hands... but cool

Durn the Wolf wrote:
Vanion Bracke wrote:
Durn the Wolf wrote:
What do you mean door man? From what Oleg says he's the one who gets the stuff for the bandits.
Yes, Oleg is the one who talks to them, sees to their needs, and tries to keep everyone out of trouble. But there other people here in this outpost other than just him and his wife. I'll simply be playing the roll of the hired hand nobody who has to do the physical labor of opening (and closing XD) the gate for boss Oleg to lead them in.
Didn't see where DMDK said there were hired hands... but cool

Oleg doesn't have any hired hands and there are few visitors to the outpost, he gives you the impression that any other people around would arise suspicion, but is not completely improbably. Of course armed and armored as you are they would defintely be on guard at that point.

Female Halfling Cleric 1

Bellis will stay hidden just inside the building at H18 with her longbow drawn

Stealth check1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Please check the discussion thread... we have moved the ambush planning discussion to that thread.

"I don't like the idea of standing next to those bandits, as I can't really defend myself against many of them. I'll support from one of the towers or part of the wall where the bandits won't be able to see me before I start casting my spells".

That said, Ellaria will position herself on the walls, hiding behind a catapult (preferably in R3, but somewhere else if R3 is too exposed) or some other cover so that she can't be seen until the battle begins. If needed, she'll kneel or even lie down.

Lupus Whispers to Ellaria "Save your spells for the larger group inside the walls and I will take care of the lone sentry outside."

Lupus takes up a position at T4 as a lookout.

Stealth check (if Required) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Lupus Nequam wrote:

Lupus Whispers to Ellaria "Save your spells for the larger group inside the walls and I will take care of the lone sentry outside."

Lupus takes up a position at T4 as a lookout.

Stealth check (if Required) 1d20 +7

"Of course I will. Just don't let that one get away", Lyria mentions to Lupus as they both move to position.

By the way I think you can take 20 on the roll, just to be sure.

Male Human Bard 1

Vanion nods to Obi. "So I'll be slamming the door shut, and you'll be blasting away, eh? I'll trust you'll keep them distracted when I have my back turned to them?"

Vanion will sneak to Q17 after the bandits begin gathering Oleg's goods(1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21), and then will loudly and quickly shut the door. With that, the surprise round would hopefully begin.

The "battle" will begin in earnest tomorrow evening, got a buddies B-Day tonight so please plan t give the latst battle map and start of combat a peruse then. Thanks! DK

Revised map up.

As expected on the morning of Gozran the 10th, 7 riders approach. You quickly move into your positions and wait for the riders. It is a cold morning, but at least it isn't raining or snowing. The gravity of the situation slowly sinks in, today we are not fighting some nasty bug, today men will die!

The men dismount just outside of the gate and walk into the fort, except for one man that stays behind with the horses. One of the men leads a horse into the fort as well.

A hooded man speaks"Oleg you sniveling cur, get you fat hide out here. If you keep me waiting to long I will have to amuse myself with you wife!" his callow laugh echos off the fort walls and elicits a chuckle from the other men.
Oleg walks right by Bellis on his way out, his face pale with fear.
"Sorry man, I didn't mean to keep you waitin, will be right out to get the goods."
Hooded man:"How come we never get to see that pretty young thing of your anyways? Do you keep her locked up so that she doesn't run off to find herself a real man?
Oleg appears to ignore the man and starts to slowly load the gear.
Hooded man:"hurry it up you lazy dog, we don't have all day...dammit, Garren, Jell, go load the rest of the goods, out of the way you old fool!"
Oleg steps out of the pen and off to the side closest to the house.
Eadric and Durn hear a man pissing on the side of the barn as they laugh to each other about Oleg and his wife.
Vanion sneaks over to the gate and slams it shut! The battle begins:

Vanion 18
Ellaria 14
Obi 13
Lupus 13
Eadric 11
Bellis 10
Durn 4

Lupus quietly nocks an arrow as he raises bow from behind the parapet. Taking careful aim at the unaware bandit "I cannot miss"

Surprise round:

Attack with poisoned arrow 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 3 + 2 = 19 roll + ranged + height
Damage 1d6 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 1 + (5) = 7 damage +str+Snk
Save vs poison DC 13

Shortly after Lupus fires his arrow. Ellaria chants a few arcane words, while reaching for a small vial of sand, spilling it and pointing at the general direction of the bandits.

Sleep on the bandits, 15 DC (10+1 s.level+4 int) vs. Will.

Female Halfling Cleric 1

Bellis steps round the corner and shouts "By Erastil's bow you will never hurt another again!! She mutters a short prayer and lets the arrow fly.

5ft step to I19
Longbow Attack on bandit 4 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Damage1d6 ⇒ 6

Male Human Bard 1

After Vanion shuts the door, he turns to face the bandits and lets out a loud cry, "Attack now, everyone! Let's not let a single one of these bastards get out of here alive!"

Surprise Round:

Inspire Courage- All allies get a +1 to saves against charm and fear, a +1 to all attack rolls, and a +1 to weapon damage rolls.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

surprise round:

Eadric opens the door (move equivalent action) to allow Durn to let an arrow fly.

1st round:

Eadric will move to attack the nearest bandit. 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 111d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Female Halfling Cleric 1

Bellis' attack w/inspire courage is now 14

Ellaria wrote:

Shortly after Lupus fires his arrow. Ellaria chants a few arcane words, while reaching for a small vial of sand, spilling it and pointing at the general direction of the bandits.

Sleep on the bandits, 15 DC (10+1 s.level+4 int) vs. Will.

The barn is blocking your view of the bandits except for the one at K15. You need to move to R9 or R10 in order to really see anyone to cast the spell at. Did you want to change your action to a move into position? I will assume K15 if I don't hear back from you.

Don't forget to put your action in a spoiler with the round # on it, it helps me to keep track of the combat and where we are.

Lupus your arrow hits the bandit scum #2 holding the horse, he cries out in pain from the arrow that has pierced his abdomen. Oddly enough his cry slowly goes away as he collaspses on the ground next to the horse.
Bellis hits bandit scum #4 in the shoulder, but he is still standing, although he looks a little confused and in pain.
Obi steps out of the corner with a 5ft step and firebolts #4 atk1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18dam1d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 1 = 5 it smashes him in the face, ruining it for all time and bandit scum #4 drops with a shriek of pain.
The barn door swings open revealing Durn standing there bow drawn.

Durn to go.

M Human Ranger 1

surprise round:
Durn takes a bead on the leader and fires can't see the map at work so not sure if I'm PBS range.

1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 5 + 1 = 18
1d8 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 1 = 7

If in PBS range 19 to hit. 8 Damage

Surprise Round

Hmm. Ellaria wanted to cast the sleep spell (as posted in the discussion page), and I thought the courtyard was visible from the place I positioned her in. If it's possible to change her starting location to another position on the wall - that would be the best option. Otherwise, she'll cast the sleep on the one bandit that she sees, then move and cast another sleep spell on the next round.

Durn, you are in PBS range so I added 1 to the damage, the arrow takes the hooded man in the arm.
Ellaria casts sleep on Bandit 4, he shakes off the effect though, but is then slammed by Obi's attack and drops.
Surprise round is over, Lupus, you have the same issue as Ellaria, that you can't see the courtyard area due to building, but you can make a double move action to get to M26 or beyond to shoot in Round 2.

Vanion to go starting in Round 1, bandits 4&5 are down:
Vanion 18
Bandits to go
Ellaria 14
Obi 13
Lupus 13
Eadric 11
Bellis 10
Durn 4

The hooded man shakes his hood back, "what the hell is this, arrgg my arm, Oleg you worm, I will kill you for this and your wife will die a slow painful death, kill these fools boys!"

M Human Ranger 1

round 1:
2 scenarios since I go after the bandits.

Scenario 1= no bandits close with Durn: Durn will shoot the leader once again. Then attempt to mount as a free action 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13. Since that fails will mount as a move action.

Scenario 2= Bandit closes with Durn. 5 foot adjust back and then fire, but staying adjacent to the horse. Mount as a move action.

1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 1 = 19 (an additional +1 if in PBS range)
1d8 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 1 = 3 (an additional +1 if in PBS range)

Male Human Bard 1

Round 1:

Free Action: Maintain Inspire Courage
Swift Action: Arcane Strike on an arrow
Standard Action: Fire shortbow at Bandit #1
Hit: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 2 + 1 = 15 Damage: 1d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 1 = 7

Female Halfling Cleric 1

"Your the ones that will die this day you villians!!" shouts Bellis jumping up onto the table. She wraps her cloak around her with a *whoosh!* letting her holy symbol glare in the sun as a brilliant blue light flares outward. The light washes over her allies as they feel their resolve strengthen and their courage grow.

Round 1:
Move to J17, jumping onto the table.
Acrobatics check if needed 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Cast Bless

Bandit 2 moves, drawing his short sword and moving over to attack Durn and hits, running him through for 6 hit points of damage (he hit with a nat 20!)

Bandit 3 charges Obi and attacks him for 3 points of damage.

Ellaria moves to R9 and casts sleep on the hooded man and Bandit 6.
Both collapse in a heap!

Bandit 1 moves to the hooded man and starts shaking him awake"get up you Happs!"
Obi 5 foot steps back and color spray #3 and he drops.
Lupus to go.

Doesn't Ellaria act after all the bandits? Also, can she catch more than 2 with her sleep spell?

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

I must admit that I am also confused as to the order of the events in this round... as well as some other things.

The bandits don't all act at the same time, these are the bandits so far that have acted 2&3. You don't know the init order of the remaining bandits yet. Bandit 1 went on init 14 after Ellaria.
But you know the rest of them soon :)
Everyone else goes except Durn, then the remaining bandits and then Durn.

Ellaria wrote:
Doesn't Ellaria act after all the bandits? Also, can she catch more than 2 with her sleep spell?

No sleep is a 10' burst, so that was the best use of sleep.

If you are confused, I posted an updated round 2 map (first round after surprise).

Vanion 18
Bandits 2&3 17
Ellaria 14
Bandit 1
Obi 13
Lupus 13
Eadric 11
Bellis 10
Happs 8
Bandit 6
Durn 4

Hope that helps.
We will just have to be a little patient with larger battles, they don't run well in PBP particularly. I will post a new map at the end of each round though unless there are no major changes.

I'm back! (^-^)

Obi looks down on the bandit before him, then moves around the wretch to send a small stream of fire at one of the other bandits.

Moving to O 15, then casting Acid Splash at Bandit 5 and using Obi's Bloodline Arcana to change it into Fire Splash. Including the +1 to hit from Bless, and the +1 to hit and damage from Inspire.
Fire Splash Ranged Touch Attack:1d20 + 4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 1 + 1 = 11
Fire Splash Damage:1d3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Obi Canicus wrote:

I'm back! (^-^)

Obi looks down on the bandit before him, then moves around the wretch to send a small stream of fire at one of the other bandits.

** spoiler omitted **

Technically you did a color spray this round (we are still in round 2, I misnamed it earlier as round 1), you still have a move action left though or you can stay where you are.

Lupus is next up.

Okay, I'll draw a dagger and use my last post as my actions for Round 3.

Okay to move things along, Lupus will double move to M19, part of that move was jumping off the 10' wall and making an acrobatics check to negate any damage!

Eadric to go, you can attack Bandit 2 or take an AOO and move to Bandit 1 at L12 or Happs who is on the floor but now conscious in K13? Bellis' Bless has not gone off yet since she goes after you.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

If this is my first action after the surprise round then I have already posted it above in the same post as my surprise round action. All that I am aware that I have done so far is open the barn door (in the surprise round). If I have already taken that posted action (as posted above: attacked and missed Bandit #2?) and you are waiting on my next action then:

round = ?:
Eadric attacks Bandit #2 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 131d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 and then moves to K12 provoking AoO from Bandit #2 and Bandit #1. Please note that Eadric's AC is 24 versus AoO when triggered by movement.

PS Morale bonuses do not stack. Bless and Inspire Courage are both morale bonuses. :(

PS If I can use the action posted in this post then I would like to do so. I'm pretty sure both rolls are a miss (in either post) so I'm only looking to add the movement bit into my previous post.

Eadric, we will use you attack from 1st post but you can still move.
Bandit 1&2 AOO you but miss, be glad for mobility!
Happs, attacks you from the ground with his longsword, misses, and attempts to get up drawing an AOO from Eadric.
Bandit 6 lies asleep.
Durn skims an arrow off of Bandit 2 and then mounts his horse.
Summary for the start of round 3:
Vanion 18
Bandit2 17 minor arrow hit
Bandit3 17 on the ground
Ellaria 14
Bandit 1 arrow hit
Obi 13 has a minor cut from a bandit hit for 3 points
Lupus 13
Eadric 11
Bellis 10
Happs 8 standing and hit once, maybe twice after the AOO
Bandit 6 Asleep
Durn 4 on horse
Bandit 5&4 down and out for the moment.

Vanions move updated map posted

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

"It is you who will die this day! As will the rest of you!"

Eadric's AoO on Happs:

versus prone defender (-4 to Happ's AC)
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 201d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

I took mobility for a reason. :)

But really, what are these guys rocking? +2, maybe +4 (unlikely) to hit at most? Even without mobility, these guys have a low chance to hit me. Mobility just makes it a nat 20 needed for them to hit me. ;)

Nice! The vicious slash from Eadric's AOO has hurt Happs further, but he is still standing as Happs was able to deflect part of the blow that would have cut him in half from Eadric.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Round 3:

Eadric will continue attacking Happs, if he is still alive and moving if necessary. If Happs is not, then Eadric will attack Bandit #1 or Bandit #2 (in that priority, unless something happens to change things significantly). Eadric will also declare smite upon Happs (crossing fingers that he is evil :) If Happs is not alive on my turn then I will declare smite against whoever I attack (still crossing fingers in hope).
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 221d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

If Happs is evil then add +3 to hit and +1 damage. Eadric's AC becomes 23 versus attacks by Happs.

"I promise you Happs, you will not survive this day! You shall pay for your crimes! May Cayden guide my blade in it's thirst for justice!"

Lupus nocks another arrow and shoots at Happs' back.

round 3:

attack with a normal arrow.1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10 +3 BAB +1 morale -4 shooting into melee
damage1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 +1 normal +1 morale

If I don't really care if I hit Eadric, can I remove the -4 for firing into melee? ;)

Male Human Bard 1

Seeing Eadric bring the fight into close combat, Vanion decides to join him. He drops his bow, and rushes towards the nearest bandit, drawing his sword and whispering a few words of power to guide his strike. He lets out a fierce roar as he tries to skewer the bandit.

Round 3:

Free Action: Maintain Inspire Courage
Free Action: Drop Bow
Move Action: Move to M13, drawing rapier
Swift Action: Arcane Strike on Rapier
Standard Action: Attack Bandit #1 with rapier.
To Hit (base + Bardic + Bless)= 1d20 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 23
Damage (base + Bardic + Arcane)= 1d6 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 5

EDIT: Threatened Critical
Confirm Crit (base + Bardic + Bless)= 1d20 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 24
Extra Damage (base + Bardic + Arcane)= 1d6 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 6

PS Morale bonuses do not stack. Bless and Inspire Courage are both morale bonuses. :(

Ahh, while that is true for the saves, that isn't the case for the rest. Inspire Courage is +1 moral bonus to fear and charm saves, true. But Inspire Courage is a +1 competence bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls. So Bless attack bonuses and Inspire Courage bonuses do stack. Which is awesome.

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