Contingency and Silence (and more)

Rules Questions

A wiz has contingency and say "Wind Wall" to stop pesky archers.

If the archer wins initiative, so the wiz is flat footed, can the contingency still fire? (Trigger something like - If I am attacked or hit by a bow or crossbow, create a wind wall around me) I assume the arrow is shot and simulateously the wind wall will affect THAT arrow before it hits ?

What if the wiz cannot yet see the attacker (say greater invis on the archer)? I know the ammo would become visible - would that be enough?

What if the wiz was shot from behind - so didnt see the arrow? Would it trigger for the second arrow coming in on that same attack round?)

Can a contingency still "cast" if the wiz was in a "silent" area? (like silence 20' radius).

Is a shield gaurdian's spell like a contigency spell?


No. It just casts like a Spell Storing item being used.

Contingency goes off with a kind of omnipotent knowledge. You don't have to know that a condition has elapsed.

The behavior would also depend on the exact contingency condition.

Cast wind wall when I am shot at.


Cast wind wall when I get hit by a ranged attack.

The first one would go off anytime anyone shot at the wizard, even if it was a piddly level 1 warrior who had not chance of even hurting the wizard. The wind wall would also effect the arrow that was shot.

The second one would only trigger the wind wall after the wizard has taken the first arrow hit, and thus would not effect the first arrow shot.

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