iPhone / iPod Touch - Game App Recommendations

Video Games

Hi All,

Got a iPod Touch for my b-day and now I'm wading through the miles of apps... can you folks recommend some top-notch RPGs that are worth getting (free or paid)? I'd prefer ones that are turn-based not reflex heavy because my fingers are pretty big compared to the screen.

Bonus points for any Strategy game recommendations and/or a really comprehensive solitaire game (my wife loves it).

Appreciate the help!

I got an iPhone about a month ago or so. I can't help with rpg's yet, but 2 strategy basics are Glaurung Chess based on the GNU chess engine, and Igowin Tutor, an intro app to teach the basics of go. I'm hoping to get good enough in go to make upgrading to a 19x19 game worthwhile at some point.

Daeglin wrote:
I got an iPhone about a month ago or so. I can't help with rpg's yet, but 2 strategy basics are Glaurung Chess based on the GNU chess engine, and Igowin Tutor, an intro app to teach the basics of go. I'm hoping to get good enough in go to make upgrading to a 19x19 game worthwhile at some point.

Thanks, Daeglin! If you find anything else that you can recommend - let me know.

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