Intelligent Items abilities

Rules Questions

I just wondered if a Intelligent Item has ability to cast 4th lvl spell, can it be HOLY SWORD [paladin exclusive]?

We converted 3.5 campaign and our characters into Pathfinder RPG and ultimate ability of my prestige class [Anointed Knight / Book of Exalted Deeds] is that his item becomes intelligent.

I can also build in anything in my price range, so could i build HOLY SWORD as a 4th lvl spell?

Well, rule-wise I can't see anything that forbids it. Intelligent items isn't limited to certain spell lists.

Balance-wise I would be concerned with using spells from classes without full spell progression. But depending on your level Holy Sword might not be that overpowered anyway. By high levels you get more action from having a bunch of special qualities and using Magic Weapon, anyway.

One thing to consider on the fluffy side of things, is that Holy Sword renders the powers the item has inoperative. What intelligent sword, with a somewhat decent Ego score, would want to cast a spell, that strips it from having it's own power and control?

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