Two wand weilding feat?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Is there a two wand weilding feat similar to two weapon fighting
and if so what are the drawbacks

my idea is that I use wands to buff team mates and firing them off quicker would be a big help

Wands are not so powerful in later game
but duel rod or duel staff could be broken though

if it exists please let this newb know the reference material so I can ask my GM if I can use it

Indeed there is, believe its in complete arcane. I used it once to make a "six gun" sorcerer.

If memory serves:
Effect: Main hand wand uses a charge and has the spells effect. Off-hand wand uses 2 charges and has the spells effect.
Prereq: Craft Wand, Two-Weapon Fighting

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If your question refers to Pathfinder Core only then no, there is no such feat.

Lefty is right, those are the reqs.

I see this as something that perhaps should be in the domain of the mystic theurge (only)....

The feats are called Double Wand Weilder and Reckless Wand Weilder. They are not in the Pathfinder core rules.

A player in my current campaign is playing a 'wand slinger', basically a Wizard 2/Fighter 6 that uses two wands instead of guns. Very effective in combat, I must say, and not overpowered.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

The feat is Double Wand Wielder [General] from Complete Arcane p77. Prerequisites are Craft Wand and Two Weapon Fighting. It takes a full-round action to fire.

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