Simple question about metamagics

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

When a wizard is memorizing his or her allotment of spells for the upcoming day, they must decide at that time to apply a metamagic right? So using Extend Spell on Mage Armor would be memorized as a 2nd level spell right?

yep. unless you've got a 'sudden' metamagic feat from CArcane (or CMage), sudden extend etc. or a metamagic rod.

Correct. Spontaneous casters apply metamagic on the fly (applying the spell level adjustment and making it take a full-round action), but preparatory casters have to decide in the morning which metamagics they want to apply and on which spells.

Grand Lodge

Mauril wrote:
Correct. Spontaneous casters apply metamagic on the fly (applying the spell level adjustment and making it take a full-round action), but preparatory casters have to decide in the morning which metamagics they want to apply and on which spells.

Thanks, that is what I thought, but Hero Lab seems to have a slight problem with applying this rule. It doesn't do it or the operator is having issues.

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