Cleric alignment shift?

Rules Questions

So my players found The Deck of Many Things last night and the NG cleric pulled the 2 of spades (immediately shift to a radically different alignment), which would put him CE, or LE. I'm wondering what happens with the character.

I could find any specific ruling that has anything to do with class abilities and matching your gods alignment, but there is the part that says a cleric must be within 1 step of their deity. Also would he just automatically just change from channeling positive to negative energy?

Please help. I'm just not sure what happens.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Tal_Akaan wrote:

So my players found The Deck of Many Things last night and the NG cleric pulled the 2 of spades (immediately shift to a radically different alignment), which would put him CE, or LE. I'm wondering what happens with the character.

I could find any specific ruling that has anything to do with class abilities and matching your gods alignment, but there is the part that says a cleric must be within 1 step of their deity. Also would he just automatically just change from channeling positive to negative energy?

Please help. I'm just not sure what happens.

Check the rules for ex-clerics on page 41. A cleric who changes alignment so drastically is pretty hosed, and either needs an atonement spell or should switch to a new deity close to his new alignment.

James Jacobs wrote:
Tal_Akaan wrote:

So my players found The Deck of Many Things last night and the NG cleric pulled the 2 of spades (immediately shift to a radically different alignment), which would put him CE, or LE. I'm wondering what happens with the character.

I could find any specific ruling that has anything to do with class abilities and matching your gods alignment, but there is the part that says a cleric must be within 1 step of their deity. Also would he just automatically just change from channeling positive to negative energy?

Please help. I'm just not sure what happens.

Check the rules for ex-clerics on page 41. A cleric who changes alignment so drastically is pretty hosed, and either needs an atonement spell or should switch to a new deity close to his new alignment.

Ah, page 41...

...the one page i didn't look at. Thanks for the quick response.

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