Question about multiclassing and BAB

Rules Questions

My wife is playing a multiclassed cleric/ranger. She started with cleric 2/ranger 4 and has since leveled up twice to cleric 2/ranger 6. She has decided that now she wants to add another level of cleric, which would be cleric 3.

At 3rd level, the cleric's BAB increases by 1. In all of the cleric levels above level 6, each time the first attack increases, so do 2nd and 3rd attacks.

My question is: I know that her first attack will increase by 1, but does her 2nd attack increase also, or is this increase ONLY for the first attack, even though her actual level is now level 9.

Thanks in advance!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Denim N Leather wrote:

My wife is playing a multiclassed cleric/ranger. She started with cleric 2/ranger 4 and has since leveled up twice to cleric 2/ranger 6. She has decided that now she wants to add another level of cleric, which would be cleric 3.

At 3rd level, the cleric's BAB increases by 1. In all of the cleric levels above level 6, each time the first attack increases, so do 2nd and 3rd attacks.

My question is: I know that her first attack will increase by 1, but does her 2nd attack increase also, or is this increase ONLY for the first attack, even though her actual level is now level 9.

Thanks in advance!

Yup! Base attack increases do increase those additional (called iterative) attacks.

A cleric 3/ranger 6 would have a base attack bonus of +8. Which would work out to a total base attack of +8/+3.


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