Animated figure / doll?

Homebrew and House Rules

I'm doing some play by post with each player in an upcoming campaign to seed some backstory and give additional context.

I have one player in jail who will find (hopefully ;) ) a ragdoll or small human figure made by a fabulously eccentric prisoner. The other prisoner, housed in another part of the prison will use this animated ragdoll to speak to the character, his voice somehow coming from the doll, his actions mirrored, etc (the player can talk to the doll or destroy it, but destroying does not impact the maker. Almost like a small golem or something)

Anyway, I'm trying to think of any possible spells that would allow this effect. Any thoughts? I could just say "ummm, magic", but would rather have some kind of rules to point to.

Looking around, and "Animate object" would seem to be geared more towards creating something for attack purposes and not communication...

Some variant of the animal messenger spell....

Or a variant of ventriloquism.....

Whispering wind....

Animate Object + Message + Clairvoyance/Clairaudience

A custom spell that combined these 3 spells into a single spell would be the best bet.

tocath wrote:

I have one player in jail who will find (hopefully ;) ) a ragdoll or small human figure made by a fabulously eccentric prisoner.

Is the player in jail, or the player's character? A character being in jail gets one answer, a player in jail gets a different answer.

Carry on.

I think I've happened on the answer. This campaign is running in Katapesh, and I think I'll have the golem be a tiny/diminutive Aluum which is communicating it's master's wishes.

Doug's Workshop wrote:
tocath wrote:

I have one player in jail who will find (hopefully ;) ) a ragdoll or small human figure made by a fabulously eccentric prisoner.

Is the player in jail, or the player's character? A character being in jail gets one answer, a player in jail gets a different answer.

Carry on.

The former would be far more fun, but you are correct it is the PC and not the actual player.

How about a Homonculus? They are technically constructs and can look like anything the creator wants. That would be well within RAW with no invention or fudging required.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Check out the soulbound doll from Pathfinder #7; we reprinted its stats as recently as Pathfinder #27. It's basically a Tiny animated doll that gets its life-force from a soul bound into its little body.

The scary Zuni fetish doll from "Trilogy of Terror" was the original inspiration for this critter, but it's a versatile monster that can fill a lot of roles.

If you don't have PF #7 and/or don't wanna pick it up, though, I would go with a homunculus.

You could also go with a possessed toy or a fetch or perhaps a carionette from D&D.

I'd just classify it as a "GM Device" -- since the PC discovers it and doesn't try to create it. Just decide what you want it to be able to do, and let it do that -- just make sure to be consistent, if you say it can/can't do somehting, don't change that later on.

Dark Archive

the "EXPEDITIOUS MESSENGER" from Eberron Campaign Setting(pg 288) is exactly what you are looking for. It has this Ability Message (Su): An expeditious messenger’s master can converse with a creature up to 1 mile away through the homunculus. This homunculus is willing to stray farther
from its master than most others of its kind, and its tele-
pathic link to its master enables a two-way conversation of
indefinite duration.

All you need is a reason to wave the 1,650 gp Construction Cost

Cyd the Arcmagi wrote:

the "EXPEDITIOUS MESSENGER" from Eberron Campaign Setting(pg 288) is exactly what you are looking for. It has this Ability Message (Su): An expeditious messenger’s master can converse with a creature up to 1 mile away through the homunculus. This homunculus is willing to stray farther

from its master than most others of its kind, and its tele-
pathic link to its master enables a two-way conversation of
indefinite duration.
All you need is a reason to wave the 1,650 gp Construction Cost

Maybe a new feat, a "Greater" either Eschew Materials or Craft Wondrous Item, which allows for an increased creation time in exchange for a reduced cost? A prisoner may be strapped for cash, but he definitely has plenty of time.

Unless he's a condemned prisoner. ;-)

James Jacobs wrote:

Check out the soulbound doll from Pathfinder #7; we reprinted its stats as recently as Pathfinder #27. It's basically a Tiny animated doll that gets its life-force from a soul bound into its little body.

The scary Zuni fetish doll from "Trilogy of Terror" was the original inspiration for this critter, but it's a versatile monster that can fill a lot of roles.

If you don't have PF #7 and/or don't wanna pick it up, though, I would go with a homunculus.

Loving the soulbound doll. Thinking of having it look like a little Aluum, which would just drive the Pactmasters up the wall angry.

Thanks all for your great suggestions!

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