Spells: Touch to Ranged Touch?

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

Hello, and thanks for clicking on this thread.

I'm semi-new to spellcasting and wondering if there is any item (or ability, feat, spell, etc...) that would allow me to cast a "Range: Touch" spell as a ranged (touch) spell?

I ask because I'm a Summoner in our Rise of the Runelords homegame, and one of the major detriments for me is trying to buff my Eidolon when combat begins. I don't want him staying back with me for the first few rounds, or the combat will be halfway through when he finally jumps in; however, I also don't want to just throw him in without buffs as he'll be less useful and easier to kill.

So, I'm looking for some way to stay back a little, and let my Eidolon run into combat while still casting buffs on him, most of which are "Range: Touch" spells.

Thanks in advance!

Not in core. If your DM allowed 3.5 material, the metamagic feat "Reach Spell" is what you want. It turns a "ranged: touch" spell into a 30-foot ray, which is a ranged touch spell.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The feat Reach Spell from Complete Divine (IIRC) allows you to cast Range: Touch spells as ray spells up to 30 ft. Need to hit tho, don't cast mirror image as the first buff ;)

EDIT: NINJAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liberty's Edge

Thanks to both, I'll sure check it out!

Another Option is the spectral hand spell which allows you to deliver touch attacks at range (please note they are touch attacks not ranged touch attacks).

It's a second level wizard/sorcerer core spell in the necromancy school.

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