Twisted FAWLTY Tales Discusion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

I've been thinking and tinkering. Feel free to discuss. Things are skewed to Chaos both because of this setting, and because I think it arguably fits the Greek mythology better. There is at least one major change here from what you saw before, but I don't think that will be a problem. There are actual documents that I can make available.

20 Hellenic Deities for d20:

by alignment
CG - Aphrodite
CG - Zeus
CN - Apollo
CN - Dionysios
CN - Hermes
CN - Poseidon
CN - Tykhe
CE - Ares
CE - Eris
NE - Hekate
N - Artemis
N - Herakles
N - Iris
N - Nike
NG - Hestia
LG - Demeter
LG - Hephaistos
LN - Athena
LN - Hera
LE - Hades

Male Mostly Human

The only one that doesn't make sense is your alignment for Apollo.

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

How so? He was a god of plague, was part of my reasoning. He was also a mouse god, which's kind of odd, but probably a plague association. I'm also thinking of the characteristics of the Sun, although those can be interpreted in different ways. Honestly, Zeus as CG is a bit of a stretch for me, but I thought there needed to be diversity among the top 3. If Apollo is the fount of healing, perhaps this needs to be rethought. Although, I'd be just as happy adding a NG Asclepios to the mix and leaving Apollo out of healing, just like Hermes has been left out. Heck, I'd be just as happy to introduce Orpheos and take music away from Apollo to. :)

Male Mostly Human


Ok. Here's how I would change them.


CG - Apollo
CG - Hermes
N - Tykhe
NG - Artemis
CG - Herakles
LN - Nike
N - Demeter
NG - Hephestus
LG - Athena
N - Hera
NE - Hades

And you forgot the most important!

CN - Pan

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

Okay, some of these I can see, and some I are chewing up my juicy little bits. I have to run now, but let me put more of my reasoning out for you later to appreciate.

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

FawtlyDM, Flash, Urizen (& Devotees of the gods, esp. Clerics & Paladins):
I think the gods discussion is going to get fiddly, as Urizen at least may enjoy this as much as I do. So I'm going to be creating some threads on FB discussion that will address these as I see them breaking down. Hope to see you there for your thoughts.

Male Mostly Human

Translation: Mairk's going to explode the word count!

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

What, no feedback?

Male Mostly Human

Is it up?

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

I think you found them. What, everybody is not as fascinated by this as us? Where's Flash? Sleeping in the Underworld?

Male Mostly Human

That's an understatement.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mutated humanoid avian with bird flu Expert Witness 20

I'm fascinated by you guys...


male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

What does that shrug mean? You're not fascinated enough!

Male Mostly Human

Gonna have to throw some metamagic feats on that fascinate, Mairk.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Urizen wrote:
The Adventurer's Armory arrived today. May have to change / add a couple of things. Hmmmm...

I soooo can't wait for this to get here. It will still be at least another week before I can get mine, possibly longer. As such I am going to buy the .pdf when it becomes available in 2 days.

I really want this book!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I think you found them. What, everybody is not as fascinated by this as us? Where's Flash? Sleeping in the Underworld?

At work for 10 hours...

male *Last time I checked* half dwarf/half orc student 14/ jack of all trades 3/ welder 4/ electrician 8

Hey Flash can you send that BBCode to me.

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally
flash_cxxi wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I think you found them. What, everybody is not as fascinated by this as us? Where's Flash? Sleeping in the Underworld?
At work for 10 hours...

Sorry to hear that. I'd also appreciate the bbcode doc, when you get a chance.

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

Because the attempt to get a single listing over here was overly complicated, check out the FB thread and please list a brief summary of your character for ease of reference.

male Human Cleric 2/Rogue 1

FDM: Do you recommend any particular languages for Twisted Fawtly Tales? Ones I was entertaining: Celestial, Auran, Dwarven

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

I was thinking about getting Pipp some Pipes of the Sewers. They're only useful in certain situations, but they're ripped right out of a Grimm fairy tale. Thoughts?

Male Mostly Human

What's the gp cost on it?

I only bought one magical item on the 3k gp expenditure. I still have some leftover coin to spend, but until something catches my eye....

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10
Urizen wrote:

What's the gp cost on it?

I only bought one magical item on the 3k gp expenditure. I still have some leftover coin to spend, but until something catches my eye....

1,150 - so it leaves me some to work with.

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

CH: sounds fun and flavorful to me.

Male Mostly Human
Celestial Healer wrote:
Urizen wrote:

What's the gp cost on it?

I only bought one magical item on the 3k gp expenditure. I still have some leftover coin to spend, but until something catches my eye....

1,150 - so it leaves me some to work with.

Work in a frequency that only orclings can hear ... that wants them to ... ATTACK!

Male Mostly Human

Where are you on your PC build, Prof?

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally
Urizen wrote:
Where are you on your PC build, Prof?

I have some ideas, but nothing more done other than what you see in his profile. Very busy these days...defense this week and grading ton of papers. EDIT: I actually have his skills done as well.

Male Mostly Human

What were their papers on, again?

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

Their choice: any topic in religious studies. This actually almost kills some of them, that I give them a choice and don't assign or make them pick. Another PITA is that I have a proposal process that is supposed to go through successive iterations to keep them from having a predeterminedly crap paper, but they don't like to get help from the Prof almost as much as they don't like to think for themselves. It's sad.

Male Mostly Human
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

C'mon, that's a benny. It's so wide open. I could pull one out of my ass. If I turn one in, can you give me a course credit? :P

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

Any ideas on feats to make the most of my great Dex?

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

Any ideas on feats to make the most of my great Dex?

Male Mostly Human

Well, you get three feats. Are you gearing toward any particular weapon and/or spell portfolio (i.e. domains)?

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

so apparently my last post was lost :S

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
so apparently my last post was lost :S

I've noticed that the messageboard monster has been hungry lately.

male *Last time I checked* half dwarf/half orc student 14/ jack of all trades 3/ welder 4/ electrician 8

I need help with a name. I have the feats, skills, stats, special qualities picked out. also some help I took the fiendish heritage feat and for a replacement ability to darkness 1/day, the two top abilities are 15% chance to ignore criticals (unusual anatomy) or the ability to gain nourishment from eating; cinders, ash, sand or dust.

oh yeah I am going with at tiefling fighter who is looking to have a weapon for every situation ;)

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

Alignment? More physical description?

Terfell Typhonotes.

male *Last time I checked* half dwarf/half orc student 14/ jack of all trades 3/ welder 4/ electrician 8
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Alignment? More physical description?

Terfell Typhonotes.

leaning either CG or CN, qlipoth-spawn. Male Jet black hair with a distinguished scarlet red steak. the eyes are red with black iris'. Broad shouldered, about 5'11" shows many scars on his arms, He looks very intimidating, but he is in what appears to be a jovial mood most of the time, unless he is at work then it gets serious.

Male Mostly Human
Woodraven wrote:

I need help with a name. I have the feats, skills, stats, special qualities picked out. also some help I took the fiendish heritage feat and for a replacement ability to darkness 1/day, the two top abilities are 15% chance to ignore criticals (unusual anatomy) or the ability to gain nourishment from eating; cinders, ash, sand or dust.

oh yeah I am going with at tiefling fighter who is looking to have a weapon for every situation ;)

Remind me again which heritage you took? Rakshasa?

EDIT: Whoops. Qlippoth.

Male Mostly Human

The gain nourishment would be more interesting. You'd be an arsonist where you'd burn stuff down and then eat the cinder/ash remains. ;)

male *Last time I checked* half dwarf/half orc student 14/ jack of all trades 3/ welder 4/ electrician 8
Urizen wrote:
The gain nourishment would be more interesting. You'd be an arsonist where you'd burn stuff down and then eat the cinder/ash remains. ;)

hmmm adds to the chaos me likey :)

Male Mostly Human
Woodraven wrote:
Urizen wrote:
The gain nourishment would be more interesting. You'd be an arsonist where you'd burn stuff down and then eat the cinder/ash remains. ;)
hmmm adds to the chaos me likey :)

now you just need things to ... start fires. :) And good to know you picked up the Throw Anything feat as I'm going to need an orcling launcher. Heheehehe

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

Dang, never looked closely at the qipploth before. So, Cthulhic abyssal fiends. If they look like something, they're a demon; if they don't look like anything, they're a qipploth. If you look relatively normal on the outside, your insides must be MESSED UP. Hieron will avert his eyes whenever you are wounded.

So, no name nibble, huh?

male *Last time I checked* half dwarf/half orc student 14/ jack of all trades 3/ welder 4/ electrician 8
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Dang, never looked closely at the qipploth before. So, Cthulhic abyssal fiends. If they look like something, they're a demon; if they don't look like anything, they're a qipploth. If you look relatively normal on the outside, your insides must be MESSED UP. Hieron will avert his eyes whenever you are wounded.

So, no name nibble, huh?

thinking something with fire or pyro

Male Mostly Human

Brandstifter is German for Arsonist. XD

Übel is evil, so he can be Übel Brandstifter. :P

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

Maulfeuer Skiamorphou

Maulfeuer Skiamorfu

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

Three folks have posted their character summaries. Thanks, guys! I hope to see more of then on FB soon -- makes it easy to keep up with what folks are playing.

male Human, some say fey-touched lots of both, naturally

Pyric Verbogen

Male Mostly Human

Is it May 3rd yet?

male Human Cleric 2/Rogue 1

By Hermes' c o c k, we got a lot of infernal influences running around in our party. *Brandishes Caduceus*

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