My friends character background for our upcoming Kingmaker game


Hey I got a chuckle out of this, thought you all might laugh at it;

Jalen Von Stupp

Physical Traits, picture if you could have sex with one man, who would it be? That would be an accurate description of Jalen Von Stupp.

5’ 6”, 110 pounds, Silver Hair, Silver eyes, White as a sheet

Jalen Von Stupp spent the majority of his life in a monastery worshiping the god Saranrae in the hopes that one day Saranrae would give him the opportunity to go out and help the world in some generically lawful good manner. Jalen was always a small fragile child and he had not improved much in recent years, he always depended on faith to provide him strength during difficult times or when he need to catch something on fire or heal dead animals or heal the animals he burned or burn the animals he healed, anyway I digress….. Once Upon a time Jalen was watching the wilderness through his stained glass window, as to not get a sunburn, when he happened to see a large barbarian shambling through the bushes as though it were drunk. Jalen immediately knew that he would either need to heal it, or burn it, whatever the case may be. So he decided to go outside of the monastery, which had not happened in many a moon, or daylight as it were. When Jalen approached the barbarian he saw that she had shat on herself and was quite confused as to where it was. The barbarian introduced itself as Emil……erm Ursa and informed Jalen that she had indeed forgotten where the bathrooms were. Jalen was quite confused as to what she meant by that when he took her inside and helped to clean her up.
Twas then he realized, as he was elbows deep in barbarian fecal matter, that this Ursa character was the good he was waiting to do. He would take care of this Ursa and all of her healing/burning/ hygiene needs for the glory of Saranrae. AND THERE WAS NOTHING THAT ANYONE COULD POSSIBLY DO TO STOP HIM!


Moments of enlightenment. Gotta love 'em.

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