Best Pathfinder NPC Generators?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hey, I'm looking for the most user-friendly, accurate NPC generator. I've tried several excel based character generators but they take way too long to fill out. Does anyone have any suggestions?

The Exchange

Cesare wrote:
Hey, I'm looking for the most user-friendly, accurate NPC generator. I've tried several excel based character generators but they take way too long to fill out. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I've just added a Pathfiner NPC Generator to my site, it's still a work in progress but is certainly usable. Not all the monsters have been fully upgraded and I need to add in Pathfinder magic items.

You can have a play at

Dingles Pathfinder NPC Generator

Any problems you find let me know...

I make all my NPCs on Herolabs it ussually takes about 10 minutes

Grand Lodge

I use Dingles a LOT... (that just... SOUNDS wrong)

I can whip up a Fighter 8/Mummy in seconds (literally) and flesh it out with feats and equipment in nothing flat.

It may not be 100% finished yet, but honestly I have not found anything to beat it yet.

And 10 minutes is too long. Give me a character sheet and I can whip up an NPC in 10 minutes by hand. If I am going to use a generator it had BETTER do it faster than I can by hand.

Dark Archive

Maybe I'm just a fanboy, but I still use PCGen for generating characters of any kind.

Grand Lodge

I use PCGen too, but lord is it cumbersome. Not a fast program at all. And I do not like some of the formatting they use, such as for equipment, I can't find half of what I am looking for, and armor is never in the order of the charts (which one had what AC and was Medium?)

Good program to create and archive PCs, but not very speedy.

I've tried Dingles the other day and it's great! Anyways, some things I noticed were:

- the plain text stat box was hard to read
- is there an option that calculates buffing spells? (Most enemy spellcasters are one shot deals and as such, they'll probably be fully buffed when fighting the party
- how does the save mechanism work? Does it always delete your previous character? (I did up stats for a bandit camp, but the stats for the "boss" got deleted when I started working on the mooks)

That's all I can think of for now. Thanks for a great product BTW

The Exchange

Cesare wrote:

I've tried Dingles the other day and it's great! Anyways, some things I noticed were:

- the plain text stat box was hard to read
- is there an option that calculates buffing spells? (Most enemy spellcasters are one shot deals and as such, they'll probably be fully buffed when fighting the party
- how does the save mechanism work? Does it always delete your previous character? (I did up stats for a bandit camp, but the stats for the "boss" got deleted when I started working on the mooks)

That's all I can think of for now. Thanks for a great product BTW

Thanks for the feedback Ceasare,

I'm in the process of updating the plain text stats to the pathfinder monster manual format.
I'll look into adding a buffing option.
You can save as many mosters as you like. It's best to create an acount so you can find your saved monsters on any computer.
Use Edit saved NPC's to access the saves, these saved NPS's can be altered and saving again will overwrite the last save. This is useful if you have a re-occuring NPC that levels with the PC's.

Once you save an NPC you should go back to the NPC generator and start a new, or else you will overwrite your last save.

I find that I am using your generator A LOT nowadays!

Anyways, here is some more feedback:

- Would it be possible to make a favored class mechanic that allows you to either allocate that to HP or skill points?
- Maybe allow an option to give NPC characters full HP at first level
- Maybe allow skills to be customizable with a pool that shows how much you have available to use
- Maybe put Pathfinder feats (available on and Nethys' archives) into the feat bank
- Maybe consider a custom template option, where the user can determine the parameters of the template and then merge them with the character (I was thinking that this would be nice to have when I was using Paizo's Ogrekin template from PF 3 on one of the characters I made using your generator)

Anyways, I've tried a bunch of char generators over the past few days and I find yours to be the quickest and most efficient. Thanks!

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