Possible New Feat??

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

I am thinking of adding to my campaign setting a feat that allows a character to do more then what is outlined in the Heal skill. It would allow the character to have had access to training in surgery and long-term care on patients. They would be able to perform surgical operations on patients, ability required for removing tumors, reattaching recently severed limbs or stitching up grievous wounds too great for first-aid to truly handle. If the character comes from a culture that magic isn't taboo...such as most of the parts of the current campaign then it also includes the ability to implant magic devices within the body. The last is huge rarity even among the more magically adept cultures such as the Elves and the foreigners form across the ocean. In both cases it usually is a limb made of wood or metal that is a replacement for a lost one from the Great War.

Is this going to far? I was going to model it from similar feats found in such books as Fadins Suns d20 or Dragonstar? My goal is to make it so that someone with the feat and Heal skill can stabalize someone better as well as have the recover faster. For surgery I may have to up the DC's for things higher then what I see in the various publications. While it is true that the ancient Hellenics and Romans could set bones, stitch organs, remove surface level tumors, and even use needles to remove cataracts I don't know how easy it was. From what I have seen the scene from the HBO series Rome, in which the character of Titus Pullo is injured and unconcious while having a metal plate put in his head was uncommon, but common enough that people did it regularly.

Anyhow...what do you all think? Should I add a "Trained Physician" or "Mundane Doctor" kind of feat?

Sovereign Court

I'm assuming you mean in Golarion yes?

Mechanically a surgeon type feat isn't going to break the game; so if you can justify it to yourself go ahead.

Lore-wise, I can only really see that kind of thing truly thriving in a place like Alkenstar, where people have not relied on magic for healing, and possibly (can't remember its name) the kingdom that's rejected the Gods; Rahadoum or something?

The magical implants seems to be going down a different path; a culture with access to magic is unlikely to have the incentive to pursue surgery and more mundane medicine to the extent that you are suggesting.

I'd personally implement it requiring Alkenstar or the other kingdom affinity, or possibly the kind of feat you can learn in a university in Taldor.

Seems alright to me. A Fistful of Denarii has a few feats along these lines in the back, names like "Minor Medical Miracle" and such. But yeah, ditto Alexander, it's not overpowered.

Liberty's Edge

I like how the feat is presented in the d20 Fading Suns game. I think I may go with that minus the references to cybernetics. I think for implantation of magic items whether that is "spellware" or "arcane techno magic" or whatnot I may make this feat a pre-req to obtain another feat to do that if it becomes and issue in my game.

Sovereign Court

Aries_Omega wrote:
I like how the feat is presented in the d20 Fading Suns game. I think I may go with that minus the references to cybernetics. I think for implantation of magic items whether that is "spellware" or "arcane techno magic" or whatnot I may make this feat a pre-req to obtain another feat to do that if it becomes and issue in my game.

:) it all sounds good to me. Good luck with the feat

What will the mechanical benefits be?

I remember doing a similar thing for my Eberron game. The feat was Surgeon, and it allowed more healing, lower times for recovery from poison and disease, and allowed them to stave off the effects of curses and magical diseases. Additionally, they could treat a patient before casting a healing spell on them. They would take 1 min, make a heal check (could not take 10), and apply 1/2 the result of the check to the healing spell. It consumed 3 uses from a healing kit. It made out of combat healing extremly powerful (CLW would now do wonders), but that only let the party adventure more during a day. Honestly, I thought that with the cost of carrynig around a bunch of healing kits it was just fine.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The Minor Medical Miracle feat and such from A Fistful of Denarii were adapted from d20 Modern. I am confident they would work in any campaign.

Liberty's Edge

RJGrady wrote:
The Minor Medical Miracle feat and such from A Fistful of Denarii were adapted from d20 Modern. I am confident they would work in any campaign.

Fist full of Denarii? Is that the name of the sourcebook?

For now I adapted the "Physick" feat from Fading Suns d20 and dropped references to grafting on cyberwear.

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