Campaign Without A Healer

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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For the Record, stats after racial modifiers
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Rogue: 12 20 12 7 5 11
Sorc: 12 11 11 10 9 18
Fighter: 19 13 16 11 8 9
Barb: 20 14 18 9 12 5
Monk: 16 14 12 9 15 7

So yea, the rog, sorc, barb were able to do the first 1/2 of everflame with only a few more pots and a bit of extra gold. Their dps + smart play got them through.

Shadow Lodge

lastknightleft wrote:
I was responding to the fact that you said a 17 cha sorcerer is weak, he posted the stats of the other party members but the preface that a 17 is weak is what I was going off of. A primary stat being below ten is weak, but while more challenging, it isn't a detriment to start with your primary stats at anything 14+. And a rogue doesn't need int or wisdom. high ranks can adjust to make up for a low int. And wisdom only affects a rogues will saves. I just get something in my craw when people use the term "that won't work in a published adventure." which I don't find to be true.

Regardless of whether you play a 15 point buy or a 40 point buy everyone is going to have fun and the game works. In how high/ low stats are is mostly only important relative to other PCs.

Published adventures have certain assumptions but unless you have the most generic group on the planet a GM will needs to adjust something, whether it's adjusting for party size, lack of a rogue, lack of a cleric, higher than planned stats or lower than planned stats.

Scarab Sages

Being suspicious of dice rolling is silly. Either someone blatantly cheats, or someone gets unusually lucky. Last character I rolled, I got 18/14/18/16/11/12. Human gets +2 to one of those. Unusual? Abosolutely. The previous character? Nothing higher than a 14, and 2 lower than 10. Unusually unlucky? You Betcha!

This is one reason why point buys are so popular. Even so, I prefer the dice rolling method. Now, some schmo comes to the table with straight 16+, I am going to be wondering. As GM, that kind of stuff is a no no,but I can find a lot of ways to nerf them in game.

Bomanz wrote:
Being suspicious of dice rolling is silly.

I disagree.

If you're actually rolling just 3d6 (Classic method), and only rolling 6 times (no extra rolls to pick your best 6), then there is a 1 in 36 chance of getting an 18. Not great, but surely possible.

However, in my three decades of playing D&D (etc.) I have maybe played with 100 players, give or take. Probably fewer than that, actually. And I can name at least 10 that I knew, *KNEW* were cheating on die rolls.

That puts cheating players, IME, at 1 in 10.

Seems to me that betting on 1 in 10 odds is at least as reasonable as betting on 1 in 36 odds. Statistically speaking, it's more reasonable.

More reasonable does not equal "silly".

And yes, all that said, I know people really do roll well sometimes, even without witnesses. I am not saying that it cannot or does not happen. It could be cheating, it could be luck. In my experience, the cheating looks to be the most probable.

Shadow Lodge

Bomanz wrote:

Being suspicious of dice rolling is silly. Either someone blatantly cheats, or someone gets unusually lucky. Last character I rolled, I got 18/14/18/16/11/12. Human gets +2 to one of those. Unusual? Abosolutely. The previous character? Nothing higher than a 14, and 2 lower than 10. Unusually unlucky? You Betcha!

This is one reason why point buys are so popular. Even so, I prefer the dice rolling method. Now, some schmo comes to the table with straight 16+, I am going to be wondering. As GM, that kind of stuff is a no no,but I can find a lot of ways to nerf them in game.

Whether you are suspicious of rolling or not it seriously sucks when the guy next to you has 2 18s and your highest stat is a 15 and you have 2 sevens. Whether it's bad dice, bad luck, or flat out cheating doesn't change the fact that it's frustrating.

If I ever do rolled stats again I will have everyone roll with the set of casino dice I own. My personal feeling is that point buy or using a common set of stats is the best way to go.

Sometimes you just roll awesomely.

I had a kobold factotum who did 4d6 drop lowest. My results?

15, 16, 14, 16, 12, 15

I rolled them openly, too!

It was wonderful :D

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